The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 89

I shook my head.
He wasn’t getting it.
Sophie’s pov
This was far too dangerous. We can’t go through with this.
“It wouldn’t matter if you scrap everything about me Aiden. It wouldn’t leave out the fact that we have a son to- gether. They will
piece together everything and will know that I was a teen mother. What am I suppose to say when they ask why Ashton was
never seen with you?” I threw up my hands in exasperation.
“Would this not ruin your reputation? Will this not-
He cuts me off.” Then we come up with a plan to make him known to the public on our terms.””
I rise to my feet, breathing out fire. “My son will not be in some gossip tabloids Aiden! I don’t want that kind of life for
Aiden’s gaze turned stormy, he was angry. “He’s my son too Sophie! I’m a CEO, the richest in New York. Every tabloid hangs off
on every word I say, every move I make. It wouldn’t be long until they find out about him. He will be in the public eye no matter
how much we fight this.”
I’m seething. Angry. Furious at his words.
I knew he was right but I didn’t want him to be.
“Over my dead body Aiden. Our son will have a normal life. And for your information I will not agree to be your fake fiance. You
go down that rabbit hole yourself. I’ll not be doomed along with you.” I hissed and stormed my way out of his office, slamming the
door on my way out.
I don’t care if he’s my boss or not. He should never have placed me in such a position that I was too dumbfounded to know

I ruffled my hair, not even caring that I was messing it up. D*mn him for putting me in this position.
What did I expect anyway? This was Aiden we were talk- ing about.
The guy only thinks for himself and what would benefit him, not caring about the other people he’ll put in the cross- fire.
For the next hour or so I’m doing my best to work effi- ciently. But my mind keep straying to the huge problem Aiden and I was
about to face.
I pretended to be his fiance in front of his grandfather who was a powerful man. What would happen when he finds out we lied?
I rubbed my forehead and sighed.
If I could rip Aiden a new one I’d do it in a heartbeat.
“What are you still doing seated?” Aiden’s voice grumbles above me.
I snapped my head up. I was slouched and had my fore-
head on my opened palm as I thought of possible ways to get out of this situation.
I didn’t even pick up on his footsteps.
I winced and straightened my spine.
Is he going to be that boss who’s uptight and rude when they find their employees slacking off?
Especially with the way I blasted him in his office earlier.
“Sorry. Was deep-
Aiden cuts in before I am done making up an excuse.” We need to be on our way to that interview.” He lifts his hand, his eyes
falling on his watch around his wrist. “We should get. there in the next thirty minutes or so.”
My brows knot. Am I missing something?
“If you don’t mind me asking Aiden. But what interview are we heading to? And why do I need to tag along?”
Are secretaries allowed to even tag along with their boss for interviews?

Aiden looks at me like I have grown a second head.
“My PA isn’t here yet so that leaves you to be the one to take her place for now. Also did you not read the file I gave you
yesterday? It clearly stated everything I have to do today and the rest of the week.” He said with a slight shake of his head before
his eyes narrowed down on me.
“If you’ve already forgotten about that, I imagine you’ve forgotten that you’re supposed to bring along optional suits
for me to wear for the said interview?” His eyes flash in
My eyes widen.
I was?
Aiden chuckles when he sees my expression and pulls out his phone from his pocket.
He dials a number and then places the phone to his ear. “Olivia, would you please send suits-
He walks away leaving me a bit angry that he was calling Olivia instead of just giving me the numbers for the stores. I could call
them too Aiden!
I glared at his back only for him to catch me in the act when he turns around to lift his brows. “Aren’t you tagging along mama
I nod, standing up.
“Oh and bring that file along. You need a bit more study- ing it seems.” He said with a teasing smirk plastered on his face.
I glared at him and he chuckled, turned around and con- tinued to speak on the phone with this Olivia woman.
“It seems you pick your days when you want to be a devil Aiden,” I gritted while taking the bag and following after him.
If he thinks I’ll bring that file he had another thing coming.
“Mr. Xavier!” A woman with a head-worn condenser mi- crophone shouts and glasses shouts across the room, waving her hand
to catch Aiden’s attention.

She’s beaming with a look of awe as she rushes over to
“Mr. Xavier I’ve been asked to show you to your private changing room. Follow me.” She chirps after giving Aiden a very
seductive look and completely ignores me like everyone else.
As soon as we got on set, no one and I mean no one seem to acknowledge that I was standing beside Aiden. Everyone seemed
to be so transfixed by him that you’d think he was some kind of G*d and not the blue-eyed devil his employees
deem him to be.
The woman brought us to a private dressing room.
“So you can wait here until the interviewer arrives. She’s running a bit late today. There’s water in the mini fridge and a few
drinks. But it would be wise to stay clear-headed for your interview.” She chirps.
How can someone be so chirpy so early?
I mean it was eleven forty but it was way too early to be
Or maybe you’re just angry because no one has yet to look at you and all those women are sending all these sugges- tive looks
Aiden’s way.
“I’ll see you soon Mr. Xavier.” The woman grins and then leaves soon after.
When she was gone, I glared at Aiden. You have them falling at your feet like dominoes.”
Aiden tugs on his tie as he settles himself on the chair in front of the mirror. He looks at me through his reflection in the mirror, his
lips curving into a grin.
“Are you jealous mama bear?”
I snorted. “Of course not.” I denied.

He shakes his head and with a chuckle murmurs. “You see you wouldn’t have been if you agreed to be my fake fiance. At least
then you’d have a right to tell them off.” He winks.

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