The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 84

Sophie’s pov
When Aiden leaves, I plop down on the chair with a sigh while lifting Ashton onto my lap.
I let him play with my fingers as I look at my Mila who sat on the loveseat mirroring the sofa I sat on. She’s staring at me in
confusion and shock.
“Sophie....” She trailed off in a stunned tone.
Knowing what she was going to say I nodded. “Yes I know. I’m shocked too. Even more confused.” I admitted.
She saw how Aiden acted with Ashton just a few minutes ago. He was warmer, more friendlier, and calmer than he had been
years ago.
It stunned us all.
“From how bossy, arrogant, and intimidating he was earli- er to now warm, smiley and friendly is a huge leap within hours. He
was so stern this morning and then in his office he
I stopped and blushed furiously as I played with Ashton’s tiny fingers.
Mila’s eyes narrowed as her brows lift and she stared at me in amusement. “He was what?” Her lips tug up as if she was fighting
a smile or a laugh.
“Yeah. He was what Soph?” Ria teased as she walked over with three mugs filled with coffee on a platter. She gives one
to Mila and then walks over to me to give me one.
“Nothing,” I blushed and lifted the rim of the mug to my lips, and took a sip of the coffee.
I winced. It was way too sweet but I knew better than to tell Ria that her coffee making skills were not top notch.
Unfortunately, Mila didn’t have the same thoughts as me.

“Ria you added way too much sugar in this coffee.” Mila cringes as she wipes her top lip.
Ria glares at her as she plops down on the other loveseat on the left.
“Well then you should have done your own coffee b**h.” She snapped.
I shot her a furious glare that she winced to and mumbled an apology.
I sighed and then brushed some of Ashton’s hair.
“I seriously thought you had been kidnapped Soph when I got here and you were nowhere in sight. Mila sent me that text
seconds before I was about to dial 9-1-1.” Ria grumbles.
I winced. “Sorry. It’s not like I had a choice too. Aiden be- ing Aiden threatened an innocent man’s job. He literally threw me
across his shoulder and left the apartment with me kicking and screaming.”
I need to call Bernard later and set a date for coffee so we could talk about what’s been happening between Aiden and me. He
deserved that much for going out of his way to help.
Mila rolled her eyes. “It wouldn’t be Aiden if he hadn’t threatened you.”
Ria snorted. “Was he always like this in high school?”
I nodded. “Annoying, rude and bossy then yes. A bully too.” I grumble and then looked down at Ashton.
Sighing heavily I admitted. “But I’ve considered giving him the benefit of the doubt and will let him have a chance to show me if
he truly cares about Ash at all. Tonight he showed he did. Hopefully, he’ll continue to show me and convince me that he has
Mila nods. “I agree. Give him a chance maybe he has changed. I also saw the way he looked at you two, especially you Soph-
I shook my head and cut her off. “No. Don’t go there, Mila. We both know how it ends up when I give him a chance back in my
heart. I’m not going to let my guard down so easily be- cause of a few stares here and there. I’m tougher now.”
Well I hoped I was tougher now.
Mila nods and looked at Ria.

I knew they were thinking the same. They were doubting that I can resist Aiden.
Especially with the way he looked at me tonight while he was playing with Ashton on the rug.
But I’m about to prove them wrong.
Aiden’s pov
I tried to move the tie off my neck as I closed the door be-
hind me.
That business dinner took longer than I thought but I managed to make that woman agree to sign the contract.
I scanned my eyes over the living room and stopped as I felt the heaviness in my heart.
The room was clean. Spotless. Quiet.
A few days ago I loved all three. But now, the room looked like it was missing something.
Maybe it missed toys s**ered messily on the floor. Maybe it missed coffee stains on the couch.
My gaze sweep over to the couch. It was way too white.
My eyes fall to the rug. It was way too neat.
The penthouse way too quiet. Way too clean. Way too spotless. Way too lonely.
I’ve never felt so lonely in my life until I came to the pent- house tonight and found every room spotless and quiet.
There were no sharp happy giggles from my son as I tick- led him lightly on his stomach.
There were no soft giggles coming from his mother as she stared at us. As she watched me play with our son with a soft smile
on her face.
I had hope then that I was reaching her. That it wouldn’t
take long to get into her heart and hopefully make her forgive me for all the s*it I put her through.
I was not only doing this to get into her good graces. I re- ally did want Sophie and Ashton in my life.

And clearly...
I scan over the empty living room space.
I wanted them to live with me too.
But I wasn’t s**id to not know that she would definitely give me hell before she agrees.
In fact, there was a huge possibility that she’d never agree. She’d never want to leave her friends, and the apart- ment she’s
known for years to live with someone she doesn’t
I had more work to do if I wanted us to be a family. That
much was clear,
I sighed and walked over to the huge sectional sofa.
Ashton would really love it here....
I fling the tie somewhere on the sofa and throw my head back and watched the ceiling.
I really hate this feeling of loneliness. I hated how so quiet it was right now.
I crave to hear them in here. To see them in here. To wake up to them here.
My phone suddenly blares in my pocket and I fished it
My jaw clenched when I saw the caller ID.
I swipe my thumb over the answer button and lift the phone to my ear. “Yes?”
“I’m calling to let you know that I’ve received the files. Al- so, I want to have a word with you.” Sergio said over the phone.

I pinched between my brows.
He must want me to go to another business meeting to negotiate.
“What is it?” I asked tightly.
I had a family to fight for, I didn’t need him to stress me out right now.
“I think I found you a wife.”
Sophie’s pov
Bernard is sitting across from me, his gaze swirling with deep confusion and shock.
“Wait. So Ashton’s father is Aiden Xavier?” He asked with a perplexed expression.
I figured it wouldn’t make sense to not tell him the truth. Bernard has after all done so much for me and Ashton.
I couldn’t bare to lie to his face.
So I told him everything.
From how Aiden and I were in high school. The reason why I wanted to leave the job. The reason why Aiden threat- ened his
I told him that Aiden was Ashton’s dad. I told him every- thing....
I nodded, wincing as I brought the cup of coffee to my lips.
We’re at the diner, the very same one I have worked at for
After dropping Ashton off at daycare, I came here to have coffee with Bernard and to tell him everything.
Mila approaches us.
“Do you two need anything else? A croissant?” Mila asked.

I shook my head. We were actually late for work and I’m surprised Aiden hasn’t called my phone as yet to ask me about my
Sure he called to speak to Ash, but there was a different edge in his voice when he spoke to me this morning.
“No. I’m going in a few. Running late.” I said to Mila with a
Bernard also declined anything else other than a coffee.
Mila walks away soon after.
“Now I understand why he reacted that way when I said you left the building.” Bernard nods.
I sighed. “I’m so sorry I pulled you into that mess with Aiden, Bernard. He had no right to threaten your job. But don’t worry I
won’t let him fire you.” I reassured.
Those years Bernard visited the diner, those talks with me let me know that he loved his job.
I would not make a little disagreement with Aiden cost the innocent man his job. I’ll not be the cause of his downfall.
Bernard smiled softly. “Honestly this wasn’t the first time Aiden has threatened my position. But that time he meant it. He
would’ve done anything to keep you by his side. I don’t know if to worry about this man’s determination or give him his props.”
I press my lips together as I frowned. Bernard was right.
Aiden was determined to get what he wanted and he al- ways got it. But was that something to fear? Yes. Was it some-
thing to give him his props for? Probably.
The man can achieve anything. It was clear so when he got out of jail earlier when he was supposed to serve five.
He was powerful. And that was something to both fear and look up to.
The only problem with that was that he was determined to leave me by his side even before he knew about Ashton.
What was his purpose then?

Bernard looks at his watch wrapped around his wrist. “We should head to work now. We’re running a bit late. ” He said and lift his
gaze to mine.
“I’m sad you’re no longer working in my department So- phie but I’m happy you got an even bigger position. I just hope Aiden
treats you well and with respect.”
I nodded with a tight smile.
I hope he treats me well too.
We’re making our way into the building when eyes like marbles roll over to me.
One happens to be Gregg.
My footsteps quickened when I noticed that he was ap- proaching me.
Please make it be Bernard he’s coming over here for. I silently pray in my head.
“Sophie!” He calls out, waving at me.
I sighed heavily in my head, looking over at Bernard in a silent way to tell me to help me escape.
He shook his head and smiled. “I’ll see you later on So- phie.”
He leaves me quickly after and all I could do was glare at his back. What a traitor.
I stopped, crossing my arms as Gregg stops before me. His eyes are raking down my form. Suggestively and making me
“Rumor has it that you’re one of the Ceo’s w**res.”
I flinched at his bluntness and cruel words.
I knew that the rumors would not have been forgiving but d*mn, I thought they’d at least not be so cruel about it.
I opened my mouth to respond to him but he smirked and speaks before I got a word in.

“I’m just here to warn you that our Ceo has never settled for one girl before. Holding your hopes for him to only see you is a far-
fetched dream. You’re better off with a normal guy. He won’t make you happy.”
Okay I’m done with hearing this.
Glaring at him, I spat lowly. “Gregg, why did you waste my time? Whatever is happening with the CEO and me isn’t any- one’s
business and certainly not yours. Please don’t stop me again for some nonsense.”
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Gregg’s face is a mixture of shock and disbelief. He clearly had not expected me to counter him back with anger and irri-
I left him standing there mouth gapped in shock.
When I entered the elevator and the doors slid closed, I breathed out a sigh.
I knew the rumors would be cruel. It’s not like it was a shock that they thought I was one of Aiden’s w**res.
My brows knot.
How many w**es did he normally bring here?
Why am I even thinking about this?
It’s not like I should care at all.
He’s a p***oy, always has been. Seeing him with a wom- an, well me, obviously, they’d think we had something going
Well didn’t you two have something going on? My con- science mocked me.
Now is seriously not the time conscience. I’m trying to hold my head above the rough waters of the storm. I have no time to think
about Aiden and me.
We were only parents to a cute boy named Ashton. And of course, to co-parent we had to get along.
There’s nothing going on between us. And probably would never.

The elevator doors ding open and I walked out.
I need to tell Aiden about those rumors. Give him a heads- up that his employees thought we were a thing.
Well, the latest thing since he can’t stay with a woman for more than a day.
I march over to his office after setting my bag on the desk. My heels clicked loudly and when I thrust that door open without
knocking, I wanted a hole to swallow me whole.
Because in the room, with a stern expression was the old- er man I saw in court.
That same old powerful man.
Aiden whose expression looks irritated and angry stands up from his chair and points over to me.
“Grandfather, this is the woman I was talking about. She’s my fiance.”

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