The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 81

Aiden’s pov
Austin gave me many pointers that I would definitely use.
Don’t rush.
Don’t be too impulsive.
Don’t get angry at her much.
Give her time to warm up to the idea of her not being the only one to take care of Ashton alone.
Give her reasons to trust me.
Treat her with respect.
I can do those simple things....
Except, maybe I’d have a little trouble with moving slowly with her. I’ve always wanted that woman, I craved that woman for
years. Now that we would always be tied together forever because of our son, there was nothing that can be in my way to get
Well except for her heart and mind. This two had a vindic- tive over me, I was sure.
I shake my head. Of course I had to get her heart first if I even want her...
I looked over at the clock. It was almost twelve. Almost noon. Lunchtime.
This was a nice way to do something for her. Maybe if I buy her lunch she’d not be so angry. Though she had a good reason to
be. She did see that dirty thong in the drawer and that s*upid note that suggested I had sex with Noel. Which I did not!
Some can be snakes when they want to. I’ll have that b**h pay dearly. I will leave a bad review for her and spoil her name. I want
to see if she can get herself a new job and get herself out of the gutter.

I would feed her, her karma personally.
She should’ve known I’d retaliate after she pulled that stunt and made Sophie build back those walls I was trying to break. And
sure it wasn’t close to breaking but it did c**ck a bit when I pulled her into my arms and kissed her.
I felt her melt into me. Her mouth had turned soft and she definitely kissed me back.
She was still attracted to me, especially with how she gave in to me yesterday. And sure I said something nasty and un- forgiving
to her but I hope that she would someday find it in her to forgive me for my s**pid words.
Sometimes I believe I should have a filter or a d**n tape on my mouth. I say the s**dest s**t at the wrong time and now it has
cost me more.
My words had scarred her into not trusting herself to give in to me. I had a lot to fight against but I wasn’t one to back down.
I don’t care how long it takes, Sophie will be mine and we will be a family.
I just need to tread these waters carefully and hopefully, she’d open up to me and weaken those walls. For now, I need to work
on making her trust me.
I picked up the phone and dialed her. She picks up quickly and her soft voice sends a shock to my c**k that stirred.
That’s something I need to work on too. When it comes to her my c**k doesn’t really know when to calm down.
“Sophie,” I breathed out while fixing myself on the chair in hopes that my c**k would calm down.
“Mr. Xavier.” She answers bluntly.
I winced. I couldn’t exactly be mad at her for her cold emotionless tone. But I would admit seeing her jealous flush
was rather cute.
I picked up the pen, my heart racing. It feels like I am a teenager all over again. How embarrassing.
I’m literally sweating buckets, nerves wrecking my compo- sure. She’s not even here in the room and I’m a nervous wreck.
Embarrassing indeed.
“It’s noon now. Are you hungry?” As soon as I asked that question I leaned forward in anticipation of her answer.

She takes a few seconds to respond. “Famished actually. I was just about to head to your office to ask for permission to leave for
My palm slam against the desk lightly as I rushed out.
I heard her sharp intake of breath. Obviously, she was stunned by my sudden outburst.
I cleared my throat and scratched the back of my head in embarrassment. Great. I f**ked up already. Again.
I cleared my throat.
“I mean no, no need to leave for lunch. I’ll order some- thing to eat and you can come to the office to eat here. What do you
crave for?” I asked nervously.
To my disappointment and not so much shock, Sophie denied. “No that’s fine Mr. Xavier. No need to order me lunch, I’ll just head
to the staff canteen and look for something there like the rest of your employees.”
I gritted my teeth. I hated that she referred to me as ‘Mr. Xavier’ as if we were strangers. We had a son, we were com- pletely far
from being strangers.
“No, I insist Sophie. We need to talk about Ashton any- way. All we’ve done since morning was argue and more argu- ing. I think
it would be good to talk about Ashton over lunch. That way we both would be more relaxed.”
I felt a bit guilty putting my son into my mess in trying to get his mother to have lunch with me privately, but I had to do something
or else her stubbornness would surely win.
I gnaw on my lips as I waited for her answer. She took longer than I thought and I began to itch. I loosened my tie and
S*it. This woman still gets me nervous as f*ck after all these years. And here I thought I had gotten over her. Just thinking about
it had me snorting.
Get over her my a*s. I’m literally sweating and on the verge of a heart attack by just waiting for her answer.

And then she let out a puff of air and breathed out reluc- tantly. “Okay fine. But only about Ashton. Also, I actually crave some
hawaiian pizza.”
I could literally hear the smile in her voice when she men- tioned what she craved for. A little part of me hoped she’d say she
craved for me. But that part was just h**ny.
Pizza was a fast good and wasn’t healthy but I didn’t want to sound like a prude and tell her that her choice of food was- n’t good
for her.
So instead of telling her to add some veggies in there, I smiled and nodded even though she couldn’t see me.
“Okay then mama bear, coming right up,” I said and smiled so big that I feared my lips were about to split my en- tire face in half.
I loved calling her mama bear, it suited her well.
This was good. This was a good step forward. She’d have lunch with me and maybe if I play my cards right, I can c**ck a few of
those walls she built up.
Aiden’s pov
She’s sitting across the room on the lounge sofa while chewing on the pizza slowly.
Almost nervously actually.
The corner of my lips tugs slightly. It was cute and also entertaining to see her this way. Nervous and squirmish in my
“Are you scared that I have poisoned the pizza or are you scared to be alone with me?” I teased her while leaning back
on the chair.
I would’ve rathered if she was closer to me, right across the desk perhaps, or even on my lap which would’ve been far better.
She was too d**n far away for my liking.
Her eyes snap up from staring at the pizza in her hand and she answered unseriously.
“Both. I don’t underestimate your capabilities.”

I snorted and picked up a pizza from the box. I didn’t like. pizza and would much rather a healthier meal, but it was the only
source of food on hand right now. Besides I’m trying to impress her.
Which wasn’t working out obviously.
“Do you really think I’d ever poison you mama bear?” I
joked and bit into the pizza.
It tastes good. Not the best even though I specifically asked for the best. But it would do.
I munched on it slowly as I stared her down.
She was d**n beautiful. Easily the most beautiful woman in the world.
“Hmmm. Then if so we’ll both die.” I lifted the pizza into a cheers gesture and winked at her flushed face.
“And why are you scared to be alone with me? Is it be- cause...” I trailed off, my eyes falling to her thighs that are clenched
tightly. She was trying to hide the fact that her p**sy was quivering for me.
I smirked.
Even though she hated me, it’s a good thing she’s still at- tracted to me. It will help to break down those walls if I use it right.
“You’re currently wet between your thighs and you know that you can’t resist me?” I baited and loved the way her cheeks flushed
with red.
She looked cute as hell. And tempting.
It’s been a while since I’ve dipped my tongue in her p**sy.....
Was it not a few hours ago? A day ago?
That was way too long.
Aiden take your d***n time with her. Not everything is supposed to be sexual. The better part of my mind reminded
But she always looks so enticing...

Sophie blew out some air from her mouth which drew me to those tempting luscious lips.
I was having the worst time having to resist her. It was nearly impossible but I keep in mind that it would be worth it in the end.
A little flirting won’t hurt from time to time.
“Aiden, be serious. Besides, are we not supposed to be talking about our son?” She asked.
I grinned. She was trying really hard to pretend that I was- n’t getting under her skin. Oh but I knew I was getting under her skin.
Especially when her thighs clenched even more when the words rolled off my tongue.
I bet she’s extra wet between her thighs, so wet that she has managed to drench her panties.
My tongue darts out to lick across my lips, already tasting her on my tongue.
I bit into the pizza, trying to clench my hunger for her by doing so. It doesn’t quite help seeing as Sophie was in the same room
and her alluring fragrance was fluttering through the air.
I nod to answer her pending question, swallowed, and grinned slightly. “Right. I invited you for lunch to talk about
our son. Speaking of Ashton, what time does he get off day- care?”
I missed holding him already. He was adorable and his scent smelled like home. He felt like home.
“Around three why?” Her eyes narrowed slightly.
I lifted a shoulder in barely there shrug. “Because we will go together to pick him up mama bear. Just imagine his little face when
he sees both his parents coming to pick him up.” | smiled.
She shifted around on the seat and then nodded slowly. “You’re right.”
I know I’m right. I’m always right.
I’m going to make my son love me as much as it was clear he loved his mother.
“Also about his last name, it needs to switch to Xavier. I’m in the picture now so it makes no sense to not put it.” I said and watch
her intensely to see her reaction.
She stiffens and she looks at me in stunned silence. Was it really shocking that I wanted my son to sign my last name?

But surprisingly she doesn’t argue like I thought she would, instead she tore her eyes away and with a nod mur- murs. “You’re
right. We’ll get it done whenever you’re ready.”
My lips lifted. I kind of missed the little spitfire that always argued with me.
“You’re my secretary now, schedule a date.”
Her eyes snapped to mine quickly and she stuttered out. “A da-te?”
I nod, amused that her mind had wandered off some- where else. “Yes, a date to switch his last name. I have to be present
“Oh,” She murmurs in embarrassment and then nods. “Yes. I’ll get that done.”
I smiled. She definitely thought I was speaking about something different.
For the next thirty minutes, we continued to talk about our son, what he likes, and what he doesn’t. His birthday, his favorite food.
Even his favorite shirt which was a blue polo with a bear on the left side of his chest.
I memorized everything down to his fear of heights.
My mom was scared of heights so I believe she passed the torch down. I chuckled inwardly.
When she left the office and went back to work I thought of ways I could make her come back. But then I figured it would be too
suspicious and I perhaps should give her a chance to be familiar with being my secretary.
My PA would be coming back to work in three days so at least she’ll get some help.
For now, I’ll try to take it easy on her.
When it was two thirty on the dot, I packed my stuff. A bit excited to see my son once again.
Strange how knowing him for only one day and he had completely taken over my life with his cute self.
I throw the jacket over my arm and stepped out of the of- fice.
When I approached Sophie, her eyes are down on a few papers I gave her to study. Those were the papers Noel left behind.
They detailed everything she needed to know and all the appointments and meetings I had to attend.

“Mama bear,” I said to get her attention.
Her eyes snap up and she blushed. “Is it two already...” She trailed off and looked at the small square clock on the desk.
“Oh,” She murmured.
I nod and grinned at her. “Time to get off work. It’s now time to pick up our son.”
Our son.
I loved the sound of that.
I’m skimming through the printed words on the paper Aiden gave to me an hour ago or so.
He mentioned that it was also on the computer stored in a private file but I found it better to read on paper.
When I heard his footfalls nearing I press my lips together to stop from smiling.
The talk with him in the office about our son was one of
the best conversations I had ever had with him.
He was attentive and seemed to be drinking in every word I said about Ashton. He chuckled a bit when I mentioned that our son
was a bit fearful of heights and said he must’ve got- ten that fear from his mother, because she too was scared of heights.
I had smiled then. Ashton really took all of Aiden’s genes and down to his personality and none of mine. Except for the
scrunching up of the nose when we get irritated.
I never thought in a million years that Aiden and I would be talking about Ashton with so much giddiness and warmth.
In fact I never thought we could stay in the same room with each other for longer than five minutes without aiming for each
other’s throat or aiming to get rid of each other’s clothes.
But we managed to avoid both.
And dare I say it, I loved talking to him about our son. He also looked like he loved hearing about his son which made me fawn

I never saw him so warm and attentive before.
It was so strange for me to enjoy a meaningful conversa- tion with him. And I’m even more stunned when our conversa- tions
remained warm and giddy the entire time. Not once did we try to argue or disagree.
From quarreling in the morning to now was such a huge difference that it felt weird that this all happened in one day.
In a few hours to be exact.
“Mama bear,”
I sharp shiver run down my spine whenever he called me that. I felt a blush paint on my cheeks, red.
I lift my head up and see that he was looking at me in amusement. His jacket was draped over his arm and he looked as ready
as ever with a gleam of excitement roaming in his eyes as well.
“Is it two already...” I trailed off and looked down at the small clock on the desk. It’s two thirty.
I looked back over at Aiden to see that he was grinning from ear to ear.
“Time to get off work. It’s now time to pick up our son.” He said and then I couldn’t help but fawn over the way he said
our son.
Where was that woman who would hold her guard up with him to protect her son? My conscience mocked me.
She’s still there, just less uptight about it. I think it would be better to give Aiden a chance to prove me wrong. To prove that he’ll
not disappoint Ash like he’s done to me countless. times.
There’s no harm in giving him that chance to prove him- self before I burn him at the stake.
Besides, he looked interested in raising his son with all those questions he spewed at me I’m the office earlier have to couch for
Just let me clean up,” I said as I quickly place the file in one of the drawers and some of the papers s**tered a bit on the desk.
When I’m done, I stood up and walked around the desk to stand beside him. He ushers for me to walk ahead and I do so.

When we stood beside the elevator and waited for the doors to open, Aiden is suddenly beside me, so close that I can feel his
heat brushing against my skin.
I sucked in a sharp breath when his palm rest on the small of my back, the second the elevator doors slide open.
His palm heat burn through the material of the dress and when he nudges me forward I found my feet feeling a bit wobbly.
I’m surprised I hadn’t embarrassed myself by slipping to the floor.
We turn around, his hands still on the small of my back.
There’s no way he doesn’t know what he’s doing to me. I can practically hear my own rough breathing in this small confined
space, there’s no way he couldn’t hear too.
“Don’t worry about the other suits and dresses. I’ll have someone drop them over at your place later on today. ” Aiden said and
finally peeled his hand off the small of my back.
Finally, I can breathe properly.
I shifted away from him a little and I can practically feel his frown at my action.
“You really didn’t have to buy all of that Aiden-
“Please don’t start another argument, Sophie. Just accept it.” He sighed.
I winced inwardly. Okay, we’re back to Sophie so that meant he was irritated.
I nod and stayed silent. When the doors finally slide open, I froze when there are employees still roaming the first floor.
Well Sophie it’s not even three yet so of course they’ll still be here. My conscience reminded me and made me feel s**pid.
“Come on,” Aiden said, a second later his hand is back on the small of my back, pressing into the material as if purpose- ly trying
to reach my skin.
I breathed in through my nose and stepped out of the ele- vator. With him so close and with his hand on the small of my back we
had garnered everyone’s attention.

With Aiden inviting me to lunch today in his office saved me from all those questioning stares. But now I had an inkling that they’ll
be ready to question me about him tomorrow.
They wouldn’t dare try to question me about him in his
“Everyone’s staring Aiden,” I whispered for only him to hear as I nervously dart my eyes away from the prying eyes.
“Let them stare Sophie. Let them stare at the beautiful woman I have beside me.” He grumbles, pressing his palm more into my
His words had my heart leaping and I nearly tripped on my feet but his steady hands reached out in time to keep me sturdy.
Aiden chuckles, his arm now looping around my waist. “I should probably keep you even closer if you’re tripping over my words
mama bear. Don’t want you to fall and hurt your- self, our son won’t forgive me I’m afraid.” He jokes, squeezing me to him.
Oh, Aiden. What are you up to?
Why are you playing with my heart?

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