The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 79

Sophie’s pov
Aiden puffs out a frustrated breath and continued. “I lied yesterday. And I lied about a lot of things. But what I am not lying about
is sleeping with Noel. I never f**ked her.”
“But you obviously did something with her for that grown woman to place a thong with a note in the drawer as a parting gift.” I
accused while not letting up my glare.
Aiden looks annoyed and groans. “The woman sucked me off once. How am I supposed to know that she’d leave a note in a
draw with a thong? She’s delusional.”
She sucked him off....
That told me all I needed to know.
Because even if he hadn’t ‘f**ked’ her he still made her suck him off. And who knows when that happened? Maybe after I walked
out. She went straight to his office to comfort him with a good old c**k sucking.
I hope she at least tasted me on his c**k yesterday. I hope she knew I was wrapped around him first before she got to taste him
if she did suck him off after I left.
“Thanks for letting me know. ” I nodded stiffly and turned around. Opening the door, I stopped and looked at him over my
“By the way you were right. It doesn’t concern me what you do or what hole you dip into. Do what you want Aiden I’m not
stopping you and you sure as hell don’t need to give me
an explanation. But please come and get rid of that dirty thong in the drawer, it does belong to you after all.”
After I said those words, I quickly step out of his office and ignored his calls.
If I get him irritated enough maybe he’ll fire me...
I made my way back to the desk and wiggle my nose as I remember that the dirty thong was still in there.

“Sophie!” Aiden growls behind me, his footsteps heavy as he rushed to catch up. I walk faster, not wanting him to stop me like he
usually did.
“Don’t you dare walk away from me.” He snapped in frus- tration.
I snorted and said over my shoulder. “And what will you do if I defy you ‘boss’?”
I nearly did a happy dance when I reached the desk and had time to sit down on the chair before he reached me.
He slammed his palm on the surface of the desk and I flinched a bit. He sneers, his eyes stormy. “When I tell you to stop, you
stop. Do you hear me?”
I narrowed my eyes. I don’t quite like that tone.
“And I say if you don’t like me defying you. Which I will do Aiden. I will defy you every single chance I get. I will defy you. So the
best solution to this is you firing me before I give you grey hairs before your time.” I smirked coldly and his eyes are the ones to
narrow now.
“Defy me all the f**k you want, I’m still going to get what I
want because guess what Sophie? I’m the boss here and I say when I’m done talking or not..... and I wasn’t done talking to you.”
He seethed leaning forward.
I leaned back in the chair even though he was still far away from me and scowled. “I think the conversation was done.”
He shook his head and grumble. “You always do this s*it. Always run away and can never face your problems head on. You’ve
been running away blindly from me for years and you still haven’t realized that I’m not the bad guy.”
I raised a brow playing it cool and collected even though he was sending shots that were clearly hitting the target. “I have not
been running away from you Aiden-
Aiden snorted. “Right. And I guess that’s why we have ended up the way we are now. Aren’t you done with running away from
me Sophie? When will you stop? When will you re- alize-
He stops and runs a hand through his hair while letting out a frustrated breath. “Look. I didn’t have to follow you back here and I
don’t have to tell you this but I will. I have not f**ked another woman yesterday other than you. And Noel meant nothing, would

never mean anything. I was frustrated and she was there. It happened and I regretted it-
Now it was my turn to snort and cut him off. “Of course she meant nothing. Don’t you say the same thing to every sin- gle woman
you’ve f**ked? That they meant nothing? Isn’t that right Mr. Xavier?”
I didn’t know I was on the verge of crying until my eyes misted.
“Sophie,” Aiden gritted out in frustration. “You may choose to believe me or not but I know that I have not slept with Noel-
I shook my head and cut him off. “It’s honestly not my business if you did or not Mr. Xavier. Let’s keep this profes- sional between
us. Sorry for accusing you, I had no right to. Whatever you do with your body is your business. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll get
familiar with my work station.”
I needed him to go away. I can’t think properly when he was so close to me. Besides, I feared I would believe him if he
Aiden sighs in irritation and looks at me silently for a few before straightening and fixing his tie. “Fine, if that’s what you want I’ll
leave.” He grumbles and then looks down at me.
“Where is that thong and note?” He asked suddenly.
My heart s**pped and then squeezed painfully.
Did he want to see the note? Did he want to keep that thong?
I should’ve known.
Pressing my lips together and holding in my emotions, I pulled the drawer open and revealed the red thong and note. Aiden
walks around the desk and stands beside me. I stiffen at our close proximity.
I fisted my hands on my lap while biting the inside of my lower lip when he reaches down to grasp the thong and note.
I want to barf and I want to hit and yell at him.
Calm down, Sophie.

I watch Aiden fixedly as he fisted the thongs and note in his hand and started walking away from me.
Each step he took felt like he was slowly causing damage to my heart as it c**cks little by little.
And then.....he throws the note and thong in the trash just in the little corner before this office. “Trash. That’s what it is, that’s
where it belongs.” He grumbles loud enough for me to hear.
He turns to face me, his features not as stiff and tight as it was seconds ago. ” By the way Sophie, your jealousy is rather cute.”
With a smirk and a brush through his hair, he disap- pears into his office leaving me staring at the closed door with a slightly
parted mouth.

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