The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 7

Chapter 7
Sophie’s pov
I nervously looked anywhere but at principal Xavier who hadn’t uttered a word as yet since Aiden and I sat down on the two
vacant seats before his Mahony desk.
The only sounds were the ticking of his pen as he hit it on his desk while staring at Alden and I fixedly
I pulled my bottom lip in my mouth, trying to calm my nerves. This was the first time I had ever been called to the office. I was a
good student, there was no need for me to ever be called to the office
What could I have possibly done?!
I breathed out air through my parted lips, trying to keep my focus on my breathing. I couldn’t have a panic attack now
Not when this could not be anything to worry about “Sophie
Principal Xavier hadn’t even finished his sentence when I lift my head from the desk and whipped my eyes to his quickly
“Yes sir!” I said loudly, too loudly.
Aiden chuckles beside me and I shift in the seat while looking away from principal Xavier.
I cleared my throat and then shaked off my nerves. “Yes sir?” I asked more calmly while lifting my eyes back to stare at his very
stern dark eyes.
With his pen tapping on the desk, principal Xavier eyes narrowed on me. “It has come to my attention that you stayed in the
library after school hours yesterday?”
My heart starts to pound.
Did I leave something I shouldn’t have in the library? Was I not allowed to stay after school hours?
But I never got called out for it before....
Was I really going to get into trouble because I s***ly had that idea to watch porn in the library?

I swallowed harshly, shifting my gaze to Aiden sneakily and then ripping it away when I saw his smirk.
What an a*s.
Straightening my spin, I replied as bravely as I could. “Yes sir.”
I began to feel perspiration decorating my skin when principal Xavier shifts to place his elbows on the desk and his fingers
interlocking. ‘What for?
Aiden snorted and I glared at him as sneakily as I could. But judging by the intensity of principal Xavier’s gaze, I knew he had
seen it.
I licked my rather dry lips and answered, not as bravely as I did prior. “I stayed to finish up a project sir.”
Aiden snorts but tries to hide it with a cough.
Principal Xavier’s brows raised and with the stare he gave me, I knew that he didn’t believe me one bit. He hums, shifting his
gaze to his grandson before shifting it back to me
“Funny Joe said you came out running like the fires of hell were nipping at your feet. He was worried, especially seeing my
grandson over here, right behind you, and was equally running.’ He nudges his chin towards Aiden who hadn’t uttered a word as
But hearing his name join in on the conversation, his slumpy form sits right up. I would’ve laughed if I wasn’t terrified and
currently holding a s**t I needed to drop.
Terror can do that to you.
Principal Xavier places his chin on his interlock fingers and then said. ” With our policy and our concern for all students, I had to
investigate what may have caused you to run so.......quickly like a murderer was on the loose. Or so as Joe described it.”
D**n it Joe! Why couldn’t you have left this alone?
I squeezed my eyes, cursing in my head as my lips starts to wobble.
If this wasn’t bad he wouldn’t have called me to the office. He wouldn’t have called us both to the office.

I looked at Aiden at the exact moment he decided to look at me. Our eyes connected like magnets and I felt my breath catch. My
pulse roars in my chest
I’m the first to break eye contact when principal Xavier continues. “Now to my surprise, I didn’t quite expect to see you miss Bell
in quite a position. Especially with my grandson.”
I gripped the edges of the chair brutally until my knuckles turned white and until my veins showed clearly.
“I don’t know what you mean sir,” My eyes began to beat quickly as I try to remove the sting from them. I didn’t want a taint in my
school records.
Aiden starts but he is cut off by principal Xavier. “No need to try to understand. I’ll just show you two, to make it easier.” The
laptop he had shifted on the side when we walked in is now turned to face Aiden and me,
And on the screen. Is us. F**ng.
In the library
Thacked out a cough and turned bright red. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Perhaps even better if the floor would just open
up and swallow me whole.
Anything to save me from this embarrassment I now face.
To make matters worst, principal Xavier reaches in front of the laptop and presses down on the space bar. The video resumes
and the entire room is filled with the faint sounds of my moaning and Aiden’s groaning.
Principal Xavier quickly pauses the video, looking awkward, and cringes.
I fell bile rise in my throat and quickly swallowed it down. I thought I would get embarrassed if someone caught me watching
porn, but practically being in one myself put the icing on the cake.
“You two must not have known that there are surveillance cameras in the library” He goes back to tangling his fingers together on
the desk while he stared at us
The only difference was the frustration and disappointment in his eyes. “I expected this from Aiden. But not from you Sophiel
What were you two thing?

I fiunched at his angry voice +
Aiden starts but I cut in quickly.
“I’m sorry sir. It was a s**id mistake. We didn’t know
“Of course you two didn’t know. There’s a strict rule that says no sexual intercourse between students, especially on the
premises!” He
I flinched, dropping my gaze to the desk. This was bad. Really bad.
And embarrassing. Really humiliating.
“Sophie is right grandfather. This was nothing more than a mistake that will never happen again.” Aiden said, his voice now really
With my heart dropping painfully and throbbing, I knew that I didn’t like his words. I shifted in my seat, blinking the sting from my
I was hurt.
By his words.
“We place rules here and rules are not meant to be broken. It doesn’t matter if this was a ‘mistake’. It has already been done and
caused damages. If you burn a piece of paper, you won’t get it back.” Principal Xavier mocked the word mistake, as if not
believing our words.
Then he clears his throat which drew my attention. His eyes are already on me, watching me like a hawk. “Judging by my
grandson’s reputation for always teasing you,” He turns to give Aiden an annoyed glare and then turns to face me again.
“I have to ask to be safe. Did Aiden force you, Sophie?” My heart stopped. And suddenly my mouth had gone dry.

“Grandfather! How can you ask such an outrageous question like that? Of course not!” Aiden growled lowly. I could never force
anyone to do what they don’t want to. I would never force myself on anyone.”
Principal Xavier looks annoyed and gave Aiden a pointed look. “You forced her to continue watching porn.” He said blatantly
His words had a raging blush settling on my cheeks. Oh G*d. He saw that one too.
“And Sophie has a voice of her own, especially judging by the video.’ Principal Xavier said with a raised brow. “Can you not
answer for yourself Sophie?”
“You seemed quite vocal yesterday? No?”
I spurted in shock and humiliation, shyly looking over at Aiden who stared back at me blankly.
Sweeping my gaze back to principal Xavier, 1 stuttered out. “N-o, he hadn’t forced me in-to doing any thing.” I shifted in my seat,
praying that would get out of here soon.
Principal Xavier looked at me pointedly. “Which one are you referring to? It was clear he forced you to rewatch your porn videos.
Or no he didn’t force you to have sex with him?”
| squirmed on the seat and nervously started to shake my foot. “No. He didn’t force me into having sex with him.”
Principal Xavier nods and then sighs.” You two broke the rules
Will get punished? Suspended? Expelled?” I rushed out, leaning forward with my hands gripping the chair handles tightly.
Aiden snorted and again tries to cover it up with a laugh. “Miss Bell let me finish. Principal Xavier said calmly.
I awkwardly nodded and fixed myself back on the chair, my fingers crossing in hope that I wouldn’t get expelled.
Principal Xavier looks between Aiden and me and grumbled, “You two will serve two weeks of detention after school for two

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