The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 68

Sophie’s pov
Even though my body burned with heat and was in need of him to continue, at least my mind told me to stop. It screamed it
I couldn’t fall for his tricks anymore, I had to be strong for my son and focus on him. Not my feelings for his father that always
hurt me.
“Stop,” | whispered clutching his hand and peeling them away from me. Aiden stiffens, perhaps surprised that I told him to stop
his advances.
He’s still breathing roughly in my ear and I clench my eyes tightly before turning around to face him and whispered so only he
alone can hear
“Don’t think that you can use me as you please now that we have a son together. I’ll never let you touch me again Aiden.”
I stopped feeling the soft feathering of his hot breath brush
ing against my neck and behind my ear. It seems Aiden had stopped breathing altogether.
I wait for him to tell me something that would hurt me like he’d usually do when he retaliated. But nothing comes out.
He only grips my waist with both hands and pushes me off his lap to sit beside him. He scoots away, taking his warmth with him.
I gnaw on my lips as I look over at him beneath my lashes. I feel cold with him being far away from me but I know it is for the
Saying no to him once was already so much effort, saying no to him twice.....I didn’t think I’d be able to. Not with the way he still
manages to make my heart pound with just one look.
Aiden’s jaw is clenched hard and his gaze was faced for ward. He clearly was not in the mood to look over at me even though I
knew he could sense my gaze.

I tore my gaze away when his jaw popped again.
The drive to was silent but so awkward that was practically itching to get out and away from him.
When we pulled up into the huge private driveway, I nearly thanked G*d aloud. Because even though I was currently not dressed
to be seen outside, at least I would finally breathe prop erly now that Aiden and I won’t have to be so close anymore.
As soon as the SUV stopped and was parked, I got ready to literally jump out of the car. But when my fingers touched the door
handle, his warm fingers wrapped around my arm and stopped me.
“Wait in here.” He said stiffly which had my brows furrowing
in confusion.
Did he change his mind about making me be seen in these lounge clothes? Did he finally come to his senses?
Feeling eager that perhaps he would ask the chauffeur to
turn back around and bring me back home, I nodded.
Aiden opened the door and got out which fill my confusion even more. My eyes followed him as he walked around the car
and got to my side.
My brows pinched when he stops and then when he opens the door realization hit me.
He didn’t tell me to stay in the car because he finally got to his senses and would tell his driver to bring me back home. No. Aiden
just wanted to seem like a gentleman.
Gentleman my a*s.
He outstretched his hand for me to take and I glared at it in
How dare he get my hopes up.
With a defiant tilt of my chin, I stepped out of the car without taking his hand. My bare feet touch the pavement and I wince.

Aiden really brought me here looking like a d*mn homeless person.
He snorted when I didn’t acknowledge his waiting hand and then closed the door.
I turned around to look at my reflection through the glass and cringe at how messy my hair looked. Thank G*d I at least show
“I’m going to make you pay for this Aiden,” I promised, turn ing around to glare at him.
With a raised brow. “Have you not made me pay enough?”
I flinched feeling like he just slapped me. I knew what he was
getting at. And knew that he got the exact reaction he needed
from me.
He would always hold this against me, that I knew for certain. I can’t really blame him, what I did was awful and I’m surprised he
hadn’t pulled me to a courthouse the second he saw Ash.
Turning around he motioned with his finger for me to follow after him. “Come.”
Sending death glares at his back, I followed after him, hop ping a bit because of the scorching heat of the pavement under
my feet.
I hissed when my feet nearly melted on the pavement. D*mn you sun.
Aiden must’ve heard me because he turns around, his eyes quickly falling on my feet which didn’t surprise me because of the
way I was tiptoeing.
I’m stunned by the concerned look painted on his features. “What’s wrong?” He asked and quickly come to my side.
With a glare, I answered him bluntly. “What’s wrong is that someone didn’t make me put on shoes before throwing me over their
shoulder like a d*mn caveman.”
Aiden rolled his eyes and looked down at my feet and then swept his gaze back to mine. “Okay come on.” He said and out
stretched his hands to grab a hold of me.

I backed away quickly, my eyes widening. “What are you do ing?”
Hadn’t he embarrassed me enough today?
“You obviously can’t walk so I’ll carry you into the building,
Sophie.” He answered vaguely as if I should’ve known the an
swer already
I shook my head and looked around. The two security men were stationed at the entrance of the building, nodding stiffly as well
dressed men and women stepped into the building.
I was the least dressed there and the least appropriately dressed too. I can only imagine the talks that will go around when
everyone gets word that their blue eyed devil Ceo carried me into the building.
Imagine the embarrassment I’ll face when I get into the build
“No. I can walk.” | said and sidestep him. I’m tip-toeing and wincing while cursing inwardly.
“Clearly not,” Aiden said behind me before I feel him come up behind me and swept me into his arms before I could move
I gasp, my eyes widening as I snap my eyes to his. “Aiden what the
He gives me a pointed look while fixing me in his arms, tight ening them around me G*d forbid, protectively.
“Don’t fight me on this Sophie. Just stay quiet.” He said and tore his gaze away from mine to focus on the entryway of the
We managed to gather everyone’s attention as soon as they saw us approaching. Some looked confused, their gazes on me and
the arms that held me protectively.
I buried my head on Aiden’s chest, wishing the ground would

open up and swallow me whole.
Oh G*d. Why did he have to embarrass me today?
When we got to the entry, the two security men stationed there, straightened and nodded their heads at us. “Mr. Xavier.”
Even though they greeted their boss, their gazes were set on me in confusion and surprise. Perhaps by my appearance and the
fact that Aiden was currently holding me like I was some in competent child.
Aiden nodded and stepped into the building with me still in his arms. As soon as we entered, eyes drew to us like moths to a
I squirm under their heavy weight and whisper. “You can place me back on my feet now Aiden.”
Aiden continues to walk, ignoring the stares and the hush whispers that roamed around.
I squirmed even more. Was he really hell bent on embarrass ing me in front of everyone?
“Does under your feet still hurt from the heat?” He asked
tightly suddenly.
I lift my confused gaze to him, my brows furrowing. “A bit.”
The heat under my feet still stung a bit but it was bearable.
Aiden nod stiffly. “Then I’ll place you back on your feet when they don’t hurt anymore.”

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