The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 66

Sophie’s pov
| dried my hands with the kitchen towel and neatly placed it back on the hanger while looking out the window.
I haven’t been like this in a while. Out of a job I mean.
I’ve always tired myself out at the diner and when I had an off day I’d spend it with Ash as much as I can.
| sighed, hoping I made the right decision in not going back to
Aiden would probably be an even bigger bully if I did.
Shaking my head I blow the stray hairs tickling down my forehead and walked to the living room area.
Ria left her laptop here for me to use and left to do anoth er photoshoot downtown. She’s been booked recently and in her
words, her life was finally falling into place.
Sitting down on the fuzzy rug, I swiped my finger over the touchpad and the laptop screen lights up. Opening google, I began to
search for available jobs in my city.
Thirty minutes later my eyes stung by the torturous light of the screen and the migraine lurking behind my lids. Every thing
required a master’s degree and something higher than a high school degree.
In other words, I was royally f**ked for now.
Suddenly my phone blares on the coffee table. My heart
leaps thinking it was him.
But where would Aiden get my number?
Don’t be ridiculous Sophie, it’s Aiden we’re talking about.
I reached out for my phone, sucking in a calming breath before looking at the caller.
Relief washed out of my lungs when I saw it was Bernard.

I winced.
I had been ignoring his calls since leaving Aiden’s office. He must be worried sick.
Gnawing on my bottom I answered the call and placed the phone beside my ear. .
“Oh Sophie, I’ve been worried sick about you!” Bernard rushed through the phone as soon as I placed it beside my ear.
I wince. How would I even explain this to him?
“I’m sorry for not answering your calls Bernard and sorry about leaving without telling you anything. I was just so
upset and needed to clear my head before talking to you. Before you ask, yes I’m okay, please don’t worry.” | breathed out and
rise to my feet because my bum was cur rently humb from sitting for so long.
Bernard stays quiet for a few moments, perhaps drinking in my words before he responds. “I don’t need to know what happened
when you went to Aiden’s office, Sophie. All I want to know is that you’re okay and that he hadn’t done anything bad to you.”
I run a hand down my hair. I had my tresses dropped so they could air dry after washing them in the shower an hour or so ago.
I’m at least relieved he didn’t want to know what hap pened in Aiden’s office because I really wasn’t ready to tell him about Aiden
being. Ash’s dad yet.
“We said some stuff that we shouldn’t have and I left. I’m sorry Bernard, I don’t think I’m coming back to” I sighed,
hoping he’d not be too disappointed.
“Well, I figured when you didn’t show up today.” He chuckled.
I felt awful for doing this especially when Bernard had lit erally outstretched a hand to give me an opportunity I clearly would only
get once in a lifetime.
But I couldn’t for the life of me feel okay to be working in the same place as Aiden. Hell Aiden was the boss so it would n’t be
bizarre that I’d be seeing him way too much.
I don’t think my heart can take that as yet.
Bernard sighs. “As long as you’re happy Sophie and safe. I know something happened between you and Aiden in that of fice and
I hope one day you’d want to tell me. I’m just happy you’re okay now.”

He stops and then lured in a sharp breath. “Can we meet for coffee later
A knock sounds at the door and I whip my head to face the front door.
What the hell?
Was Ria expecting someone? Or maybe she came back from the shoot earlier than expected?
But why would she knock on the door when she had the key?
Another harder knock sounded through the door again and I quickly told Bernard that I’d call him back. When he says okay, I end
the call and looked at the door in confusion. i
Did Ria forget her keys?
I wait to hear her call out to me like she’d usually do when she forgets her keys but Ria’s voice doesn’t filter through the door but
another knock does.
I walked to the door and unlocked it then slowly opened it, expecting maybe a lost kid. But who stood in front of me seething like
a kettle and towering over me with many inches had my heart pummeling in my chest harshly.
My eyes widen and I sort to close the door but he stuck his foot out and allows himself in.
“Aiden what the hell are you
I started as I backed away from him when he slammed the door close with rage.
“You think this is amusing Sophie? I told you to be ready by seven thirty and get your pretty a*s in my office before eight. Now
imagine my surprise when my chauffeur called to tell me that the mother of my child did not show up and in
stead left a message for me to eat s*it.” He growled, his eyes narrowing as he takes a menacing step forward.
“I left my office unattended because of you Sophie

Now those words irritated me. “I did not tell you to do that Aiden! I didn’t tell you to do anything! Why are you even here!?” |
snapped crossing my arms under my chest.
I am well aware that I’m in nothing but a tank top and some soft cotton shorts. I didn’t plan to have company or go out the
apartment, so obviously I wasn’t dressed appropriate ly.
“Why do you think I’m here Sophie?” He asked while tak ing a step forward which led me to take a step back.
With his eyes narrowing on my face, his gaze dipped to my lips. ” I’m bringing you to my office whether you like it or
| stared at him in shock. “You’re kidding right?”
He would not force me to go with him, would he?
Did he really come all the way over here to drag me to
Aiden’s jaw popped. “I don’t kid Sophie.”
My eyes narrowed at his attitude. “I’m not going any where with you Aiden so you came all the way over here for nothing.” I
snapped turning around and walking away.
He follows after me and whirls me around. His eyes are
blazing with frustration and he looks beyond irritated. “Why are you trying to make this difficult Sophie!? I’m still offering you a job
and you’re acting like I’m about to feed you nails.” He sneered.
I tug away from him and glared at his face. This was ex actly why I didn’t want to work with him, he always wanted his
“I don’t need you to offer me anything Aiden! I can look out for myself, you only have to look out for Ash.”
His eyes turned stormy and I regretted opening my mouth the second they did. “Clearly you can’t look after yourself if you’re
swimming in five thousand dollars of debt!”
I flinched.

How did he find out about that? With Mary always giving me trouble, I had to take a small loan to somewhat fix her a couple of
months ago. But things got costly and I still hadn’t paid off the loan yet.
Still, how did Aiden find out about that?
My eyes narrowed as I look at him.” You’re keeping tabs on me.” I breathed out with a shake of my head.
Of course, it all makes sense now how he knew exactly where I was staying. Aiden had been keeping tabs.
“It doesn’t matter where I got the information from, what matters is that you’re in desperate need of money, and clean ing houses
or working at a diner wouldn’t get you that money as fast as working in would.”
I shake my head. Aiden was still the same bully that want ed his way.
“I’ll find a job Aiden, like I said I don’t need you. You’ve come all this way, ooph.” | yelp as Aiden surprised me by quickly picking
me up and swinging me over his shoulder.
I’m dangling like a sack of potatoes with my hair brushing his bottom. “Aiden! What the hell!?” | screeched and tried to wiggle off
him but he only tightens his hold and smacks my bottom.
My’eyes widen and I gasp in shock.
“Stop wiggling. Now if you don’t stay still i’ll not put you down.” He warned.
I gasped. The nerve of him!
“Aiden you let me down this instant!” | snapped and wig gled around.
“I warned you and now I’m not going to put you down.” He snorted, turned around, and started walking.
“Where are you taking me?” | rushed out and tried to move his hands off me. But I was literally nothing compared to Aiden’s
strength so it didn’t shock me that he didn’t budge.
“Where I said I’d take you kicking and screaming. To my office.” He said and opened the front door and stepped out with me in
his hold.

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