The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 47

Sophie’s pov
“Okay so you have to tell me
I place my finger on my lips and shush her. Mila cringes and mouths sorry before walking out of the room.
I looked down at Ash and sighed. He had fallen asleep the second he rest his head on my shoulder while we walked up the
stairs leading to the apartment.
I wasn’t surprised that he was always so tired now, they did say he was a bit of a troublemaker and could never sit still. He
reminded me of, him!
I brush my finger down his soft cheek and blinked. Oh Ash, if only you knew how hard this is for me. I’m so sorry I’m letting you
down bug. I just can’t stand being ignored by your dad, it just hurts too much.
I kissed his cheeks and then walked out of the room. Mila is already waiting for me on the sofa and I make a bee-line for the
kitchen. I need a drink. I hadn’t tasted wine in months. I needed it now. Especially because of the day I had.
“You look like c**p.” Mila pointed out as she twisted around to look at me.
1 Igrab a wine bottle from the cupboard and was a bit surprised that it was actually still full. With
Ria here, it was rare to actually have wine that wasn’t half empty already.
“Thanks, I needed that.” I snorted, struggling to open the wine bottle.
Mila winces. “Sorry, I was just
I nod. “Being honest. I know I look like c**p, I feel like it. And if you’re about to ask about my first day of work, then to answer you
short. It was c**p. Plain and simple. Today was awful.”
Finally opening the bottle, I grab a glass and fill it with red wine. The aroma is pleasant and my tastebuds tingle in anticipation.
Mila’s brows furrowed as she got up from the sofa and walked over to me. “Was Bernard a bad boss
I shook my head quickly. “Oh no, Bernard was a sweetheart. Poor man barely had enough time to have a break. It’s the monster
of a Ceo who’s the problem.” I said and lifted the glass to my lips. I sniffed the smoky aroma and took a sip.

G*d, I needed that.
Mila looks even more confused by my words. “Who’s the Ceo?”
I snorted and took another sip of the wine before I answered her. “You wouldn’t believe who Mila,” I laughed dryly. “It’s someone
you least expect.” I took a bigger sip, remembering how coldly Aiden regarded me,
“Come on, tell me.” Mila urged while eyeing my glass of wine. She knew that I wasn’t one to drink and also knew that it would
take a lot to crumble my composure.
I looked at her above the rim of the glass and breathed out. “It’s Aiden. Aiden Xavier. Crazy right?”
Mila’s eyes widen and she leans forward. “Come again?”
I rolled my eyes. “It’s Aiden Mila. Aiden’s the Ceo of When I saw him in the elevator, I thought perhaps my eyes
were deceiving me. Turns out, my eyes aren’t as s**y as I thought they were.”
Mila’s mouth opens and then closes. She resembles a fish about now.
“You’re kidding right? Aiden as in Aiden Xavier who got put in jail for accidentally causing your ex Carson’s death?” She asked in
disbelief. I don’t blame her, I couldn’t believe it also.
In fact, a little part of my head still thought that this was all a dream and soon I’d wake up.
I nod. “And also Ashton’s dad, don’t forget that.”
“S**t.” Mila cursed.
I nod. S**t indeed.
“S**it.” She cursed again and nudged her chin to the glass in my hand.
“Pour me a glass too, I need this s**t to help soak up your words.” She shook her head in disbelief.
| place my glass down on the counter and went to fetch another glass for her.
“Isn’t he supposed to still be in jail? How the hell is he out? And how the hell is he a Ceo?! Especially for a big company like’ She voiced out with incredulity.

I shrugged. “That’s what I’ve been asking myself the entire day. “I said while pouring the red wine into the glass.
Handing it to her, Mila has a skeptical look on her face, “This s**t doesn’t add up.” She shook her head and took a big gulp of the
red liquid.
“When you said you thought you had seen him, I thought no way, must be a doubleganger. Aiden’s not supposed to be out of jail
yet. Are you sure it’s him? It can be his long lost twin or something?” She asked while rubbing her temple. 1 snorted, “Oh it’s him
alright. I know Aiden and that’s him.”
Besides, he acknowledged that it was his name when he told me to not call him by it during and after office hours,
Mila narrows her eyes, “Of course you do.” She snorted.
“Anyway, what did he say when he saw you? Did he get angry and yell at you for not calling him while he was in jail?”
I took a sip of the wine before answering. ” Nothing. Absolutely nothing. He didn’t acknowledge me. Completely ignored me like I
wasn’t even in the room. It’s like he doesn’t even remember me.”
Mila snorted at that, her eyes already glistening. Mila was always a lightweight and would get tipsy quickly. “Not remember you?
Oh please! The guy bullied you all throughout high school, f**ed the living s**t out of you and got you pregnant, and then
accidentally caused the death of Carson. How the hell can he forget that?!” She shook her head in disbelief.
I cringe. “He doesn’t know about Ash, remember? And Carson is to be blamed too, he shouldn’t have thrown the first punch
especially knowing Aiden’s temper.”
My gaze lowered as I swirled the wine in my glass. I can’t believe I was defending Aiden.
“In fact, I was the one to be blamed in all of this. shouldn’t have played with Carson’s heart knowing that I was in love with Aiden.
I shouldn’t have said yes to being his girlfriend. “I said lowly while looking at my reflection in the mirror.
Mila shook her head. “Don’t start blaming yourself again Soph. It’s no one’s fault. It just happened. It was tragic but it happened
and it’s now in the past. You’ve forgiven yourself remember?”
I sighed and nodded. “It’s just so strange he acted like we were strangers. It f**ng hurt.” || whispered and took a sip of the wine. It
tastes even bitter now for some reason.’

“He treated me so coldly. I didn’t know it would hurt this bad.” I shook my head while placing the glass down on the countertop.
“I don’t think I can do it Mila,” My voice cracked as my eyes burned. “I don’t think I can pretend like I don’t know him. Pretend that
we never had a past. I just can’t see myself doing it.” My lower lip trembled.
“Oh Soph. Aiden’s always been an a*s but acting like he doesn’t know you is the lowest he’s ever gone. I’m sure he’s only doing
this to spite you for not calling him when he was in jail.” Mila sighed and walked around the counter to pull me in her arms.
Ycried on her shoulder, hiccuping. I had no right to feel this way. I wasn’t exactly innocent, I had
not called him when he was in jail and didn’t tell him I was pregnant with his baby. I was keeping something from him, so I had no
right to even feel pity for myself because he was ignoring me.
But I just can’t see myself continuing like we don’t know each other. I can’t pass him in the corridors and not look at him. I can’t
stop my heart from beating in his presence.
I just can’t.
“I think I’m going to resign. Bernard’s going to be disappointed but I’m sure he’ll find someone better. I just can’t be in the same
place as Aiden and act neutral. ” I whispered while pulling away from Mila.
She looks at me in shock. “You’re going to quit?”
I nodded, “I just see no other way. I don’t want to be taunted by his presence anymore.”
“Oh Soph, I don’t think quitting will help you. Your mind will still remind you that he’s just minutes
away. Eventually, you’ll want to talk to him. And what about Ash? What are you going to do?”
I sighed heavily, “Well at least I won’t see what an even bigger manwhore he has become. I don’t want to feel the pain of
jealousy when the other women hang on his arms. And about Ash, I don’t know what I’m going to do yet. If I tell Aiden about
Ashton, I’m afraid he’ll bring me to court to take custody, he clearly has the links to win. He also can completely ignore both Ash
and me. I don’t think Aiden will want Ash and me in his life.
Mila shook her head. “I don’t know Soph. I just hope you choose the right choice this time.”
I turned around from her so she’d not see my pained look and I shrug. “Either way, I’m still quitting.”

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