The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 40

Sophie’s pov
My fingers tremble as I dialed Mila’s number. She was probably already on her shift but right now I wasn’t thinking clearly.
I brought the phone to my ears and lifted my thumb to my mouth to bite on my nails. Anxiety was eating me alive right now, and I
needed to hear a familiar voice to ease me and hold me down to reality. Because right now, I was convinced that this was a
crazy dream and that I hadn’t actually seen Aiden.
Because there was no way in hell Aiden would ever ignore me after all those years. He would at least want to give me a piece of
his mind or at least say my name, right?
Why was I even frustrated that he hadn’t acknowledged me?
I groaned and chewed on my nails. This really was a bad habit I should stop.
Mila answers on the fourth ring. “You caught me on a bad time Soph
“Sorry. I uh-I think I just saw Aiden Mila.” I breathed out in a rush as an image of Aiden in the elevator with me pushes into my
He was so cold in there. He didn’t even spare me another glance after I said his name. He hadn’t even acknowledged that his
name tumbled out of my lips.
“What?” Mila breathed out in both shock and confusion. “Did you say Aiden? As in Aiden Xavier? You saw him?”
Oh G*d Mila, I wasn’t even sure what I saw in the first place. Maybe it was another guy alto gether and he hadn’t answered me
because he wasn’t Aiden in the first place.
Maybe my s**id mind just placed Aiden’s image onto the guy’s face. Yes, that seems about right, I didn’t see Aiden, that was only
my imagination.
“I’m not sure Mila. He

I sighed. Why can’t leven speak properly now? Gosh, I’m literally still tongue-tied.
“What do you mean you aren’t sure? Soph
Mila’s words are cut off by Lisa calling out my name to grab my attention. I look up. ashamed that I was caught on my phone
during what was supposed to be my work hours.
“Mila I’ll call you back.” I rushed out and end the call quickly. I shifted in the seat and looked at Lisa like I was constipated. My
first day and I was caught doing something I shouldn’t be do ing
Would she report me to Bernard?
“Yes? | asked sheepishly while cringing inwardly. Great first impression Sophie. I scowled at
Lisa smiled politely and outstretched her hand over the desk. “I’m Lisa, Bernard’s PA. Wel come to I had meant to
greet you earlier but you looked out of it.”
| smiled awkwardly and took her hand in mine. She shakes my hand firmly. “I’m Sophie. Bernard’s new secretary. Sorry about
earlier, I thought I just saw...
I trailed off unsure of what to say without sounding crazy.
“I thought I saw a ghost.”
Really Sophie? A ghost doesn’t make you sound crazy at all. My conscious mocked me sar castically.
I wanted to groan out loud. I must sound like a complete nut job right now.
Lisa’s brows furrowed but she doesn’t push me to elaborate. Instead, she changes the sub ject, which I was more than grateful
“Bernard has asked me to show you around the company. I’m free now and would love to give you a tour.” She smiled.
A tour? Right now?
What if I bump into him again?

I shook my head. I thought I was convinced that the guy wasn’t truly Aiden but a fragment of my imagination?
“Is Bernard okay with you showing me around right now?” I asked, concerned.
This was my first day and it would be best to leave a good impression. Sure Bernard and I were friends, but there was a line
drawn when it comes to work.
Lisa nodded. “He was the one who suggested it.”
“Oh okay then,” I said and rose to my feet. Lisa and I walked over to the elevator.
“Mr. Beckam has really spoken highly of you Sophie. I’m really excited to work alongside you.” She admitted and pressed the
button for the elevator to open.
We stepped in and for a few seconds, we spoke about nonsense until the doors slid open and we step out.
“Okay, so this is the first floor. You should already be familiar with here. This is usually where the reception....
Lisa continued and I tried my best to look interested or at least listen to every word that slipped out of her mouth. But I would be
lying if I didn’t admit that I was on the lookout for him again.
“So this is the last floor we can view. The CEO’s floor is off limits unless it’s for a business meeting or you’re one of the higher-
ups.” Lisa said as she stepped out of the lift. I followed her and was about to answer her when someone calls her,
She waved and told me to tag along.
“Ooh, who’s this?” A young woman with blonde hair and bright blue eyes covered with glass es grinned at me.
“This is Mr. Beckam’s new secretary, Sophie. Sophie this is Emliss.” She introduced us. A younger man named Gregg comes to
join in on the conversation.
He was tall and lean with brown hair and cute dimples when he smiled. “Hey.” He smiled at me and outstretched his hand. “I’m
Gregg.” The corner of his lips lifted into a curved smirk.
“Gregg you d**n flirt.” Emliss snorted and smacked the back of her hand on his chest. “Don’t even think about it.” She warned

Gregg pouted. “I wasn’t planning to try my luck with her.” He denied but I could sense his lie and giggled when Emliss said sure
A few others came to join in on the conversation and I’m introduced to everyone until sud denly another rushed our way.
The unknown girl looked confused and nervous. “The CEO just made an urgent meeting. All staff must attend.” She rushed out
in one breath.
“A staff meeting on such a short notice? What time is this meeting?” Lisa asked in confusion.
“In ten minutes. He said everyone needs to attend.”
Lisa looks nervous and worried.” The last time he held a staff meeting, he fired half of the workers. Now holding one on such
short notice, I can’t help but be worried for what’s to come.”
Aiden’s pov
As soon as I stepped into my office, I loosened my tie. For some reason, it was scorching hot even though the Ac was on full
I raked a hand through my hair in frustration.
She stopped on Bernard’s floor. Does that mean she works for him?
She dressed formally so it was obvious she worked here.
When did she even start?
I’m the CEO, I should’ve known about everything that’s going on here.
Why was I even thinking about her?
What am I even getting frustrated for? She was now one of my employees, which meant she was under me. I could just fire her.
Bernard would have no say in the matter.
sat down on the chair and looked out the huge glass wall and glared at the skyscraper buildings No, that would be too easy to
do. I won’t fire her just yet. I want her squirming in my presence more for what she did to me.

I want her to feel frustrated just as I felt
I groan and slammed my fingers on the numbers. I dialed Austin. He answers on the fifth
“Hey man.” He said groggily. He must’ve gone to a party again last night.
I clenched my jaw feeling left out. Austin and Ryland were in college, doing what college kids do, drink, smoke, and have sex.
While I was here running a multi-billion dollar business. Sure the job wasn’t bad, but I can’t help but feel jealous that Ryland and
Austin were getting to experience college life.
“Oi Ryland wake up man, Aiden’s on the phone.” I heard a smack and groan.
“Dude I need rest.” Ryland’s voice flutters from the other line. I rolled my eyes. Lazy a**es.
“What’s up Aiden man?” Austin asked. Austin and Ryland were the only two who stood be side me through all of the s**t I went
through that one year in jail. My parents too, but I knew they were disappointed about what happened.
I pulled air into my lungs before speaking, “I think I just saw Sophie Bell in my building. If not her then it’s her ghost.”
Austin snorted. “Sophie ain’t dead man. Well I don’t think so. Still, how crazy is that, that you run into her? What the hell is
Sophie Bell doing in New York?”
I sighed and raked a hand through my hair again. ” That’s exactly what I was asking myself. What’s even crazier is that she’s
working here, I’m sure of it.”
“Oh s**t.” Austin chuckled. “Office romance nice.”
— “There will be no office romance here. I’m over her.” | gritted out, loosening my tie even
more. Why the hell was it so hot in here?
“I call b**it. What did you do when you saw her? Did you pull her into your arms?” Ryland asked sounding more awake now.
“lignored her,” I stated bluntly while unbuttoning the first button on my shirt.
“I pretended like she didn’t even exist.”

“Ouch cold.” Austin chuckled. “Did she say anything to you? I bet she was shocked when she saw you.”
“She was. And no, I think seeing me tied her tongue. I’m finding it hard to believe that she hadn’t known I was the CEO of But if she did know, she’d definitely not be as stunned to see me as I was seeing her.” I said, furrowing my brows
as I thought about how con fused and shocked she was.
She definitely didn’t know I would be here.
“Man you lucky b**d. To run into your ex
“She was never my ex. We weren’t together.” I corrected quickly.
“Yeah well, you still love her.”
I snorted. “And watch where that got me. In jail for a vear. If Sergio didn’t work his magic la
be there for four more. And besides, Sophie is dead to me. I loathe her, I don’t love her anymore, 1 have since forgotten about
“Whatever you say man. Just don’t call the next time to announce that you two are getting married and have a baby on the way.”
Ryland joked.
I snorted. Me getting married to Sophie and possibly having a kid with her went down the drain the moment she turned her back
on me like everyone else.
Aiden’s pov
The three long-time friends continued to talk until Ryland had to bring up Sophie again.
“So what are you going to do about Sophie?” Ryland asked. I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. Why did he have to
bring her up again?
I was already forgetting about her.....well kind of.
“Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” I said dryly
What did he want me to do? Firing her now would only show her that she was still affecting me. I didn’t want to look weak.

“I say you take out your revenge on her for what she put you through. You were a mess man.” Austin said and Ryland agreed.
They were right. I was a mess that entire year she hadn’t checked up on me. And those last three years, she still had the nerve
to haunt me in my mind.
I was so exhausted.
Revenge sounded sweet. But I wouldn’t know where to start.
“She’s in the financial department working with Bernard I think. Not sure what she does there but I plan on finding out. Revenge
sounds easy especially since I’m the one making her have food on the table for now.”
“For now?” Austin asked in a confused tone.
“I plan on firing her when I’m done with her,” I said coldly.
The three of us spoke for a good while, with the two suggesting ways on how to take re venge on Sophie. Soon the time caught
up to them and Austin and Ryland had to leave for their class.
After the boys told him they were heading out for their first class of the day, they said their goodbyes and ended the call.
I reached for the new phone my secretary bought and rang her. She answers quickly. “Set a staff meeting for ten thirty today. I
want everyone to attend. “I said nonchalantly.
“But sir it’s already ten twenty?” Noel voiced out with concern.
Igritted my teeth. Was everyone working for me so incompetent to do as I say?
en thirty. Later than that is unacceptable. Remember, every one must attend. Failing to do so and they’ll leave with a box on their
d**n head with their be longings.” I snarled and slammed the phone down, cut the call.
I feel my jaw pop as I glared out of the glass wall overlooking the city.
I’m going to show Sophie my ruthless side. I want her squirming in my presence. I want her beneath me....
I brushed a hand over my face in frustration. Not that beneath! I want her beneath my foot so I can squish her like the annoying
bug that she was.

I need to show her that she was no one to me. She didn’t affect me. That I had forgotten about her three years ago. That she
holds no value in my life anymore.
“F***ng Sophie Bell. Why the hell did you have to come to” | groaned, tempt ed to call my secretary and demand
her to order the strongest rum.
I needed something strong to get her out of my mind. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get drunk on the job.

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