The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 33

Chapter 33
Aiden’s pov
As soon as the door closed behind Sergio, my anger got the best of me and in a matter of a few seconds, everything that had
been on the desk, is now on the floor.
Igritted my teeth.
I was f***ng twenty one! Getting married at such a young age? Was he out of his d**n
I slammed my fist on the desk, hard, managing to c**k the surface.
Seething in anger and frustration, I dialed my secretary. She answers on the first ring.
“How can I help you sir?” She purrs in my ears. I had no time for this s**t right now
“Get me a d**n new desk!” | snarled and cut the line. Beyond angry and frustrated, I send the phone flying and it smashes on the
Groaning, I got off the chair and stormed my way to the door. Opening it, I blasted out know ing my secretary would be able to
hear my voice. “Get me a f***ng new phone whilst you are at
I banged the door and stormed back to my desk. Sergio must be f**ng mad if he thinks I’ll marry anyone at this age.
Sophie’s pov
“I’ll see you later Ash bug,” I whispered kissing his forehead before leaving.
Sitting down in my car, I struggled to start it.
Just great.
I groaned.

It was eight thirty and as I remembered, Bernard told me to get to at eight. I was already so late. This wasn’t a
good start,
I rolled down the window, already feeling so hot and sweaty. I was dressed in a white long sleeved blouse and a dark brown
leather pencil skirt that was way too tight for me.
They belonged to Ria and the blouse was something I had way down deep into my closet. It had tiny yellow stains but it wasn’t
that visible to the naked eye unless they take a really good look at it.
I turned on the ignition again, curses spitting out of my mouth one after the other.
This wasn’t a good place to let out profanities since it was after all beside the daycare.
My phone buzzed
“Ugh.” | groan, knocking my hand on the steering wheel in frustration when my car refuses to move.
I looked down at the caller and pinched the bridge of my nose.
This really wasn’t a good time to call Ingrid.
Even though I loved when she called to check up on me and Ash, right now I was frustrated and needed to be somewhere at the
moment. Ingrid took an entire day on the phone.
I contemplated if to answer her call or not.
The ringing stops and I feel bad. But as soon as my fingers near the call back button, the ringing starts again. I answer quickly
and put her on speaker.
“Oh darling I thought I called you at the wrong time.” Ingrid’s warm voice filters through the other end.
You have no idea.
But instead of voicing that out, I replied. “No not at all.”

“Are you off to work right now? Where’s Ashton? Is he at the daycare already? Oh no did I miss him?” I can already hear the
pout in her voice when I’m about to tell her that I just dropped off Ash.
“No, I’m not going to work today. And I actually just got out from the daycare. I’m just about to head off
I stopped, wondering if I should tell her about the opportunity Bernard thrust into my lap. I didn’t want to give her false hope,
especially if I wasn’t sure whether I can actually do the work that they would bestow on me or not.
“Shanks. Ugh, I knew I should’ve called earlier. I miss hearing his voice.” Ingrid complained.
I snorted. “You video called him last night.”
Ingrid argued. “That was twelve hours ago. That’s half a day Sophie!”
I rolled my eyes yet a smile spread across my face.
“You said you’re not going to work today? Is something wrong, are you feeling okay?” She asked quickly with concern. “I’ve told
you many times to drink a hot cup of tea every morning be fore going to work.”
I sighed. Oh G*d, not another lecture from her.
“I did drink some tea earlier on. I’m not sick Ingrid so don’t fuss over me. I’m just going to run some errands.” I lied smoothly. I
deserve a pat on the back honestly.
She sighed in relief. “Good. Then if you’re busy, I’ll let you be on your way. I’ll call back when – you and Ash are home.” She
After a few other words passed between us, we said our goodbyes and Ingrid ends the call.
I swear she only calls to talk to Ash and not me. I smiled at that thought and went back to starting my car.
The sound of the engine roaring had me yelling out a yes as I moved out of the parking lot.
Twenty minutes later, I’m pulling up to building. It’s huge. That’s the first thing I noticed about it. The second was
the huge sign that spelled out their business name.
I stare in awe and then looked down at my attire. I frowned. I didn’t look good enough to even step foot in here.

I smoothed out the blouse, cursing at the barely visible yellow stains. I cleary looked like a homeless person who was just
playing dress up.
Igroan and slammed my forehead on the steering wheel. It beeps loudly and I’m quick to lift my head. I smiled in embarrassment
when everyone who was roaming about, stared at me.
I sink into the seats.
Maybe I should forget about this. I don’t deserve to be here. I’m already embarrassing my self as it is. What if I get in there and
act more of a fool?
I whimper and then sighed.
Yes, I should definitely just call it a day and leave. I’m not cut out for this life.
Fixing myself back into my seat, my fingers brush the keys when my eyes sweep to his pic ture stuck on my dashboard.
Twas doing this for Ash.
I can’t give up yet.
Not so soon.
Nodding with a new sense of hope and determination, I unbuckled myself thanking the heav ens that it came out easier than
Topened the door and put out one of my legs. The heels I had on belonged to Ria and it was way too high for me to handle. But
the others were higher, so I had no choice but to take this one.
It was a fancy black stiletto and was the only thing that actually looked like it belonged here.
I got out fully, not allowing myself to chicken out again and really call it a day. I closed the door, wincing at the loud screech it
made through the burstling area.
Many eyes snapped toward me, but this time I didn’t allow them to make me uncomfortable. I kept my chin up and strut toward
the building.

There are two bulky men dressed in black suits on either side of the entrance door. They look serious and honestly, scary.
I gathered the courage to walk up to them, greeted them politely and they replied with a stiff nod,
I let out a shaky breath as I stop and looked at the glass doors. Nodding to myself and re ceiving weird looks from the security
guards, I step in when they opened automatically.
The air is cooler here than outside where the sun was already kissing everyone’s skin. The cool air is well welcomed.
My eyes scan the area and my mouth parts in awe. I thought the outside was magnificent, but the inside was extraordinarily
beautiful. Everything looked spotless from the floors to the ceiling.
“Ooph.” I let out when someone shouldered me by accident. I turned around.
“Don’t stand up in the d**n way next time.” The woman hisses as she continues to walk away with her phone beside her ear.
Wow, how rude. I thought with my brows furrowing.
Shaking my head, I continued to look for the reception area. When I saw it, I sighed in relief.
‘I headed over there and beamed at the woman who looked to be in her early twenties. “Hi there.” I smiled politely but her blue
eyes only left mine to focus on the computer screen before her.
I frowned. Was everyone here so rude and unwelcoming?
Shaking my thoughts out of my head, I tried again. There was no harm in trying again right?
“You don’t happen to be Becca?” I asked, hoping she’d acknowledge me this time.
The woman rolls her eyes and mine drop to the name tag pinned to her dark blue blouse.
Well, that was definitely not Becca.
Wincing at my mistake, I opened my mouth to apologize but a very familiar voice, belonging to a male, cut in loudly and made
me freeze instantly.” Sophie.”
Sophie’s pov

I whipped around, my eyes wide at how loud he shouted my name.
Bernard grins and steps out of the elevator. He struts over to me quickly, his eyes crinkling at the corners when he stands before
“You came.” He looks stunned yet pleased. “I knew you would.”
“Mr. Beckam
The receptionist started but Bernard cuts her off with a wave of his hand.
“I will take it from here,” He told her c***y and turned around. “Follow me, Sophie.”
I do as I was told, making sure to stay close to Bernard but not too close as he heads back to the elevator.
“How did you know I was in the lobby?” I asked when we entered the elevator.
He turns to face me with a smile on his face. “I was waiting for you, Sophie. Alice was very concerned when she saw me so
close to the glass overlooking the city, hoping to catch a glimpse of your car.”
“She was very relieved when I saw you.” He chuckled, stressing on the word very.
I didn’t know how to respond to him. This just proves how interested Bernard was in giving me this job. Was he that eager to hire
I didn’t understand how I could be so lucky to have him as a friend. for him to go to those ex treme lengths for me was crazy.
| smiled. There were only a few people in my life who would go this extreme to help me. Now Bernard counted as one of them.
The elevator stops and the doors slide open. In came a few well dressed businessmen and women. None seemed to realize I
was here. Which was probably a good thing.
Bernard and I remain quiet until the doors open again and this time he ushers me to follow him.
Looking at me sideways with an arched brow as we walked down the endless hall, Bernard clicked his tongue. “I thought I said at
eight or before that time?” He joked.
I blushed brightly and looked at the floor. Those tiles must be expensive. Everything in here looks expensive.

“I woke up a bit late and Ash had been giving me a bit of trouble. He hid his shoes again.” | smiled as I remembered how
naughty he had been this morning.
Bernard chuckles knowing how troublesome and mischievous Ashton can be since on one
of our many talks I mentioned it quite often.
Then my eyes narrowed as I turn to give him a joking glare. “And did you not tell me Becca would be at the front desk?”
Bernard nodded, chuckling a bit. “I did. But Becca clocked out thirty minutes ago. You would’ve caught her if you had been
earlier.” He stressed on the word earlier and it feels like I’m
getting scowled by my father.
I giggle in embarrassment. If I do say yes to this job, I need to be on time. This was a whole new different lifestyle and I had to fit
in quickly. T****ss wasn’t going to be forgiven here.
Bernard opens a glass door leading to a huge office and ushers me to enter. The woman who had been lounging on the chair
inside the office, straightens her spine quickly and rises to her feet just as swiftly.
She looks at Bernard then at me and smiles. I almost sighed in relief. This was the first warm smile I received from someone
other than Bernard in here.
“This must be Sophie?” The woman asked, politely jutting out her hand for me to shake.
My eyes fall to her name tag, this time not wanting to embarrass myself by saying the wrong name.
I quickly take her hand in mine and received a firm shake from her. I smiled.
Alice looked to be in her thirties and had the shiniest black hair I had ever seen. It was a short bob haircut with the ends tickling
her jawline. It went well with her small face and green eyes.
I was almost jealous of how good she looked. While I looked like a blob of poop compared to her.
“My name is Alice, it’s so nice to finally meet you, Sophie. Mr. Beckam has said nothing but good things about you. He praises
you actually.” She flashes Bernard and me a grin.

“Alice you know how I hate when you call me by my surname. Bernard is just fine. We’ve known each other for ten years.”
Bernard puffed out a heavy breath and walks around what I pre sume was his desk. It’s littered with papers.
“This man will have me ending up insane with the amount of paperwork he has me going through so early.” Bernard groaned,
shifting through the papers and attempting to make his desk look neater.
I gave Alice a confused look which she answered with an amused smile.” The CEO is hell bent on making everyone work hard
for the amount of money he pays us’. Or so as he puts it.”
Poor Bernard.
He looks up from his endless paperwork and grins at me in embarrassment. “Sorry for the mess Sophie. I had the time to clean it
up but I was too busy looking out the glass to remember.”
“I told you to do it remember? But who was the one who said he had enough time to clean up before Sophie gets here?” Alice
whips while crossing her arms.
I giggled.
Bernard looks flushed as he was put on the spot. “If I have you two teaming up against me I’ll be finished. It’s a good thing you’re
leaving Alice.” He joked.
He then drops his eyes to the desk and then hummed. “I think my PA should be done with printing out the contract. I’ll call her
His fingers inch closer to the phone when a light knock came from the door. Bernard lifts his gaze to the door. “Ahh must be her.”
Bernard calls out. “Come in.”
It clicks open a second after and in walks a young woman with flaxseed colored hair. She looked to be a little bit older than me
and if I were to guess, I’d say she was twenty five or twenty six.
Her eyes scan over me and she smiles politely before scurrying over to Bernard and handed him a dark blue file. “Here Mr.
Beckam. The contract is ready.”
Bernard nods, prying the file from her hands. “Thank you Lisa.”

Lisa scurried out of the room before Bernard could even place the file on top of the messy desk.
He opens it and draws out a piece of paper. He scans over the words and nods. “Okay. This looks good enough.”
Lifting up his head, he nudges his chin to the chair in front of the desk. “Have a seat Sophie. Sorry I hadn’t told you to earlier.” He
murmurs sheepishly.
I settle myself on the seat and Alice walks to the side of the desk. Bernard hands me the pa per which I assume was the
contract. “Read it thoroughly. If you agree to the terms you’ll sign at the bottom. I’m really hoping you would.”
I nodded and scan over the words. My eyes widen a bit at the amount of money he was will ing to pay me annually. “I-I thought
you said a hundred thousand dollars annually and not one hundred and thirty thousand?” I asked confused.
If I was correct with my calculations, I’d be receiving ten thousand eight hundred and thirty three dollars every month,
This was way too much for someone who didn’t have a college degree.
Bernard nodded. “I did, didn’t I? But I’ve changed my mind. I believe you deserve this amount Sophie and Alice would show you
everything you need to know.”
Alice spoke up. “I see potential in you just as Bernard sees in you. I’m willing to do my best to show you the ropes before I leave.
If you agree to the terms and conditions, I can start showing you today.” She smiled.
My eyes widen. Today?
Living on more than 10k a month sounds really good. I can afford to buy Ashton everything
he needs. I can buy a new car. Rent somewhere safer.....
I can do lots of things.
“Work days are usually Monday to Fridays from eight to four-thirty. Bernard mentioned that you have a son who’s in daycare?”
Alice asked.
I nod.
She nods. “So we shifted around the times to make it more compatible for you. Work will end around three.”

I nodded, gnawing on my lips. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the contract. Every thing seems peachy and
mindblowing to me still. So there was no reason for me to say no.
“So what do you say, Soph? Are you going to be my new secretary?” Bernard smiles’ at me brightly. This man was really going
out of his way to help me.
I didn’t want to disappoint him by rejecting his offer.
“Do you happen to have a pen?” I smiled.
I’m going to give you that better life Ash bug, just you wait.
Sophie’s pov
As soon as I signed the contract, Alice was very excited to show me the ropes.
“You’re a natural.” Alice complimented me when I followed all her instructions without any trouble.
I grinned, thanking her.
The job wasn’t hard and I was sure I’d adapt to it very quickly.
The phone rang and Alice ushered me to answer it. She gave me a proud look the entire time Thad been on the phone.
Handing me the notepad, she had me write down the caller’s information and their purpose of calling
She grins brightly when I put the phone down. “You’re very good at this Sophie. I can see why Bernard’s been speaking so highly
of you.”
I smiled.
“If you don’t mind me asking, I’ve noticed you’re quite young..... how old were you when you had your son?” Her question wasn’t
annoying but it did catch me off guard.
It wasn’t the first time I have been asked this sort of question before. Mostly everyone had been skeptical of my age the moment
they knew I had a child.

Society frowned upon young mothers, especially those who are teen moms.
Though eighteen is considered an adult, I was still a teen in many people’s eyes.
“I was eighteen when I had him,” I answered truthfully, seeing no point in lying to her. Alice was only curious, she didn’t mean for
the question to be impolite and rude.
She nodded. “How old is he?” She asked in curiosity.
“He’s twenty-seven months. His name is Ashton but I love calling him Ash for short.” I told her his name just in case she asked
me for it next.
She nodded and smiled. “I’m impressed.”!
My brows clench. She was impressed with what?
“With what?” I voiced out my confusion.
She laughed lightly. “I’m impressed you kept him and have come this far. You’re a deter mined mother, I could’ve sensed it the
moment you stepped foot in Bernard’s office.”
She continued on. “Most girls at that age, eighteen or even younger than that, usually give the child up for adoption. It’s rare that
I meet a once teen mom nowadays.” Alice said making me a bit uncomfortable being pushed into the spotlight.
Nearly three years of being a mother and I still haven’t gotten used to it. Far-less being com plimented as one.
I smiled awkwardly. Seeming to sense my change of mood, Alice resumes teaching me how to arrange the documents.
We go through the files until it was twelve. Alice told me to take a break and have lunch. I thanked her and headed for Bernard’s
office before going.
My knuckles slammed on his door lightly.
“Come in.” Bernard’s voice filters through the door and reaches my ears.
Topened the door and peeked behind it. Bernard is at his desk, his glasses on, and looks very focused on the papers in his

He lifts up his head when he hears the door open. He beams. “Oh Sophie come in, come in.” He ushers me in with his hand
doing the motion.
Tentered the office but don’t bother closing the door knowing that I was heading back out in a minute.
“I just came to say that I’m going for lunch. Do you need anything?”
“Always looking out for me. But no, I have too much work on my plate to even consider eat ing right now. You enjoy your lunch.”
He smiled and then asked.
“How’s it going so far with Alice? Are you grasping everything quickly?”
Inodded. “Everything is going fine, she’s the best teacher,” I said truthfully with a smile.
He looks rather pleased with my response and he nods. “I’m so happy you took this opportu nity, Sophie. I’m glad to have you
I could hear the honesty in his voice and it has my heart warming. Bernard really showed how much he cared about me today
and for that, I too am glad I took this opportunity. I had a good feeling about this and promise myself that I would not disappoint
“I am too Bernard,” I admitted. We exchanged a few other words and then I leave.
I waved at Alice and headed for the elevators. I stopped short in the hall when I realized I had no idea where I was going to eat.
Alice is busy typing something on the computer and Bernard is really busy in his office. I did n’t want to disturb them by asking
about where the staff canteen was or if they had someplace special for the workers to eat.
I wasn’t really a worker as yet but I was certain I could eat here right? Or should I leave the building and look around for a diner
or restaurant?
Around here, food must be expensive and I currently only have twenty dollars sitting in my old wallet.
A food truck must be nearby? This was New York, I was sure I’d get somewhere to eat. But would I have enough money?
I sighed and just decided I should at least look for the staff canteen and if I wouldn’t be al lowed in there, I’d figure it out.
There are two elevators, one on the left and one on the right. They’re mirroring each other.

I walked around the left corner and made my way over to the closest elevator.
I pressed the button. The doors slide open. I hear the doors opening on the other elevator and I furrow my brows when I feel a
piercing stare on my back before I entered the elevator. It’s strange and has goosebumps raising on my skin.
I turn around to face who had their unwavering gaze on my back, but by the time I do, the doors are already sealed shut.
Who could’ve been watching me so intensely that my body reacted the way it did?
I shivered
The stare felt so familiar...

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