The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 31

Chapter 31
Sophie’s pov
I’m completely stunned.
Bernard had a huge position at his workplace. As I recall, he mentioned being the CFO of A company worth
It was already shocking that he, a high and successful man would come here every day, in this small run-down diner. But it’s
even more shocking that he was asking me to fill in the shoes of his secretary
I was well aware that I didn’t have the qualifications for that kind of job. Especially for such a huge well-known company.
Topened my mouth and then closed it, unsure of how to respond to him.
Seeing my stunned expression, Bernard continues. “Before you say no, I just want to men tion that if you do decide to take the
job, you’ll be sitting on a hundred thousand dollars annually. That will be enough to give a better life for you and Ash Sophie. Just
think about it okay?”
This was a huge opportunity, it really was. But what about the people who actually deserved this opportunity and had the
qualifications for it? Was that not snubbing them of this opportunity that could change their lives to?
“Aren’t there others waiting in line for this opportunity Bernard?” Ignawed on my lips and slid into the chair mirroring his.
I prayed Ressa won’t notice me ‘sitting’ on the job.
Bernard shook his head. “No. I never sent out word that I was in need of a new secretary. I left this empty spot for you
specifically Sophie.” He reaches over and squeezes my hand that was on the table.
“I’ve noticed your tired eyes and I’ve seen how stressed you’ve been lately. I want to help you, Sophie. I want to help both you
and Ash. Alice will help you with everything on what to do before she leaves. That is, if you do agree?” His eyes shine with hope.
Above eight thousand a month sounds really good. I could give Ash a better life. But at what cost?

“I don’t know Bernard...” I trailed off. What if I wasn’t cut out for the job?
Bernard sighs. “Just think about it okay? Here.” Bernard pulls a red pen from his pocket and grabs the napkin I had given him.
He jots down an address I wasn’t familiar with.
“If you agree. Just come here at eight or before eight. There’s a woman at the front desk named Becca, she’ll send you right up
to me.” He slides me the napkin and rises from the chair.
My brows furrowed when I noticed he hadn’t taken a bite of anything. “Aren’t you going to eat anything?” I asked.
He looked down at the donuts and coffee. “As much as I want to finish those, I don’t think I have time to today. If you don’t mind,
can you bag them all to go, please?”
I nodded, sliding off the chair. “Sure,” I said and went to do just that. When I got back, I hand ed him the two paper bags and his
black coffee in a foam cup.
Bernard gives me a thankful smile while taking his order from my grasp. “Thank you Sophie. And please, think about it okay? At
least before Alice leaves?” He chuckles lowly and we say our goodbyes before he leaves.
I roller skated to the front counter, saying excuse me as I swing around the corner and head ed to the back where I was sure
Mila was.
When she sees me she grins. “I got a guy’s phone number. He was hot.” She pinched the card between her fingers.
I raised a brow and slow down before I reach her. “Are you even going to call?”
She snorted throwing the card to Skyper, one of the other waitresses. “Here you go skyp. He’s hot. But I’d be careful. Sometimes
the hot ones are the bad guys.” She warned.
Mila was never one to care for going on dates and all that kind of stuff. She was more so as that one friend who would rather
marry herself.
I stopped beside her and wait for Skyper to leave before telling her. “I think I just got offered a high-paying job.” I breathed out,
still in disbelief as I clench my brows.
Mila gives me her full attention. “We talked about this Soph, no to stripping.”

Ismacked her behind her head and she whines. “I’m not talking about stripping Mila. I’m talk ing about Bernard offering me a job
at the company he works at.”
Her brows clench in thought. “Isn’t he like a Chief of something?”
I nodded. “Chief financial officer. He wants me to be his secretary, the one he currently has is ready to leave. He says he had
that spot waiting for me to fill.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Are you sure that man doesn’t have an eye on you, Soph? I don’t want you to go and work for some creepy
I shook my head. “Bernard has never looked at me in any sexual way, treats me like his daughter, and has been kind enough to
buy Ashton gifts.”
Mila nods. “You’re right.”
“And besides, I didn’t say yes, I’m not sure about this. Being a secretary even for the CFO sounds like a tough job. Especially for
a huge company like”
Mila nods. “Heard they’re some big shot company too but I don’t really like gossip about business people. They make me feel
miserable for living on medium wage.”
Trolled my eyes and was about to respond to her when she cuts in before I could. “But. If were you I’d do it. This is a huge
opportunity, Soph. You can give Ash the life you’ve always want ed to provide for him.”
Ignawed on my bottom lip. “I don’t know. It sounds too good to be true and I don’t think I’m qualified enough.”
Mila rolls her eyes. “It’s a secretary job, how hard can it be?”
The door suddenly burst open and Ressa’s glare was lethal. “Back to work you two!”
I crossed my arms smugly. “I’m on my break now Ressa.”
Rolling her eyes she turns to Mila.” You. Back to work!” She barks.
Mila salutes her and gives me a joking glare. “I’d do anything to switch places with you right now.”
“Mila!” Ressa screeched,

Rolling her eyes, Mila turns around and skates over to Ressa, “Okay I’m coming stick up your a*s woman!”
I snorted out a giggle when Ressa smacks a whining Mila.
Sighing when I’m now alone, my mind wanders back to the opportunity Bernard was nice enough to give me.
Should I pass this opportunity up or should I delve into it?
Trubbed at my temples. I was way too sleep deprived to think about this right now.
Aiden’s pov
“Good morning sir!”
I briefly look over to my right to see my beaming secretary
Her brown eyes gleamed with desire as they rack over my form. I push my hands into the front pockets of my expensive suit and
nodded stiffly at her as I pass by.
Being in jail for an entire year had changed me into a very cold man. I had no feelings left. I only felt anger and more anger.
Mixed with frustration of course.
It has since been three years and some months since the altercation with Carson in which mostly everyone I knew turned their
backs on me. Including her.
The girl who frustratingly still lives in my mind to this day.
Topened the door and as expected, I am greeted by my grandfather. I noticed his body guards on my way coming here so I
wasn’t surprised to see him in my office.
Sergio Harrington. Chairman of and my grandfather.
“Grandfather.” | greeted him as I closed the door and walked over to my desk that over looked the city.
“You’re late.” He stated with narrowed eyes.
Sighing heavily I asked while settling myself on the chair. “What brings you here to my office on such short notice?” I asked stiffly.

I had to grow up quickly during that year in jail. I owe a lot to him actually, he was the one working behind the scenes to make me
get a lesser sentence. Whatever he did or said worked because I came out of jail within a year.
I was not proud to admit this, but the first thing I did when I got out was to look for...her.
But apparently, she left town with her best friend Mila and no one knew where to.
Knowing that everyone hated me, I didn’t bother to ask her foster parents or speak to them for that matter. I had an inkling they
wouldn’t have told me where to find her.
Now it’s been two years since I’ve become Ceo of and I’m convinced I have gotten over her.
Sergio fixed himself in the seat. “So I can’t come to check up on my grandson?”
| snorted. “What do you want old man?”
Aiden’s pov
I leaned back into the chair as I waited for what he had to say.
His eyes were piercing me across the desk. It feels uncomfortable but I don’t waver under his stare.
Sergio was a man who loved feeling superior, even at his age. For the last two years, I have been in the presence of men who
were just like him, sharks, waiting for the best opportunity to bite
Thave grown used to it and I was not ashamed to admit that I had turned out to be just like them.
Perhaps this is why the finances skyrocketed when I turned CEO of the company. I was by far worst than Sergio.
And as I remember correctly, they called me the blue-eyed devil.
” Aiden, it has come to my attention that you have quite a reputation in the business tabloids lately.” Sergio started.
| stiffen already having an inkling of where this conversation would lead to.

I tangled my fingers together, and regarded him over the desk. He didn’t look pleased. But then again, Sergio was never
“Yes, I am very popular with those tabloids.” I nodded, acting indifferent
The tick of his jaw showed how frustrated he was with my indifference. I felt the corners of my lips lift slightly
I always liked to annoy the old man.
“Don’t act so mighty. The tabloids have only bad things to say about you, that’s nothing to be proud of.” He grits, his steeling
eyes glaring at me.
I lift my shoulder in a barely there shrug. “Because there’s nothing good to say. I don’t care about their opinions, They’re just
useless people living off on the rich.”
Sergio’s eyes narrowed. “They’re calling you a cold hearted man-w***e who can’t keep it in his pants for at least two seconds.
With your reputation, they’re saying that you may not be fo cused on running the company but running after every model with
long legs.”
| snorted. “They must not have seen the s**e in the business recently.”
“This is no time to joke around Aiden! Our company’s reputation is on the line because of your reckless ways!” Sergio hissed,
looking very frustrated and angry.
Well, hopefully, the old man doesn’t pop a vein there.
I c***ed a brow. What they wrote about me wasn’t anything new. I don’t see the point in bringing up something that didn’t really
matter in my world.
In his perhaps, but in mine....I couldn’t give a f**k what they thought.
“What do you want me to do about it, Sergio? My reputation perceives me. Though they’re not correct about my lack of focus on
running the business. Perhaps if they stopped following me around so much they’d notice the s***e we got recently.” I said
Sergio’s eyes turned into slits. “They didn’t lie about you sleeping around with different wom en. That alone is enough to put you
in a bad light. I passed down this company to you in hopes that you’ll be the man your father never was

My hands fisted as ! popped my jaw. “Don’t put my father into this.” I snarled, leaning for ward as I looked at him coldly.
Sergio narrowed his eyes at my tone and breathed out fire.” These tabloids don’t care about a sudden s**e in a business, or how
well the business is doing. They care about gossip and you’re giving it to them by dangling a different woman off your arm every
d***n day!”
| seethed silently. It was way too d**n early to get a lecture from Sergio who I was sure, wasn’t as innocent when he was my age.
A d**n year without a woman’s body, her body, and I had fallen into the rabbit hole of frus tration and anger. I did what any sane
man would do...I f***d any willing woman to ease my frustration, Praying and hoping that one of them would make me forget
“You owe me a lot Aiden. And though we don’t see eye to eye much, I care for you as a grandfather should. I’ve done all I can to
help you, it’s time you start pulling your own weight around here. I want those tabloids to see you as a changed man. This
attention that you’re get ting isn’t good if they find out about your past.” He warned.
Pulling my own weight around here? Wasn’t I the one who pushed the company to the next level and earned us a billion dollars
in the first year I filled in his shoes?
For a guy who didn’t go to college and get that business degree, I was doing well on my own. What more weight does he need
me to start pulling?
I continued to stare at his cold face and can sense something was brewing, especially with the gleam in his eyes. What the hell
was he playing at?
“What are you getting at old man? Spill and quit beating around the bush.” | snapped. I was losing patience with him.
Sergio crossed his legs and looked at me c**y as he leaned back on the chair. “I think it’s time you settle down Aiden. Find
someone you can marry.”

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