The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 28

Sophie’s pov
* Three years latert
“Where are the shoes, where are the shoes!” I panicked as I raced back into the room. I crouched beside the bed and aimlessly
shift my hands under the bed in search of Ash’s shoes.
Ashton would always place his shoes and his toys in every crook and cranny of this place. Honestly, I love my little boy, but it
was getting exhausting to always go hunting for those things. Especially when I was already super late to drop him off at daycare
and late for work
“We’re gonna be late Soph!” Mila yelled.
“Aren’t you guys always late?” Ria scoffed somewhere in the apartment.
You’d think rooming with two other girls would be a blessing. But it was anything but that. The apartment was constantly a mess,
which perhaps had to do with my troublesome twenty seven month old toddler. He was in that phase where throwing his toys
everywhere was his own personal touch for the interior of the apartment.
And don’t get me started on the smell of burnt food every day. You’d think we were good in the kitchen because Mila and I
worked at the diner. You can’t be any more wrong. We were hopeless in the kitchen.
“Gotcha!” I shouted in joy when my fingers grab Ash’s favorite shoes. I rise to my feet, brushing off the dust that was stuck to my
knees. I really do need to clean this room. Actually, the entire apartment needs a deep cleaning
I walked out of the room, my fingers pinching his tiny shoes compared to mine.
I dangle it when I could get a good glimpse of him on Mila’s lap. My heart slams against my chest every time his blue gaze
sweep over to me.
He looked so much like Aiden. It was amazing how similar the two look alike. Ash practically had none of my features, all Aiden
which was scary. The only thing he had which were similar to mine, was his ears.
Apart from that, Ash was an exact copy of Aiden, down to his mischievous ways.
His blue eyes drop to his shoes that were in my hand and he did that cute thing where he pushed out his tongue a little, bit the
tip, and smiled. It had everyone fawning over him and falling for his tricks. Ash got away with everything.

“Did you really think I wouldn’t have found it, mister?” I narrowed my eyes on his cute face. Gosh, how can I ever stay mad at
that face?
Ash giggles.
“So mischievous’ I giggled, smiling widely when I reach beside him and Mila. She helps me put on his shoes and when we’re
done, Ash is quick to tell Mila to place him on his feet,
His exact words were “Mi mi, w**k down.” That were usually his signature words to tell us that he was fed up being carried like a
“Okay then Mr. Ash’ Mila giggle and placed him on his feet. “Here you go.”
Ash walks the few steps left to reach me and hugs my legs. “Lek go, mama.” His big blue eyes stare up at me and I melt.
My baby was so beautiful even though he didn’t want to be considered a baby anymore since he always pouts when we do call
him such.
“My mom’s gonna skin your a**es alive for being late yet again. Ria shorts while entering the living room. She quickly wraps her
black ink tresses in a ponytail
Her tatted arms were one of the first things you notice about her and well, the vulgar words she uses often. She wasn’t too hard
to point out from the crowd.
I quickly covered Ash’s ears even though he had already heard and glared at Ria. “D**it, Ria. How many times must I tell you no
cursing in front of Ash!” I snapped.
She winces and shrugs. “Oops, I always forget okay?”
I glared at her and uncovered Ash’s ears.
“Riri say bad word mama.” He pointed at Ria who smiles at all of us sheepishly.
Lifting her hands up in exaggeration, she puffs out. “Hey at least he knows it’s a bad word. Anyway don’t you guys have
somewhere to be?!” She shooed us, gesturing with her hands for us to head to the door.
“Girl we pay more than half the rent here, don’t shoo us out of our own apartment,” Mila says sassily as she picks up her bag.

Ria rolls her eyes knowing Mila was only joking....kind of. “G*d, I can’t wait for this peace and quiet when you two leave.”
“Three of us a*s- I mean dinglebat.” Mila snorted, walking around the couch before I could throw something at her.
“I excluded Ash because he at least I can handle. You two annoy the living hell out of me. Now shoo. Be gone. Bye.” Ria shooed
us again.
“Love you too bish
“What?” Mila gulped when I sent her an annoyed glare.
“Bish as in the beach get it?” She asked sheepishly. I rolled my eyes and picked up Ash. Grabbing a hold of my bag in the other,
I turn to Ria.
I looked at her, narrowing my eyes. “Hey, at least clean the apartment while we’re not here?”
She scoffs but nods. That alone told me she would not even touch the broom. Much less look at it.
‘I have a shoot at two thirty today. If I’m not home when you two get back the key is where we usually hide it.” She says.
Ria was an upcoming model. This season has been generous to her and she’s been getting more and more opportunities to do
photoshoots lately
Both Mila and i nodded. We said our goodbyes and walked out of the apartment. We took the stairs. We always take the stairs.
We were convinced the elevator was possessed and it didn’t help the fact that this was a s***y apartment building where
unconventional things happened quite often
For example, last night the lights suddenly went out and only came back on a couple of hours later. So you see, we didn’t want to
get stuck in an elevator for hours
Ash buries his face in the crook of my neck as I walked down the endless stairs. He hated anything to do with heights.
His little alins squeeze around my neck lightly, almost suffocating me actually. But I don’t tell him to loosen his arms.
I hold then closer to mne, kissing his head and whispering soothing words about how he was going to be okay and how we were
almost out,

He nods, snugging closer to me even more smiled
I wouldn’t vade thus for myting else in the world. He was my ute
“Hmpth.” I let out as I struggled to unbuckle the straps securing Ash in his car seat.
I sighed in relief when I finally got him out. I grabbed his bag with all his necessary things and hurried into the daycare center.
This was the hardest part. The part where I leave him for hours and not being able to see his face.
I try to reassure my heart that we would reunite again soon. When I drop him off, I was reluctant to let go. I crouched to his level
and pepper him with kisses, loving the fresh scent of c***ut on him.
“Mommy will miss you my little Ash bug,” I whispered, pressing my lips to his forehead as I try to relax my heart.
“Lah woo, mama.” He said, not being able to pronounce the word love and you properly. It still melts my heart and I squeeze his
little figure to me.
This little boy was my entire world.
“I love you so much, Ash. To the stars, to the entire universe.”
“Didn’t want to let go?” Mila smiled turning to face me when I entered. I closed the door and buckled myself securely.
“No,” I admitted. She knew how hard it was for me to part ways with Ashton even if it is just for a little bit.
“Figured as such.” She laughs lightly as my old car roars to life.

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