The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 22

Alden’s pov
I whipped around, stunned to see that a***le who thought it was okay to be with my girl.
Carson, his name was, was it?
I narrowed my eyes, unsure of his intentions as he glared at me in fury,
“Tho f**k you just call me?” I sneered under my breath. Why was he even here and what the hell was he playing at by following
me upstairs?
His blue eyes narrowed on my face, his glare brutal but doesn’t upset me one bit. “You heard me a**le. You’re a b**rd.”
My lips thinned. “Funny. I was about to say the same thing about you.” I growled.
His eyes pinned me with a death stare, something that showed me that he loathed me. Good. Feelings were mutual.
“Stay away from her.” He sneers under his breath and took a step forward.
Was he trying to be menacing? Did he really think he looked intimidating? I wanted to laugh.
He looked like a d**n cat compared to me. He knew he stood no chance against me, I wondered why he was even trying
I knew who he was warning me about and was tempted to tell him that Sophie is and still will be mine. But I only acted
nonchalantly and pretended that I knew nothing of what he was saying.
“Stay away from who? There are a lot of hers?” I taunted, not back away even when he took another step forward.
“You know who I’m talking about d**k.” He sneers. “Stay away from my girl.”
Now at that, I grew angry. Stay away from his girl? I snorted. Sophie was my girl. Always had been even though she didn’t know
it yet.
She probably thought I was joking when I told her she was mine. I had every intention of showing her I meant every word.
“You know I should be the one to tell you that.” I took a step forward and noticed the shift of emotions in his eyes. He wasn’t sure
if to back away or not

I snorted
I was right. He was a p**sy He only tried to show off in that diner because Sophie was there.
“You carne walizing in here, playing with something that doesn’t belong to you. Did I not tell you....” My angry and stormy stare
pin down on him. That p**sy belongs to me and no one else?” I growled.
Carson looks frustrated and snapped, “You had years to get her and now that I’m with her you’re being an a*s about it. You lost
your chance blo, just stop going after Sophie. Stop bullying her to get her attention.”
“Dont f**ng call me brol” i saged, glaring at him.
I should’ve f**ed up his face even more in that diner. Maybe then, Sophie wouldn’t have said yes to being his girlfriend.
“Sophie has a mouth of her own 100. If you’re feeling threatened by me, just say so Stop beating around the bush and admit that
you know she’s mine and not yours You know I can have her if I want 10. You know you don’t stand a chance with her. I said
bluntly with truth in my words
Carson’s face looks red with rage and I smirked knowing I was getting to him
I took a step forward. “And you want to know what I think? I think the only reason she said yes to being your girlfriend, was
because she knew she’d hurt me. You’re nothing but a pawn Carson. You mean absolutely nothing to her.”
My eyes fall to his fisted hands at his sides. “You’re lying b***rd! Sophie would never use me just to make you jealous.”
“Oh?” I raised a brow. “I think I know my little Sophie more than you do. I know how she moans when I enter her and how she
pulls me closer....”
I look at his face and then it clicked. A big smirk emerged on my face. Jackpot. “You heard us, didn’t you? I bet you stayed to
watch the little show. Were you trying to be a good boyfriend by waiting for her after detention? And came looking for her when
you didn’t see her coming out yet?”
I clicked my tongue in amusement when he sneers,
I chuckled. “Don’t see why you’re mad about it. Somewhere in the back of your head, you knew that this would have happened
sooner or later. Sophie and I can’t resist each other.”

What a loser, thinking he can just come here and prance around with my girl. Sophie was mine and not his. It would be better for
him to understand that now rather than later.
After all, I had every intention of confessing to Sophie. I don’t think I would be able to cope if she gets with another guy that
wasn’t me again. Her being with this a*s only proved that I couldn’t take it.
“Shut the hell up!” Carson barks and I chuckled.
“Let me after you saw me f**ing my girl, you followed me here to warn me off of what belongs to me?” I snorted,
chuckling when Carson grits his teeth.
“So I am correct then.” I laughed.
“Why are you even after her? You have other girls hanging off your arm every day. Isn’t that enough? Why do you need her too?”
Carson snarled in disgust. “You can get any other girl, why her?”
“Because none compares to her! None is Sophie! Those girls mean nothing! They never meant anything.” I roared.
What will it take for this m**on to get it through his thick skull that Sophie was always my girl and even if he smiles prettily at her,
she’d never
truly be his?
“You won’t treat her right. You’re not right for her. I’m not letting go of her just for her to fall into a b**rd’s lap!” Carson sneers.
“That’s the thing, Carson, she already did!’ i blasted. I was losing my patience with this fool. “And she’ll continue to fall into my
lap, again and again
My head snaps to the side when a fist collided with my jaw, I hadn’t had time to react when Carson threw fist after fist at my face.
I could feel the amount of rage he had for me as his knuckles collided against my jawbone. This time I had no time to react
before his fist met my face
I was too blinded by the words i was saying to him to have realized his fist was coming toward my face.
When I felt the blow, i s***red back and then didn’t wait a second later to retaliate. I was furious, enraged, and f**ng beyond
redemption as I saw turn as someone that was in the way of getting what I wanted.

He had the nerve to ki*s my gurt Touch what’s mine and come here acting all macho as if I couldn’t see right through him. He
was a p**sy. And the ordy reason he was so transfed by my Sophie was because he wanted to luck her
I could’ve seen it in his eyes and the way he stared at her bottom. He didn’t like her, he didn’t love her. Not like I did. And he
better realize that competing with me for her would be useless for him. I’d always win.
“She’s mine!” He roared, colliding his fist on my stomach.
His words brought on a burning rage I never felt before and before I knew it, my fist had collided with his face so hard and
powerful, that

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