The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 181

Aiden’s pov
My heart felt heavy for hours now and no matter how many times I rubbed over the ache, it wouldn’t go away.
I knew why it was here. It’s because I still felt like crap. I hadn’t been there for her. What if that motherfucker did more than
forcefully kiss her?
I wouldn’t have been there to stop him.
He could’ve seriously hurt her.
Just the thought of him doing more than kissing her made that ache grow I felt fucking powerless for the first time. I wasn’t there
to protect her from him. I wasn’t fucking there.
Not only was Sergio giving me hell, those fucking Muralo siblings were more trouble than I thought.
The door to the bathroom swung open slowly, pulling me away from my thoughts.
Her flushed face made the ache in my heart ease a good bit. And when she shyly rushed over to the bed, I couldn’t help but
smile at her adorableness.
Shit. Is it possible to fall more and more in love with her?
She crawled under the covers, hiding her body entirely from my vision. I raised a brow looking down at her while she tuck the
covers under her
I didn’t fail to notice that she wore something more revealing tonight. Chuckling I decided to tease her and then brought my head
on her chest.
I sighed.
Something bad could’ve happened to her today. And it would have been all because of me.

I had pulled her into my world because I was selfish to let her go. What about Ashton? How far will these people go to hurt my
little family to get me?
My heart races at the thought.
I gripped her tighter, my voice cracking. “I’m sorry,”
Her fingers played in my hair and it was comforting but in that comforting silence, my thoughts seem to pull me into that dark
I listened to the steady beat of her heart, letting the sound relieve me a bit.
“For what?” She whispered while still playing with my hair.
I clenched my eyes tightly for a little, my heart aching. Sophie was too innocent for my kind of world. I knew that the moment I
realized I was in love with her years ago. But of course, I was selfish and always had a problem letting things go.
I lift my head and peered into her sweet innocent eyes. My heart hurt. Why am I causing this sweet little angel to go through such
terrible things in life?
Why can’t I protect her enough? Why can’t we be in peace for once?
My vision fogs as my throat burned.
I didn’t deserve her. I know I didn’t.
“For bringing you into this mess. I should have never gotten with her. Never should’ve wasted my time with others. Especially
since I knew that I would never love another the way I do you.” I said truthfully.
I screwed up the moment I gave those other women what belonged to her. I should have never touched them, especially Lillian.
Perhaps if I hadn’t she wouldn’t be this obsessed with marrying me.
Maybe then, we wouldn’t be going through all of this. A fucking mess. That’s what our world has become. A huge fucking mess.
Sophie shook her head and continued to play with my hair.
Whatever happened, it’s in the past.”

She didn’t understand that my actions in the past stirred the pot into what
it is now.
I shook my head. “I should’ve protected you more my little Sophie,” My voice cracks in my throat and it’s painful.
“I should have protected you more from Sergio, the Muralos-
I gripped her tighter, feeling immense pain at the thought of them hurting her again.
The fucked up part was that I couldn’t promise her that they wouldn’t try to hurt her again. I couldn’t reassure her that those evil
sons of bitches wouldn’t try to harm her because of me.
And fuck if this is not heartbreaking and gut-wrenching.
But what I can do is promise her to do better in protecting her from them.
“I’m sorry I failed you, Soph. I swear I’ll do better. I swear it.”
I don’t want to feel this kind of way again. Powerless.
This isn’t what dad taught me. He taught me to be strong enough to protect the ones that meant a lot to me. Those that I love.
I stared at her and noticed her eyes had that slight fear look in them. She
looked like she was sick.
I sat up beside her, peering down at her smaller figure in concern. “What is it? Do you feel sick?”
Her eyes glistened with alarm, making my heart skip a beat?
“Make me forget.” She rushed out in one breath while she pushed herself up on her elbows.
I stared at her closely until I realized why she looked so distraught. She was thinking about that motherfucker, wasn’t she? She
was remembering how he felt. Fuck. I shouldn’t have brought them up.
“I’ll make that bastard pay for what he did to you Soph. Jail is too little of a punishment for a piece of shit like that.” I growled.

Christopher Muralo wouldn’t get off this easily after pulling that shit with my woman. He made a mistake when he thought to
touch and kiss her.
The clock is ticking for him.
As soon as I get that call......
Sophie nodded quickly, pushing herself closer to me.
“Okay, you will. Now would you please make me forget about him?”She whispered in a rush. She was desperate to forget about
him and I will gladly fulfill her wish.
I nodded, my eyes falling on her lips.
I won’t allow that piece of shit to give my baby nightmares or have her distraught.
I lifted my hand and pinched her chin lightly.
I’ll do better in protecting her. The next time I will be ready. No one is
going to touch a single hair on her or Ashton’s head.
I can’t promise her that they won’t try, they can. But I will promise her that they won’t succeed.
“After I’m done with you tonight, you’ll only remember me, got it baby? You won’t feel his disgusting lips on yours. You won’t
remember how bitter he tasted. I’m going to make sure of it.” I promised and captured her soft lips with mine.
I will erase any lingering memory of that bastard on her lips. I’ll make sure that her body remembers only me from now on. She’s
going to sleep peacefully tonight.
I grip the sheets and threw them off her body. I crawled on top of her, pressing my body on hers. Detaching my lips slightly I
breathed. “You won’t need these, I’ll warm you tonight myself.”
I’ll make sure she can only feel my heat. She will only be going to bed satisfied and at peace. That evil bastard Muralo will not
haunt her dreams tonight or any other night.

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