The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 175

Sophie’s pov
My eyes bulged in shock.
If there was one thing I’d think the Morale’s were guilty of, it would not have been
I shivered, my skin crawling. I’m disgusted.
Perhaps I was overreacting since it is but a rumor. But if it were....why would the said
bodyguard disappear and have never been seen again after claiming such?
People usually disappear when they’ve seen something they shouldn’t because either
the acting parties have paid them off or the acting parties have done something bad to
Either way....I can’t help but have an inkling that the statement is true.
’Do you think it’s true?”
Aiden hums, shrugging a bit. “Christopher has always been really close with his sister,
the two are considered inseparable. He’d do anything for her. He sees her as his
prized jewel. Everyone knew that.But if they do have a sexual relationship going on,
they’re doing a good job in hiding it from the public.”
If Christopher saw Lillian as his prized jewel then that would mean that he would be
very upset if anyone hurt Lillian in any way.
Is that why Aiden slept with her and tossed her like she was used tissue?
Did he do that to get on Christopher’s nerves?

Or did he just do it for just the thrill of it?
I bit the inside of my cheek and then voiced out my thoughts. “Is that why you slept
with her? Did you want to get one up on him? How did you two even become rivals?”
My brows furrowed as I thought about it.
Christopher and Aiden were like two princes battling for the throne. Only one could
conquer such a high position.
Aiden looks away, his face flushed with embarrassment. “Yes. It was to irritate him. I
regret doing that and can’t justify myself. I was an asshole. Plain and simple. I’m not
going to try to make you feel like you need to forgive me. Be upset with me all you
want, as long as you still love me, I can take it.”
’I’m not upset with you about it, well not anymore. If anything, I was jealous that you
slept with others. But it’s all in the past now and I don’t see it doing any good to hold
on to such feelings anymore.” I admitted while playing with Ashton’s fingers.
He had quieted down and was now bubbling with slight giggles.
Aiden looked at me in guilt, his face twisting with pain. “I’m sorry Soph. There are so
many mistakes I had done in the past, mistakes that brought you pain. I wished I
could go back and rewrite them.”
He shifts closer to Ash and me and loops his arm over my shoulder. He tucks me
closer until I had no choice but to rest on his shoulder. “But let me make one thing
clear to you Sophie Bell, no other girl, woman, no one could ever compare to you.

You’ve been it for me before you even knew. There’s no need to be jealous of anyone.
Not when my heart only beats for you my love.”
He kisses my head tenderly and interlocks our fingers. He sighed, as if the feeling of
being close brought him some peace with his raging thoughts. I knew his thoughts
were scattered, especially with what happened to him today, there was no way he was
not overthinking.
I’m happy that I could at least bring some sense of peace to his thoughts.
’I promise to fix this. I promise.” He sighed, hugging me and Ash closer as if the mere
thought of us being farther away made him sick.
I squeezed his hand because I believed him. If anyone had to fight Sergio and had a
chance, it would be Aiden.
There was nothing more strong willed than a man who had been threatened to lose
his family. Aiden was not willing to give us up easy, and neither was I going to give him
No more.
No one will get in between our future again.
No one.
Aiden pulls away reluctantly while murmuring. “I’ll be back, baby. I need to make a few
calls and I will be back.”
The way he spoke I knew he was going to make calls to his private investigator. Aiden

was ready to go on the offense.
Meredith’s pov
I stormed my way to the huge door.
’Hunny, are you sure about this?” Grant rushed behind me.
Grant never liked confrontation.
But I have Harrington in my blood, we love confrontation. We crave winning an
“This has to stop today Grant. I can’t have him hurt our boy. He finally found his
peace, a family, and the love of his life. I can’t let father make those beautiful things
slip through Aiden’s fingers for his own selfish gain.” I grit as I pound my fists on the
It shook, surprising Grant with how much power I possess.
The door rattles for a few until a young maid pries it open. Her eyes are bulged with
fear and shock.
’Get out of my way.” I snapped, brushing passed her while yelling. “Father!”
“Miss! Miss. Miss!” The young maid rushes towards me, trying to stop my advances.
I shrugged her off. ’Move out of my way girl, I came here to speak to my father.” I
“Hunny, maybe you should calm down,” Grant suggested.
’I will not calm down until I see him.’ I sneered, resuming my way to the top floor.

“Miss, he’s not hereI snorted. *0h please darling, I know my father is here. His favorite coat is still hung by
the door.”
She looks surprised and then her shoulders sagged.
’Fine. I will bring you to him.”
She walks past me and Grant and I followed her to a tall thick wooden door.
Flashes of a young girl knocking on that same door, begging her papa to play with her
made my heart ache.
That young girl was me.
A very long time ago.
A time when I thought dads were supposed to protect their kids no matter what.
The young maid pushes the door open, revealing a huge office.
Father is there and Margo. He’s seated at his desk while Margo nurses the wounds on
his face.
When his eyes fell on me, a grin paints on his face. ‘My sweet daughter. You finally

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