The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 151

Chapter 151-Sophie’s pov
I looked at my reflection in the mirror and I could see the worry in my gaze. It was deep and dark and if I didn’t remove it from the
windows of my soul soon, then Aiden would defi- nitely notice.
I sighed.
We were to head to Sergio’s place in just a few and I was nervous. Sergio clearly was trying to break Aiden and I apart and I was
a hundred percent sure he had some kind of plan up his sleeves today.
I was scared to see whatever he had planned unfold be- fore my eyes. But knew I needed to show a backbone so he’d not think I
was easily threatened.
I try to relieve my shoulders of the anxiety weighing them down when I heard the approaching of his heavy footfalls.
“You ready mama bear? ” Aiden walks into the room and my eyes fall on his figure through the mirror.
He stops in the doorway, his eyes on my back and then they skim down my length. They stop on my bottom and he bit into his
lower lip.
“Sophie,” He groaned and approached me, his footfalls heavy yet slow as he walked towards me like a predator.
I whirl around and lift my gaze to his eyes. The dazzling blue made my stomach knot with butterflies.
He stops inches from me and sucks in a sharp breath while he lets his eyes drink me in.
“You look breathtakingly beautiful,” He whispered, his eyes snapping up to hold me into his intense stare.
I smiled, a pleasant smile as I drink in his words. “Thank you.”
Aiden takes a step forward and h*oks his finger under my chin. He tilts my head up, his gaze dark with hunger. It’s crazy how
we’ve had sex more than eight times in less than 48 hours and he still wants more.
“And I can’t wait to take this dress off you when we get back,” He groans and dips his head to kiss me.
We kiss for a few, slow and then when he tries to domi- nate me, I push at his chest lightly. He was messing up my lip- stick and I
had no motivation to redo it.

“Aiden, my lipstick,” I whined and he chuckles, stealing yet another kiss from me.
When he pulls away, I make sure to wipe the red stains on his lips. He smirks. “Leave it, I want everyone to see that you’ve
marked me in this way.”
I smiled. He must’ve sensed my uneasiness and was trying to lighten the mood. I will admit that he was successful in do- ing so.
“You want everyone to see that you have red lipstick on your lips?” I giggled while cleaning off the excess.
“As long as that red lipstick came from kissing you then
yes, I want them to see it.” He grinned, flashing his white teeth.
I giggled but I was somewhat pleased to know that he wanted others to see my ‘mark’ on him. Aiden was saying the right words
for me to fall even harder in love with him.
I stared at him fondly, the same way his eyes bored into
“Thank you,” I whispered, brushing my thumb over his top
“For what?” He breathed out, his eyes tw*nkling with the light of adoration.
I smile wider.” For trying to ease my worries and for loving me.” I shyly looked away, feeling his stare burn at the side of my face.
His finger push under my chin and he draws my face back to face him.
“Why are you saying sorry baby? I’m your fiance, it’s my job to make you happy at all times. Besides,” He tilt my head up and my
eyes snap to his. They connect with his lovely blue and my insides warmed up.
“I should be the one thanking you for giving me another chance even though I screwed up plenty of times. I should be on my
knees right now.” He whispered and planted a soft kiss on my lips.
The kiss turns heated quickly and Aiden backs me until the back of my legs touched the wood of the bed. “Aiden,” I whispered,
moaning when he licks my lower lip.

I pull away. If we don’t stop, we will be late.
“We need to go,” I whispered and Aiden groaned.
“I knew I shouldn’t have a quick taste of you, ” He grunted, biting my bottom lip and pulling away slowly, reluctantly. “Be- cause
now I want more.”
I want more too.
But I want to get this lunch with Sergio over with so I can get back here.
Pulling away from him completely, I smacked his chest playfully and pushed him away lightly.
“Okay Mr. Smooth. That’s enough.” I giggled and he re- luctantly takes a step back, but keeps his hands on my waist which
draws me with him.
“Just a little taste mama bear. I swear I’ll be quick.” He moaned, dipping his head and aiming for my mouth.
I laugh heartily, pushing my face away before his lips could capture my own. “The last time you said it would be quick, we had
sex and it lasted for an entire hour. If Ashton had not woken up, I know you would have kept going at it.”
Aiden groaned when his lips landed on my cheek instead of my mouth and he chuckled at my words.” Is it so bad that I love your
p*ssy Sophie? I’m addicted,” He shrugged, his hand on my waist going lower to cup my bottom.
I gasp as he pulls me flush to him.
“You know you’re a drug Sophie.” He kisses my cheeks, trailing his soft lips on my jawline. Such a feather touch that
had my stomach raging with wild butterflies.
If he keeps this up, I may not be able to resist.
“But you’re also the cure. And right now, I need that cure before I go insane.” He groaned, biting my jawline.
“You’ll get that cure when we get back,” I said breathlessly while fighting off the moan in my throat. I swallowed it back, slapping
myself inwardly for not being able to resist Aiden

“But I want that cure now,” He practically whined, pushing his front on mine until I felt his hard length rubbing against
“Aiden,” I sighed. “We’re going to be late. Sergio might be upset.”
Oh he definitely will be.
“F*ck Sergio. That as*hole can wait for hours, what I can’t wait for is getting a taste of you Sophie. You have a grown man
begging, jeez-
His words stop when I am suddenly on my knees while tucking my hair behind my neck.
He looks down at me in confusion, but I can see the hot longing in his eyes. “Why are you on your knees baby?” He licked his
bottom lip, looking at me like he was seconds away from lifting me in his arms and having his way with me.
“You can’t leave here with a huge tent in your pants Aiden. I’m going to take care of it.” I answered with my eyes dropping to his
Aiden chuckles.”And how are you going to do that?”
I lift my eyes to his, c*cking my brow. “I am on my knees Aiden. Are you going to pull out your c*ck and push it in my mouth or
are you going to keep asking questions?”

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