The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 144

Aiden’s pov
“Now now, Aiden. Is it not too early to give me such an attitude-
“Sergio, you’re getting on my last d*mn nerves. I know you’re behind this sh*t. Get them to take down that post.” I snarled,
gripping the phone tightly while imagining it as Sergio’s neck.
There’s a heavy pause until he answered. “What post are you referring to, Aiden?”
He was playing the oblivious card but I knew better than to think that he was innocent in all this.
He had a hand to play with Lillian being shifted here and he also had a part to play with the papara*zi getting to
just as Lillian and I were heading out.
It was not a coincidence, and I was not dumb enough to think that she also had no part to play in this as well.
“You’re seventy Sergio. You’re an old man. When are you going to stop playing those silly games? You know what you did, at
least man up to it and admit what you have done.” I hissed lowly and spared the closed door a glance.
I was trying my best to keep my voice even so Sophie would not take wind of it, but Sergio playing dumb was slapping more fury
in my body.
There is so much I could take until I snap.
Sergio was treading on my last nerves. And he should really tread lightly.
He laughs on the other end, dryly. “The way you speak to your grandfather worries me Aiden. What will become of your son? Will
he regard your father the-
“Old man,” I barked, feeling the veins on my neck protrude. “Do not bring my son and father into your nonsense. You’re beating
around the bush, trying to move away from the elephant in the room. I know what you’re capable of Sergio and I know you have
a part to play with that d*mn article.”
My voice is so loud it booms against the walls and surely had reached Sophie’s ears.
A few ticking seconds later I get confirmation when her sweet voice bubbles through the door, easing my anger slightly.

“Aiden?” She knocked on the door lightly.
“Dada,” Ash murmurs softly after his mother and my heart
I didn’t want him to hear or see this part of me.
I pinched my eyes tightly, and sighed. “It’s nothing to worry about Soph. I’ll be done soon.” I tried to reassure her but we both
know this was utter bull*hit.
Her soft okay makes my belly sink and her fading footfalls urge me to go after her and pull both her and Ashton in my
But I resist that strong pull and cemented myself there until I was done with Sergio.
“Such a sweet girl.” Sergio’s voice brought me back, and the subsiding fury nearly consumed me again.
My jaw tick, my glare burning on the wall as I let him continue.
Last time I saw her we didn’t get much time to talk. It would surely be a pleasure to get to know her more. I was admittedly harsh
the last time-
“Sergio what the f*ck are you on about?” I cut in harshly,
turning around to look at the walls as I’m tempted to hurl the phone at their smooth surface.
He chuckles dryly. “I want to invite you and your little family for lunch tomorrow-
“Sophie’s sick, we can’t make it.” I grit out, fis*ing my hands at my sides.
“Too bad, and here I thought we could strike a deal.” He clicked his tongue and I got confirmation that the old man had been up
to something to get his way.
I straightened my spine and breathed out hot air of rage as I tried to play along. “Deal?”
He chuckles, seeming to be pleased with himself that he had caught my attention.

“It has come to my attention that there was an article written about you and Lillian Muralo,” Sergio draws out and I can just
imagine the b*stard with a smirk on his face.
“You slimy b*stard-
I started but he cuts in.
“Calling me names will not help your predicament.”
My teeth throb with the amount of pressure I applied to them because of the rage that bubbled in my veins. I knew this old
b*stard had a part to play in this.
“What do you want Sergio?” I sighed, exhausted by this old
man tactics.
He chuckles, pleased with himself.
“Simple. I get them to take down the post that really does not look too good for your image and you in return come over with your
family for lunch. ”
Little does he know I care little about my image and how the world sees me. I only care about Sophie and Aiden. And right now
the world was burning her alive.
I had promised myself to protect her in this world and protect her I will. I would walk through the hells of fire to protect my family if
I had to.
So I accepted the devil’s invite.
When I got off the phone with the demon clothed in humans skin, I pinched the skin between my brows in frustration.
I had a feeling Sergio had played a part in this but a small part
wished this wasn’t his doing.

The old man cared little for his family so I suppose this shouldn’t have surprised me.
I waited a few more seconds in the room, glaring at the article until it showed that the page was no longer available.
I refreshed it to be sure and checked the other one with the photo of Lillian and me. Both were completely wiped out.
I grit my teeth.
So that old man was playing dirty after all.
I slipped the phone in my pocket, let out an annoyed breath and walked over to the door.
I have to tell Sophie we’re going for lunch at Sergio’s tomorrow. But how will I say it without sounding like I want to tear the man’s
limbs from his body?
She would obviously sense something was off and would question why I agreed to the lunch knowing I wasn’t pleased with
Questions would lead to me telling her about the article and I didn’t want to see her mood dampen. I refuse to have her upset.
I was going to protect her in every way I can.
When I stepped out of the room and strut back over to the kitchen area, Sophie is standing there, eyes down on her plate as
Ashton twirls her hair between his fingers.
For a few seconds I just stop there and stare at them both. My heart throbs with love and a smile c*acks on my face.
My annoyance from early suddenly dissipates and warmth
blooms inside me.
With the smile still on my face, I approach the two quietly. Her back was facing me so she would not notice me approaching.
She stiffens when I wrap my arms around her but quickly melts in my hold.
“I hope breakfast tasted better than the cupcake,” I murmured and kissed her cheek while pulling in a lungful of her amazing
scent to calm me even more.

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