The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 140

Sophie’s pov
Aiden looked stunned for a few seconds until his face flushed with red and he awkwardly lifted his hand in his hair.
He scratches the back of his head and tore his gaze away from mine before clearing his throat.
“I’m not a stalker Sophie, I swear I’m not some kind of creep.” He then brought that hand to his chin and scratched it as he
brought his eyes back to mine.
He looked as awkward as ever, face bright with red.
He cleared his throat a couple of times and laughed
awkwardly. “I suppose I should explain why I have a picture of you in my drawer.”
I nod, holding Ash on my lap as he played with my tresses.
Aiden sighed and started. “I had it for good luck. I couldn’t have you in my life so I resorted for-
He then winces. “Come to think of it, I do sound a bit creepy.”
He groaned, lifting his head to the ceiling. “I swear when it comes to you Sophie I never think properly.”
He then looks back at me, looking embarrassed. “I’m not even sure where to start to explain to you why I have a picture of you in
my drawer.” He scratched his ears.
He was squirming and for the first time, Aiden wasn’t
composed. He was awkward and I found it oddly adorable.
To tease him more and make him even more awkward, I lift a brow and said. “How about you start by explaining to me where
you got that picture?”
I tilt my head and stared into the ocean swirls that warmed my belly. “I don’t recall taking it.”

He cringed and looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. His awkward state had me biting my bottom lip to stop from
smiling and giggling.
Finally I can manage to make Aiden squirm.
He groaned and sat down beside me, turning his body in a way to face me. His hand reached out to hold my arm and he clears
his throat.
“Okay before I tell you everything. Promise to not look at me any differently. I may come out a bit creepy but I swear I had no bad
My eyes drop to his hand that held my arm. I noted how his fingertips burned my skin.
I try my best to ignore that feeling and lift my gaze to his.
I nod, reassuring him that I would not see him any differently.
He gives me a crooked awkward smile and began.
“I took that photo Sophie,” His neck crawled with a fiery blush that spotted on his cheeks. “You were so beautiful that day and I
just couldn’t help myself. I know it was creepy to just take a photo of you without your permission but there was
just something with the way you looked that day that made me want to capture it. I kept that photo ever since. Bringing it along
wherever I go. I’m convinced it brought me luck so t kept it.”
He then scratched the nape of his neck and looked away from me awkwardly. “Besides, I loved staring at you. It brought me
comfort in jail and during those bad times. It gave me hope.”
I licked my suddenly dry lips and stared at the side of his face. He was embarrassed to look at me, perhaps thinking I was
judging him and thinking of him as a creep.
But little did he know that knowing that I brought comfort and hope to him was the sweetest and one of the best things he had
ever said to me.
But still, I liked to see him squirm and decided to tease him
even more.

Liking the way I was making Aiden squirm wasn’t a bad thing at all.
“I think I remember that outfit I wore. It was my birthday and someone threw the cupcake Mila made for me. I was angry and sad
and went on the field. Little did I know a stalker was lurking. Even though that said stalker was the one who tossed my cupcake.”
I taunted and got the reaction I wanted.
Aiden’s head snapped to my eyes, his cheeks redder than it was seconds ago. He looked ready to crawl into a hole.
I bit into my bottom lip and continued to tease him.” Who would’ve thought your daddy was a stalker then Ash. A mean stalker
who ruined mommy’s birthday cupcake.”
Aiden winced and coughed. “A stalker is a bit of a stretch baby....I was simply checking to see if you were okay. You looked
beautiful and I couldn’t resist capturing the moment.” He shrugged trying to sound nonchalant but of course I knew he was just
I raised a brow and snorted. “Checking to see if I was okay after causing my somber mood is laughable.”
“And besides, you didn’t check up on me, only stated at me from afar and took a picture of me.” I rolled my eyes.
“I had to keep the bully appearance baby. I couldn’t show you I was simping over you.” He scratched his chin.
“Maybe you didn’t have to be a bully at all.” I shook my head in disappointment. “And I’m still not over my ruined
cupcake.”I pouted.
Aiden cringed, scratching his chin. “I was a real jerk back then huh?”
I narrowed my eyes. “Is that even a question? You were the biggest one and you still are.”
Aiden looked battered. “Damm baby, ease up on this old guy would you? I was a kid back then-
“It has only been a few years and you’re not even that old. “I deadpanned.
He winced and then got off the bed. “Okay, wait here, I’ll be right back.” He said and lifted a finger to tell me to ‘wait!
My brows furrowed.
What can he be up to now?

“Aiden? What are you planning?” I asked in curiosity. I know that look...he was up to something.
“It’s a surprise. Wait here.” He winks and quickly leaves the
I groan and looked down at Ash.
“Oh Ash, what is daddy planning now? Last time he surprised me, the entire living room to kitchen area was filled with roses.” I
sighed as I brushed through his hair.
I don’t think I’m ready for another surprise yet, especially since I haven’t cleaned up all those roses.
Sergio’s pov
That Sophie girl must’ve kept her mouth shut like I warned her too. If she had squealed, Aiden would have surely shown his face
here by now.
I smirked, good, at least the b*tch was smart a little.
I pulled out the phone from my pocket and scrolled through my contacts.
My thumb hovered over her name.
It’s been a good while since I spoke with her.
My mouth twisted into a flat line as I tapped the call button.
The phone rings for a good couple of minutes and on the last
ring, she ends up picking it up before it stops.
I don’t acknowledge her cold tone and spoke.
“Did you know about your son’s secret child with the girl he is now engaged to?”

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