The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 125

Sophie’s pov
“What?” Sergio taunted, leaning his upper half forward and mocked me. “Surprised that I know about this one too?”
My heart was beating uncomfortable, and painfully.
“No,” I finally answered, trying to make it seem like he did- n’t have me close to having my legs feel like jello with fear.
“I’m not surprised at all. You’re Sergio Harrington after all. A very powerful man. Powerful enough to try to control your
grandson’s life.” I said, removing all fake friendly emotion in my voice.
What was the point in talking to him nicely when he was not returning the favor?
Sergio loathed me, it was clear as day. And now that he knew I was the girl who stupidly made Aiden end up in jail....he had no
reason to ever like me.
“I’m trying to make sure my grandson has the best future and doesn’t screw things up like his mother had done,” He snarled
lowly, rolling his eyes over my figure in distaste.
“But clearly I was too late. Seeing as he ended up with an orphan street rat like you.” He sneered looking around the room and
glaring angrily at the roses.
“Your kind doesn’t deserve this kind of gesture.” He spat.
His words hurt and I will admit my heart felt heavy when they slammed against it.
I know I shouldn’t take his words to heart.
I was not weak. Well not anymore.
But the man was still Aiden’s grandfather, and my stupid heart still held a little, just a tinge of hope that someday I could change
his mind about me.
Because I knew deep in my soul that he wouldn’t let Aiden and me bw in peace if he hated me to the core. But if he liked
me....just a little bit more, maybe just maybe he’d stop pester- ing us and give us a break.

“And what is my kind Mr. Harrington? Have I ever disre- spected you in any way to have you come all the way here to disrespect
me? I love your grandson and yes I am an orphan who got taken in by a lovely couple who sees me as their own child. I wouldn’t
trade this for anything else. You using this against me, won’t work.” I responded bluntly.
Sergio’s eyes narrowed. “Why did you come back?” He asked, sweeping his gaze down to Ashton.
“I’ve been thinking about this the entire ride here. I’ve been asking myself why would a girl who ruined her lovers life come to
New York to sort for one of them? Now of course you can’t sort for the other because that poor boy is rotting in the ground.”
Sergio snorted and rocked on his heels as he waited for my response.
Something told me Sergio loved this. He loved getting un- der my skin and loved that he had no one to stop him from telling me
all what he wanted to say to me from the begin- ning.
He hadn’t fooled me the first time when we saw each oth-
He hated me instantly.
He laughed emotionless, throwing his back slightly.” But then I remembered that you have a son for Aiden and every- thing
clicked.” He stopped rocking on his heels and looked at me coldly. “You’re a gold digger. You want money. If I lived in that ratty
old apartment building and working at a diner serv- ing costumers, I would too.”
His eyes then narrowed on my face and then his eyes drop to stare at Ashton. I want to protect Ashton’s innocent self away from
that vile man.
“I’m also trying to figure out when you got pregnant but then judging by Ashton’s birth were a teen mother. And
got pregnant probably the same time you caused a boy to lose his life and nearly ruined Aiden’s life. Did you know about then? Were you planning this all along?”
His eyes then fall to my flat stomach. “And let me guess. The first kid didn’t trap him enough because you were still struggling to
make ends meet. So you trapped him by getting pregnant for the second time. Tell me, did you threaten him to go to the press if
he didn’t marry you?”
His words angered me. Completely irritated me.
He had made up a character in his head that was all wrong and not me at all.

For how smart he was....he wasn’t smart enough to know the truth.
I bit my tongue, trying to not curse him out.
“I am not a gold digger and don’t care about money or fancy things. Like I said, I love your grandson and didn’t get pregnant for
him to trap him into marrying me. Money means nothing to me. What happened with Carson and Aiden was an accident that
shouldn’t have happened. But I have come to terms that things happen and I cannot go back in time to change what happened.”
I looked down at Ash whose eyes are now on Sergio. Your version about me is false. Everything you’re thinking I am, is false.”
Sergio snorted. “False you say? Would you say it’s false that I know that you were keeping Ashton away from Aiden’s
I froze, my eyes widening. He pieced everything together so quickly?
Sergio’s lips curve into a smirk. “Don’t try to deny this one because your reaction confirmed it. You’re not so smart So- phie Bell.
I’ve been baiting you and you hadn’t even realized it.”
I could only swallow.
He would run to the media and tell this bit of knowledge. They’ll throw me under the bus and drag my name, probably Ash too,
He shook his head. ” It all makes sense now why you were poor and struggling those few years. If Aiden had known, he would’ve
helped. But then you saw how well off Aiden was and you decided to find a job at just to tell him about his son.
Now you’ve trapped him into an engagement he doesn’t want. Or maybe you slept with him first before
telling him about Ashton and got pregnant. No that wouldn’t be right because you can’t get pregnant so fast. You’d have to have
slept with him weeks before you got to Well, which is it? Which one did you go with to trap my grand- son?”
I shook my head, my throat tightening. “Stop. Stop accus- ing me of something you don’t know about. I never-
“Save it. Save your lies.” He spat in frustration.
“I only came here to tell you that I know why you’ve come back into Aiden’s life. And I’m here to tell you that it won’t work. I’ll not
let Aiden end up like his mother.”
Sergio’s eyes drop to Ashton and even though he didn’t look at Ash in despise, he looked at him in disappointment.

“Your son could be raised better if you left him with Aiden and get out of their lives. You can also consider aborting that baby in
your womb. I don’t want any more tainted blood in the Harrington family.” Sergio sneered as his eyes fall to my
“My son’s blood is not tainted-
“Like I said, save it. I came here to say what I had to say and now I’m leaving. If I were you, I’d think about what I just said.
“Sergio barks and then turns around to leave.
He stop when he’s beside the door. “Oh and let’s keep this little meeting between us. No need to inform Aiden about it. Because
if you do Sophie,” He turns around to look at me over his shoulder.
“I’ll go to the press and show them Aiden’s jail information
and show them who caused it. The internet can be a very mean place Sophie. I’d be smart if I were you and keep my mouth
shut. Now have a good day.” He said, opened the door and leaves.

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