The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 114

Sophie’s pov
“I don’t know baby. But I’m not wasting anymore time.” He breathed out and connected our lips once more.
His lips are soft against mine, brushing over my bottom lip smoothly. Wet with his taste.
I gasped, my fingers tickling the ends of his hair and then gripped the strands when he suddenly pushes me back.
My back touched the edge of the counter, not sharply so I was not hurt.
“Oh Sophie....” Aiden moaned, his hands leaving my waist to snake down to my bottom where he brushed over them softly as if
trying to remember every curve.
And when those palms land underneath my bottom, those fingers dig into my mounds and gripped them.
I moaned, arching into him.
“I waited too d*mn long for you Soph. Forgive me for being an idiot all those years baby.” He panted, biting my bottom lip and
drawing it out.
I could only moan, clenching my thighs together as I felt the wetness between my thighs grow. It soaked my panties and oddly, I
wanted those panties wet with his c*m and not my
I nodded, and murmured happily when he lets my bottom lip
“You’re forgiven.”
His grin is radiant and causes me to also beam. My heart is beating so rapidly in my chest but I don’t care if I’m close to getting a
heart attack. The man I’ve always loved admitted to loving me all along.
Sure I was still mad about him not confessing sooner but I will focus on the now and worry about that later.
He goes for another kiss, but I stop him by placing my index finger on his lips. Tilting my head and narrowing my eyes, I asked.
“Does that mean I’m now your girlfriend?”
I bit the inside of my lower lip to stop from blushing under his gaze when I realized the words the fluttered out of my mouth.

Aiden smile deepened, and his eyes t**nkled. Those storms were now cleared, and all that was remained was the blue that
reminded me of the ocean.
I remove my fingers off his lips awkwardly and he takes this opportunity to push his head forward. His hot breath feathered
against my lips as he tilted his head.
“Girlfriend is too little of a word to describe what you are to me now Soph,” He said smiling cheerily as one of his hand left my
bottom to hold my arm and brush over to my fingers.
His fingers played with the ring he slipped on my finger. “How about fiance?”
My eyes widen a bit and my heart leapt so sharply I thought it had reached into my throat.
I gulped, shifting my eyes between those blues that warmed
my insides. “Like for real?”
I wanted to smack myself behind my head. Who says like for real? I’m no d**n teenager anymore.
He nodded, the smile slipping from his face slowly, only for a serious look to now paint it. “For real mama bear.”
He captured my lips again, kissing me slowly as he held my finger with one hand whilst the other stayed on my bottom.
He presses into me, causing me to press into the counter a little more. It didn’t hurt so I didn’t complain.
I break away to stop my running thoughts and voiced out my concerns. “Wait.” I said, my eyes still closed. “Aren’t we moving too
“I think we’re moving too slow. I want you now Soph, all of you. Now can we s*ip the talking for now? I want to show you how
much I want you.” He grunted and smashed his lips on mine. I moan, fingers knotting in his hair more.
His hand holding my finger drops it, only to land on my thigh and snake up.
They’re hot against my skin, making me feel like I was burning from within.
It feels good, so good.
I whimper when his fingers crawl higher....higher until they shifted under my dress.

My breath hitched and he takes my gasp in his mouth when those eagerly searching fingers touched my panties.
He groaned in my mouth. “You’re so f**ing wet.”
His fingers pressed into me, pushing between my legs, making me part them so he can have his way.
He detached his lips from mine, but they find my jaw and kissed down my neck.
I tilt my head back, my eyes rolling at the back of my head when he started to run circles on my throbbing c*it covered by my
soaked panties.
“Aiden,” My breath hitched sharply when his fingers no longer were gentle but furious and more eager.
“I waited too d*mn long baby. F*ck.” He groaned, sucking my
My fingers dig into his scalp and he grunted.
“I should’ve showed you how much I can love you a long time ago. I should’ve man up and told you how I felt.” He grunted, his
fingers now peeling the soaked material off my throbbing wet p*ssy.
“I’m so sorry baby. I’m so sorry about everything,” He groaned, kissing my neck where he sucked on furiously.
Aiden was apologizing while playing with my p*ssy and kissing my neck like a starved man.......
I could only nod, because words could not seem to come to me at the moment. My brain was top foggy with pleasure for me to
even speak.
But when his fingers dipped into my entrance, I saw stars
behind my closed lids. “Oh,” finally I was not mute anymore.
He pushed his fingers in deeper. “Oh how I’ve missed your p*ssy.” He panted, curling them inside me until he hit my g spot and
had me buckling towards him.
“It has only been a few days,” I whispered as my p*ssy walls eased around his thick fingers and allow them to push into me

“A few days is far too long. I’d wear you like a glove if it was possible and walk around with you wrapped around my d*ck. That’s
how much your p*ssy has turned me into a crazed man. You’ve become an addiction I don’t want to get tired of.” He hisses and
starts pumping his fingers into me.
I gasped loudly, not only because he was f**king me with his fingers but because his words turned me on to a point of insanity. I
suppose Aiden wasn’t the only crazed one here....
It seems I have become a crazed woman too.
“I can’t wait to dive into that sweet little p*ssy Sophie,” He panted, sucking my neck while pumping his fingers into me from down
“You’ll milk my c*ck tonight and I’ll wear you around for hours until your p*ssy drips of my c*m.”

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