The Girl and The Fox

Chapter 16

A scream erupted from Lizzie's mouth.

'Tizzie, Linda, what are you doing here!? Last time you came round, mum threatened to slice your heads off!' Lizzie whispered, with a excited look on her face.

'She called a pack meeting. So I think we are allowed to be here and see you,' Linda replied gleefully.

'Where's Isabella. Is she here?' Said Tizzie, almost jumping from excitement, whilst looking round the door. When Lizzie heard her comment, her heart sank. What would she say? She could lie, but would Tizzie be able to see through it?

After a while, Lizzie decided to tell the truth and say, 'She ran away with our father and other sister.'

Silence enveloped the room like a new born baby in a blanket. All Tizzie and Linda could do was blink.

'W...when? But it's her birthday. Surely she would come back... wouldn't she?' Tizzie replied hurriedly, trying to make sense of this situation, but I doubt anyone could. If Tizzie could talk to Isabella, Isabella would tell her she wanted to come home really badly, but bad things were holding her back. 'Happy Birthday, by the way!' Tizzie ended, a saddened hint to her voice. Lizzie thanked her, saying that them coming was the best gift they could ever give her.

The three girls ran downstairs to find a room with bustling people. Lizzie, rather confused, cocked her head to the side at the girls, meaning why are all these random people in my house?

'Pack meeting,' Linda replied whilst shoving her towards the door.

They walked slowly, listening to the surroundings and saying nothing to each other. Soon, they were nearing the cliff edge and the sounds of the waterfall rushing out of the small hole in the cliff were soothing to their worries. Linda suddenly stopped and the girls turned to look her way.

'Where exactly are we going?' She asked them, unsure of where they were leading her.

'W...we were following you,' Lizzie said, now unsure of who was leading. 'Let's go deeper into the forest. It is always nice with peace and quiet.'

They trudged deeper into the forest, the leaves crackling under their feet and the wind blowing their hair into their face, when there was a rumble. Thunder.

'We should get out of the forest before the lightning comes,' Linda worriedly said, her eyes on the sky.

'Is that because your paranoid lighting is going to hit the trees, strike us and we will die?' Lizzie asked, almost laughing.

'It sounds worse when you put it that way,' Linda mumbled.

The three girl kept going deeper and deeper into the forest, until an older red head ran up to them. Scarlett.

'You have to come! He took Izzy. And I thought we were going to be a family but he tricked me. She's dying. You've got to come!' The fox shifter rushed out as fast as possible. The twins blinked with shock on their faces, but Lizzie just had a look of pure anger, like she would snap any second. And she did.

'First of all, how do we know if you're lying!? Second, it's your fault in the first place that my sister has been kidnapped, and lastly, why are you telling me this? Can't you just help her if you like her so much!?' Screamed Lizzie, taking in a huge breath of air.

'I'm scared what he will do to her if I interfere. You and her are braver than me. I was hoping you could help,' Scarlett tried, almost in tears. Lizzie agreed to come with her, but if the sly fox was lying she would roast her alive, and she meant it.

They went much deeper into the forest than they had ever been before, to be met with a silvery portal. All four girls jumped through, looking at the magnificent castle once they had entered. As Tizzie was looking around, her face drained of blood, going to a ghostly white. No one noticed her pale face, or the fact that she had slipped away towards the castle catching the attention of every guard along the way.

'I know the back way in! That is where Isabella is near. Come, quickly!' They all snuck around the castle, and back there was a huge venus fly trap. The red head put a finger to her lips and tiptoed across to the door, making sure not to step on anything apart from grass. The others did the same until they all had made it to the rusty, old door. This route hadn't been used for at least one hundred years, and, I'm sorry to say, as Scarlett opened the door, the hinges screeched, alarming the human eating plant there was an enemy there.

Faster than lightning, Scarlett transformed into a fox, biting at the stalk of the harmful plant and signalling for her sister and friends to go. When they entered the room, there were dead soldiers all around and the musky smell of fresh blood. Standing behind the final soldier that had just fallen to the ground was Tizzie.

'I believe a 'thank you' is necessary,' she stated to the gaping faces, chuckling. She walked up to a sealed door with the key from a rotting corpse, wiggled the key in the lock and opened the door.

On the other side was... You don't want to know so I won't tell you!! Oh, you do want to know? Are you sure!? No? You still do? Fine!!! I'll tell you.

On the other side was... Are you really sure? Okay, okay! I'll tell you this time... Or will I?

On the other side was... A room filled of water. As you can imagine, when Tizzie opened the door all the water flooded out onto everyone, but mostly her.

'Next time there is a dodgy looking door with a rusty key, one of you are opening it!!,' the annoyed girl whispered.

Lizzie's eyes broke of one of her best friends to be met with... (Don't worry. I'm not doing that again!!) A sleeping, or dead, Isabella.

The blonde ran up to her sister, putting the black head on her lap and took out a mirror. She held the mirror about her sister's mouth, causing condensation on it. The question is, why does Lizzie carry around a mirror?

'She's alive!!' screamed Lizzie excitedly. 'Linda, help me lift her, Tizzie, protect us if anyone comes our way. We need to get her back safely.'

Tizzie and Linda were both thinking the same thing. She's just like her mother.

Lizzie's plan was put into action and they successfully made it to the exit, but mainly as Tizzie had taken out most of the guards on the way in.

Just as all four girls made it out the portal, Isabella started coughing up water and her eyes starters fluttering open.

'My head hurts,' she whined, then, suddenly remembering everything asked, 'Where are we?’

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