The GHOST and Charlie Dusenberry

Chapter Chapter Twenty One: Prayers


“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid.” – Deuteronomy 31:6

Gus Dusenberry sipped coffee while he sat at his kitchen table. The warm liquid was welcomed as he tried to calm down. Last night had been a restless one where he didn’t get very much sleep. It was the first time since he had arrived ‘up here’ that sleep hadn’t come to him easily.

It wasn’t a mystery why sleep had been so elusive. Gus’ last visit ‘down there’ had been troubling in many ways. His relationship with Charlie was just as bad as ever. It actually may be worse than when he had been ‘down there’ every day. Charlie would still not listen to his advice and his helping to coach the little league team had resulted in a loss.

“I told you it would be a waste of time.” The comment was directed at the angel seated across from him at the table. It was the angel who had first visited him with the prayer request from his son.

“It is not a waste of time,” said the angel who seemed to glow brighter every time Gus looked at her. “If you think about it, you made some progress.”

Gus stared open-mouthed at the angel. “Progress? How can you say that? Charlie hasn’t changed. He’s still the same. Any advice I give him is ignored and some of the kids I’m supposed to coach are just like he was…terrible!”

The angel actually drummed her fingers on the table giving Gus the impression of impatience. That was a first. “Gus, what was the advice you were given when we sent you ‘down?’”

Squirming a little, Gus slowly repeated the words given to him days ago. “Listen and learn.”

“That’s right. And have you done that?”

Here is the darned riddle again, thought Charlie. “I could answer that question for you if I knew what that meant!”

His angel stood up and walked over to the big picture window that looked over his front yard. Staring out the window with her back to him she said, “It’s beautiful here isn’t it?”

“Yes,” said a perplexed Gus. He wondered where this was heading?


The angel continued. “It’s not only beautiful but very quiet. When it’s quiet it affords you an opportunity to think. There are no distractions. It’s also a very good time to pray.”

“Pray?” asked Gus.

“Yes, pray.” The angel turned from the window to face Gus. “It was a prayer that sent you ‘down.’”

“So you tell me.”

“Gus, prayers are not exclusive to being ‘down there.’ Prayers can be heard ‘up here’ too. You just might get some answers to your questions.”

The angel started walking to the front door. Gus walked with her and asked, “Is that it?”

“Yes, Gus, that’s it. You might be better prepared for your next visit ‘down there’ if you use your quiet time for the right thing.”

After the angel disappeared from his home, Gus walked to the picture window. He stood for some time thinking about what the angel had just told him. Gus was never a religious person. Norma had always taken Charlie to church while he found something else to do. He figured he hadn’t been too bad a person since he ended ‘up here.’ However, prayer was something that never had crossed his mind. Being a realist he thought he was on his own to face the problems that confronted him on a daily basis. He was not someone who asked for help very often.

That was until now.

Gus wondered how you went about putting a prayer together.

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