The Genius Delta

Chapter 12 - Persephone

Riding in Jonathan's Aston Martin DB5 erased all my troubles about Mila from my mind. Hard to think about annoying bitches that want my mate when I'm in a car like this. And while it was fun to tease him about him coming to Incubi, I never even considered that an option. If I were in line to be Beta of Nebrodi, I'd have fought for my rank. But I don't have a rank and wouldn't dream of taking him away from his role as Delta.

Every trouble I had melted away on the drive back to Bloodmoon. Nothing else mattered between being in this car and talking about our future. I was excited to get to the packhouse because we'd let others know we were mates. I'll have to video call my family back in Sicily. I would say I don't know who will be more excited at this news, but I already knew it would be André.

I had a smile on my face as we went into the Bloodmoon packhouse. The smile lasted all of five seconds. I should've recognized her, but I met many people when I got here last night and was too tired to care. And right now, I've had it up to my eyeballs with bitches trying to throw themselves at Jonathan. I couldn't do anything about Mila because we were at the office, but now I'm done letting people think they can touch my mate.

"Hana? What is going on?” Alpha Logan questioned, raising his toddler daughter's hands from his eyes as she was perched on his shoulders.

"What happened? I was trying to bathe CJ.” Luna Aurelia frowned as she came down the stairs with their infant son wrapped in a hooded baby towel in her arms.

“She grabbed my collar and threw me to the ground.” Hana accused, accurately but still accusing, as she got up, pointing a finger at me.

It dawned on me very suddenly who this human was. She's the Bloodmoon Princess. I folded my arms because there was no way I would back down. Being an Alpha“s kid doesn't mean a free pass to throw yourself at other people.

“Alpha Logan, Luna Aurelia.” I bowed my head respectfully. “Tell your daughter she touches my mate again, and it will be worse than her ass hitting the floor.” I glared at Hana.

All eyes turned from me to Jonathan. “Guess who found their mate this morning.” He grinned and moved closer to me before wrapping an arm around my waist.

Logan groaned while Aurelia sighed. Hana, however, looked at Jonathan and then at his arm around me, tears filling her eyes before rushing upstairs past her stepmother and baby brother. I should feel something, right? Like empathy or something like that. But I can't bring myself to. What did she think would happen? That Jonathan would never find his mate and be hers?

“I'll go check on Hana.” Aurelia sighed. “She shouldn't be so surprised. She knew he wasn't hers.” I heard her muttering as she walked up the stairs.

“Which reminds me, I need to access the database we keep for approved nonpack in the territory,” Jonathan announced, walking quickly past Logan.

Oh good. It sounds like Jonathan's going to do some digging into that bitch. I hope she didn't file the correct forms and gets sent back to wherever the fuck she came from. And with her ditz routine around Jonathan, I wonder if Mila got a spot as an intern on her merit. Like maybe she submitted someone else's project. Or perhaps her name isn't Mila, and she’s impersonating the real Mila to spy on Silvercloud and/or Bloodmoon.

"Wait, what's going on?" Logan frowned as he watched Jonathan go into his office

“Mila Balan,” I growled. “She's an intern too, and a werewolf. She's been getting on my last nerve, and if we weren't in an office with the mixed company, I'd have ripped her throat out.”

“Gotcha.” Logan nodded as he looked past me. “Welcome back Delilah. Scott, why do you look pale? If you're sick, you can go to the doctor and stay far the hell away from my pups.” He narrowed his eyes at Scott, turning enough to keep Rose away.

I looked over my shoulder and smiled at my sister. I know precisely why Scott looked pale. He's terrified we've already ratted him out because I know who Jonathan is

“Don’t worry, Alpha Logan. Scott is not sick, at least not in a way that would be contagious to your adorable babies.” Delilah assured. “Oh, she’s so cute with those red curls. May I hold her? Being so far away from Gwen and Christina, I miss my baby fix.” She sighed.

Back home, Delilah is the baby whisperer. She's excellent not only with Gwen and Christina but with the babies of the other packs, like Katrina and Tie's little boy Thales or Stephen and Amelia's little girl Grace. Between Delilah and Regina the heirs of all three packs have loving sitters. It's like they are born mothers. I don't have that gene.

“I bet you will feel different when it's your baby with Jonathan.’ Sara taunted

Damn her and getting that thought in my head. Now I'm trying to picture how our genetics would mesh. But more than trying to imagine what our future child could look like, my brain rolled into the gutter. I remembered how he looked shirtless and wondered what it would be like to have sex with him.

I must have spaced out because Delilah was standing next to me, holding Rose, when I blinked back into the conversation. Scott was stammering, trying to explain why he looked pale. Ugh, he’s going to drag this out. I can’t watch this any further.

"He's terrified because the dummy called my mate Silvercloud when they ran into us at lunch. In his utter stupidity, he revealed Jonathan's identity to me before my mate could. Jonathan said he'd have to deal with you for the slip.” I shrugged.

“You did what?” Logan growled, stepping towards Scott. Scott went wide-eyed as Logan's eyes narrowed, becoming less blue by the second.

Scott was quickly scrambling backward till he hit the front door. Logan's alpha aura was oppressive even for me, and I dealt with Chesed. It was bad enough that Rose started to sniffle.

The aura dropped at her sniffles, and Logan looked back at Rose in Delilah’s arms. His eyes were back to being blue. He sighed and looked at Scott.

"You are fortunate that Rose is right there. Go to your apartment and do not leave it till I say so. I will deal with you later.” He commanded, pointing to the door.

He didn't have to be told twice. Scott eagerly ducked out of the packhouse. I would almost feel bad for him, but he's the idiot who revealed Jonathan's identity publicly. More than just Delilah and myself could have heard him. I hope no one else from the office was there. I didn't even think about it before now. I'll have to ask Jonathan so we can confirm.

“LOGAN! Get in here!” Jonathan shouted, leaning out of Logan's office door.

I furrowed my brow, not sure I liked the urgency in his voice. Something was wrong, and I was going to find out. I know he didn't call for me, but I followed Logan to the office to find out anyway.

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