The Gemini Reign

: Chapter 11

I was about to walk out again when she said, “Wait! Where are you going? Why are you leaving me alone?”

I smiled. “You have to decide,” I said. My back turned to Avery.

“Decide what?” she cried out.

I walked out. Avery knew the answer to that question. She just didn’t want to know. If she didn’t, she would have to figure it out on her own. I did the same.

I walked up the stairs to where the rest of my family was. I didn’t feel as guilty anymore. Even though I knew it was wrong, I also knew that some of the things I did were for her peace of mind. I regretted telling her. She was only sixteen. She shouldn’t have had that guilt and worry weighing on her shoulders. At least she didn’t remember.

I opened the door to my room. Aunt Dahlia and Uncle Amel sat on my black comforter. Selene sat on the chair of my desk. Aiden and Valerie weren’t there.

“Where are Aiden and Valerie?” I asked.

Selene shrugged, “Valerie left, something about studying. Aiden said bathroom, but…”

Earlier, when Aiden stormed out after Valerie confronted him, Aiden had come back in, but only if Valerie agreed to stay on the other end of the house. Even then, he would avoid looking at her, talking in front of her. Almost as if he thought it would trigger her into saying more about his past.

I figured she must have gotten tired of Aiden avoiding her and left. I went through the Jack and Jill bathroom Avery and I shared, and into her room. I opened the door. There he was. Aiden stood in front of her desk, holding a picture frame. I walked up behind him to see.

It was a picture of mom, dad, me, and Avery posing in front of the house.

“I can’t tell you.” He said, exhausted. I put my hand on his shoulder, and he turned around.

“It’s okay. I understand that you can’t tell us everything, but can you tell us anything?”

“Do you?” he said, resentful.

“What?” I asked, surprised at the quick change in his demeanor as if he were two people fighting for attention.

“Do you understand? Do you know what it is like to be taken away from your family at three years old? What it’s like being tortured for the slightest mistake, and what it’s like to be alone, truly alone? You have no idea.” Bitterness consumed his demeanor, his voice turned raspy, and his mouth twisted into a sneer. “But, it’s okay. I’ve learned to live in silence. What’s the difference if I have to continue doing it?” He turned away and set the picture frame down.

I felt horrible. Aiden had gone through unimaginable things, and we hadn’t even asked about him. I was dumbstruck. “Aiden, I’m sorry, man. I have no idea what your life was like, and I shouldn’t have assumed anything.”

He didn’t respond.

We went back into my room and waited for the verdict. Selene met my eyes questioningly. I was surprised she hadn’t eavesdropped on Aiden and me. I mouthed. Tell you later.

Suddenly the door to Avery’s room burst open and she came through the bathroom. We all turned to look at Avery.

“I can’t do this. I am not going to be a part of a family that lies to me. Who hurts me in every way possible to protect me. I…I can’t be here, looking at you.” She ran back into the bathroom and slammed the door.


I had sat there thinking for twenty minutes and thought up a plan. I thought of a way to test my so-called family. I would tell them that I was not accepting of our heritage and would see what they did. Would they force me into their lives, or would they give me a choice to say no? I had to see their true colors first.

I was in the bathroom pretending to be upset as I eavesdropped on what was happening on the other side. I wanted out already. I hated not knowing what was going on, on the other side. I looked in the mirror and almost cried out. I hadn’t taken a shower in three days. How could I have even thought of going to the mall looking like this! My hair was super greasy and sticky on the roots. My face was dry and red from the cold and splotchy from the blasting heater in the car. After a minute of trying to fix my face, I figured it was hopeless, and I turned toward the door.

Did they leave? I couldn’t hear anything, so I pressed myself against the door. Then I could listen to muffled speaking, but all I could make out was a few words. “No….then, get her, come out,” I knew exactly who was speaking, Justin. They must be planning something. I couldn’t think about it because I heard yelling on the other side of the door.

I could hear Selene yelling at Justin and vise versa. Even though they yelled at the top of their lungs, I didn’t know what they were fighting about.

“You were this tooth and found the fight, ten million!” Selene yelled.

“So I am trash two for six now there is gore,” Justin yelled back. They yelled gibberish like that. How was I supposed to know what they were fighting about? Were they doing this on purpose?

Ms. Cornelius and Mr. Cedar started knocking on the bathroom door.

“Avery, let us in.” Ms. Cornelius cried.

“We have something important to tell you!” Mr. Cedar said quickly. “Open the door!”

I thought for a second. Why did they want to come in? Did they want to pressure me to accept who I am, who they were? I didn’t think they would hurt me. I mean, they were my teachers too… I opened the door slowly. I realized that the shouting stopped two seconds before I did, and they all barged into the bathroom, pushing the door open.

I jumped back, “Stay back! Don’t come any closer!” I panicked. What should I do? This was not what I expected. Why did I open the door? Ugh!

I stepped back slowly, hoping they wouldn’t notice while I spoke. “Why are you all barging in on my privacy? I asked you nicely to leave me alone. Why aren’t you respecting my decision? Do you plan to force me into your world?” I said accusingly. I took three tiny steps backward while I was speaking. I still had about five steps until I got to Justin’s room.

I was about to take another step, but suddenly Justin stepped forward and grabbed my arm, stopping me. He knew me too well. I couldn’t escape. When did we switch sides?

He pulled me into my room and sat me on my bed, still holding my arm loosely.

“We don’t want to force you into anything, but you don’t know how it feels. The exhilaration you get when you shift. You don’t know how it feels with the heightened senses, the ability to have strength beyond your comprehension, and how it feels to fly.” He said with a light in his eyes. He let go of my arm.

Selene sat next to me, and Aiden stood next to her. I didn’t know what to feel. Happy? Overwhelmed? Betrayed? I felt all of those things. Happy about how complete I felt with them there. Overwhelmed at the prospect of two new siblings. Betrayed that I didn’t know who I was because of their lies, I didn’t know half of my family, my twin brother.

“Avery, all we want for you is to be happy. We always will. And though you are going through crazy things right now, we all have. We understand better than you know. Just trust us…no, give us a chance to prove you can trust us.” Justin said.

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