The Gamer's System

Chapter 276: Sending Them Off

The famous trump card of King Gallio worked in order to punish whoever was foolish enough to dare and stand in his way. [Ultimate Berserker] accumulates all damage taken by the user from the beginning of the fight and, converts it into attribute points. And this was all that it took for Zeke to finally get a lead on the elites.

"Honestly I wanted to make this a bit more fair for you but if you insist." Although promising not to speak anymore, Zeke did at that time. Quinn got on his nerve after all and, he wasn't just about to let it slide.

"Focus on defense! We'll get a hang of his new patterns soon enough!" Amare commanded.

Zeke already placed this into consideration. With the growth of the elites, he knew that there was a high possibility of him getting trapped again by another combination. That is why he prepared another move on top of [Ultimate Berserker].

"Skill Upgrade: Thousand Fangs." A thousand blades floated within the two [Rings].

Jake tried taking these but, his hand simply passed through. There were also some that tried destroying these with spells but the same thing just happened. This indicated that, the weapons were probably only going to materialize as soon as Zeke touched them.

"Stop him!" Amare commanded, knowing exactly what would come next.

The fight continued this way. With Zeke shattering all the barriers set up by the group. He didn't even have as much of a hard time. Despite [Oblivion] and [Event Horizon] also coming into play, Zeke was able to slash though everything.

After the use of every blade, these would disintegrate. A requirement in order to ensure that they were strong enough for one good hit. The tides have rapidly shifted to Zeke's favor and there was no use getting accustomed to Zeke who was growing stronger by the second.

"Spread everyone! Spread!" Amare commanded and, as she said this, a sword found its way to her heart, surprising the group because of its suddenness.

"NOOO!" Curio tried saving her with his clones but, just like their tactician, the heads of the clones came rolling down the ocean floor. Or at least this was what was supposed to happen. Instead, Amare became a mass of white particles which quickly disappeared.

[Amare Sternfield has been killed. The elite has been transported back to earth.]

The notification made the elites have a single second interval of lag. This was all the time that Zeke needed in order to take down one more member of the group. It was red, the one who reverse healed all of his injuries. And just like Amare, Zeke offered him a swift death. Aiming also for the head.

[Redderick Bastion has been killed. The elite has been transported back to earth.]

"Is this convincing enough for you Quinn?" Zeke asked, taking two more swords and throwing them at the defenders.

Quick to act, these membered of the elites were able to set up a barrier. But these proved to be futile as the swords simply broke through their defenses. Hitting Gerard who decided to take it all instead of making them all die at once.

"Give him a hard time at least. He deserves the best from us." Were the last words that came from his mouth as he met the same fate as the first two.

[Gerard Henderson has been killed. The elite has been transported back to earth.]

Without someone to lead them, Quinn took command once again. It didn't take much effort for the transition to be made because, Quinn was a natural leader. Allowing him to balance things off from where Amare left off. But there was another element beside his God-given talent.

"He's lucky, Amare set everything up ensuring that even after her death, the one who takes command would not be too lost." Zeke thought, completely understanding the setup of the battlefield.

Just like chess pieces, everyone had their roles and Amare also gave them orders that they needed to follow through until the end. The latter command made things stable; enabling them to continue going toe to toe with Zeke even with three members already dead.contemporary romance

"Force him out of his combination. If he uses any other skill beside [Thousand Fangs], it'll end and so will the increase that he's been gaining because of it." Quinn said, with Zilg releasing paralytic gas in the air while filling every member of the group with marks that allowed them to survive through these.

Meanwhile, Horus finished transferring the powers of a six-horned beast to himself. Making him a summoned incarnate capable of being on the same level as Jake and Mirio who, continued facing the Berserker form of Zeke.

"I'll have you know tat I won't be going down as soon as them." Jake said, thrusting continuously as Zeke answered with the swords he picked up one by one.

"Oh I'm sure you won't. That's why I'm not aiming for you." As his blades hit the spear once more, he kicked Jake in the face and used it as a stepping stone to leap up. Aiming at Lizzie who was at the far corner of the [Ring].

"Kneel!" It was Quinn's turn to make a move. Hindering Zeke from proceeding as his gravity was increased by a thousand.

"That's not gonna help." Zeke [Weapon Blinked] five times, disappearing and reapearing on various areas.

He would step on the hilts of the weapons. Launching them down at incredible speed. The first five served as warning shots which made the elites even more alert as, all other weapons floated to Zeke's height and, at that moment it was just an all out assault with hundreds of blades falling down on them.

Unfortunately, they couldn't come out of it unscathed. Two more defenders were the price of this attack as well as their enhancer Lizzie.

"Miss Kaguya, I hope we'll meet on earth." She thought as she watched the woman who cared for her continue fighting.

Quinn, surprised by the sudden decrease in their numbers, decided to release the gravity spell placed on the gamer. Making Zeke come down to talk to those remaining.

"Who told you that I needed to grab the weapon for the combination to continue?" Zeke asked, making Quinn look like a fool because of the stunt he just did.

"I forgot they didn't give you the title God of Gaming for no reason." Quinn mentioned; remembering how Zeke reached the top by focusing on unconventional as well as unorthodox methods.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Zeke said in reply as they continued fighting.

One by one, the numbers of the elites were decreased. Horus and Zilg got taken down as well as Zane and one more defender.

Because of this, their attacks were gradually getting weaker and weaker and, their combinations were becoming less. In fact, Zeke was only at sword number 600 that time, giving him plenty more chance to power up and take down those that remained.











These were the only ones left and, with one swift motion from Zeke, he took out Curio. Leaving the elites with just nine heads strong.

"You already exceeded my expectations. That makes me a bit more proud than I already was." Zeke mentioned. Holding on to sword number 650 in his hand.

"Does that mean you'll tell us what you're real goal is?"

"Don't push you luck kid."

They were all having trouble breathing. With the fight dragging on, they were also exhausting both their mental capacities as well as their physical one. They knew that if the fight continued any longer, then they would simply die from over exhaustion. And with an enemy like Zeke, this was even more likely.

As it was, there was already no way for them to win. And so, with this in mind, Quinn gave one last command to his allies.

"Guys, give me two minutes."

The other elites looked at him. There was still no hope of winning but, they knew that Quinn might just be able to pull something off with the time he needed.

"Still acting liken you're way ahead of us huh. Fine." Jake said to his rival, puncturing his heart and entering the final stage of his job class - [Impaler].

"Give us a bang okay?" Mordred asked, punching her fists together and preparing the last two bullets on her gauntlet with all the mana she had left.

Everyone else gave their final words to Quinn and went on their way. Battling Zeke with all they had and ensuring that Quinn had all the time that he needed.

Kaguya stood beside Quinn. Being his final vanguard in case Zeke was able to pass through their defenses. And this didn't even take long to happen.

The first to get taken down was Eerie, forcing the cores to explode while still loaded on her guns. This gave room for the others to attack but, Zeke simply weapon blinked to an area far from the explosion.

Gawain was able to predict the location. Sniping down Zeke with his strongest arrow. The gamer answered in kind by throwing two daggers. Killing off Gawain as one went for his forehead while the other was buried on his chest.

Meanwhile, Zeke was forced to catch it, getting pulled to the edge of the ring. Mordred followed through by punching with both fists. Sending out her strongest shockwave which Zeke caught head on. He was heavily damaged of course, but so was Mordred whose hands also got destroyed by the blow. Zeke took this opportunity and quickly decapitated her.

Not long after, Merlin got taken out. And because Zeke was already at his eight hundredth weapon at that time, they couldn't follow him anymore. Allowing Zeke to take down Julia and Mirio immediately. Decreasing the [Ring] to one as he set his sights on the big three.

There was still thirty whole seconds needed by Quinn and, Kaguya finally used up all the mana she could in order to ensure that Quinn gets it. She wasn't able to open her lips earlier but, there was something that she really wanted to tell Quinn.

That, if they met on earth, she wanted them to be friends.

Zeke rapidly changed swords as both Jake and Kaguya offered their life force in order to match him. In fact, Zeke was already at 990 swords when his deciding blow made contact. Taking nine more to give honorary deaths to the two.

With his last blade, he focused his attention on Quinn.

If only for a second, Zeke felt that he could actually lose. Time seemed to move slowly as all of the mana within the area gathered at Quinn. Using his [Avarice] he devoured all there was to take and condensed it to the body of its host.

Zeke moved as quickly as he could as the two casted their last spells.


"Thousandth Fang!"

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