The Gamer's System

Chapter 268: An Old Enemy's Skill

Beam attacks. Chaos pillars. Spikes. Every kind of attack was fired by Pier. Monsters of every sort also came out of his body continuously, all firing long ranged attacks as well. It was a full out barrage and although Allesiah was able to greatly reduce their amount, there was still too many to dodge. 




Everyone who had some sort of defensive skill casted on a singular area where they huddled up. This destroyed any chance of them getting damaged as they completely destroyed and blocked all attacks from the said spot.

Meanwhile Zeke simply continued moving around, allowing some damage to be accumulated because his regenerative abilities would heal these off in no time. Little by little, he closed the gap until, he reached the eye of the monster. Stabbing it with his halberd and making the monster scream in pain.

It flailed its tails around and flapped its wings which was all the force that was needed to create strong gusts of wind. Yet Zeke did not move from his spot and casted:


The flames exploded at point blank range; giving Zeke time to move on to the next and eye and perform the same attack. With this, both eyes of the creature were destroyed but, even before Zeke could continue his attack, some scales of the monster turned into [Six – Horned Beasts]. Making Zeke back away as Pier's eyes regenerated.

The monsters followed the gamer and more of this came out. But the infernals only intercepted them as Zeke gave out a command to the group who has just finished fending off Pier's attacks.

"I have an idea."

"Mirio, you still have your [Ring] skill, right?"

"Yes mister Zeke."

"Good, we'll be needing that."

It was only Vask who did not know about the skill at that point. So Quinn did the pleasure of enlightening him on the skill which the gamer sought after.

"Basically, [Ring] can put three individuals in an area together with a singular opponent. Within this skill, the opponent's overall attributes and skill effectivity are lowered. Also, the opponent cannot leave the area and if he or she tries, they would immediately be killed by the skill."

"Dear me, that really is some sort of overpowered skill." Vask said as he understood how it would work.

"We'll increase its potency using Lizzie's enhance. Quinn can also cast the skill so, all in all, we can put all the fighters inside." Zeke added up.

It finally dawned on Vask. How everything must've bene prepared by Zeke up to that point. Knowing Pier, the god would never trust anyone except himself and, this proved to be a fatal flaw against such a skill. Without any comrades, he was left to fight on his own. Despite his overwhelming strength, by using a skill such as this, there was no doubt about it. 

Pier was going to lose.

"I'm going to create an opening. Quinn and Mirio, use that to get close enough to cast the skill. Everyone else, prepare your teleportation scrolls for that moment. Just be on standby in the barriers and raise the defenses."


Zeke attacked once more, thrusting his halberd at the chest of the beast. However, things didn't go as planned this time around as a barrier prevented him from creating any sort of damage. The gamer tried two more times on other body parts that would normally be left open but, even these had the same kind of barrier.

Things didn't even end there. All the damage which Zeke tried to dish out was returned back to him. 


"You never run out of things to say do you?" Zeke simply commented as all the wounds healed immediately.


Zeke went into stance. Not even minding what was just said and proceeded to asking a question to the healers.

"Red, Julia, how long is your healing range?"

"Our range is as wide as the oceans of Mythos mister Zeke." Julia replied.

"Yeah, plus with the [Party Feature] we don't even need to see you. We can just click on your name in the [System Windows] and direct all the healing through it."

"Okay, get ready then. I might tire you out."

Before the healers could even ask what he meant, Zeke already leapt back to his opponent. His halberd was nowhere to be seen and, the weapon on his hand was a [Conjured] version of his summoned knight's sword.

Zeke began slashing through the seemingly impenetrable defensive barrier. The gamer changed weapons with every strike while, the damage return of the barrier also continued working. Pier simply laughed at the seemingly futile effort while the two healers did their best to keep up.

"I'm increasing my speed. I'm counting on you." Zeke said to the healers as he continued the furious assault.

Even with Pier being able to land some cheap shots that would send him flying, Zeke would simply [Shadow Dive] to the nearest conjure and resume his attack. This continued on for a couple of minutes and, for some reason, Pier was begging to grow restless.

"ALL THIS EFFORT IS FUTILE BOY!" Pier roared, thinking that there was no way for the gamer to even chip away his barrier.

It was the ultimate defensive spell that Chaos had. In fact, even Vask knew of this and how sturdy the said barrier was. It wasn't impenetrable of course but, it would take at least the combined power of two Monarchs just to completely break it. Topping this up was the fact that the barrier returned all damage made. 

"Just keep on yapping." Zeke thought as his barrage continued.

Aside from Zeke's regenerative skills, he also had all his [Health Potions] in the [Inventory] go on [Auto-Consume]. This meant that, topping it all up with the abilities of the healers who assisted him, Zeke was able to go back to full health with each strike. 

Yet it still looked hopeless. There was no damage to the barrier nor did Vask think that there ever would be. That is why, he decided to finally step up and go against Zeke's command – only to be stopped by Heron who stood in front of him.

"Hey, what do you think are you doing?"

"Master told us to wait here until the opening was made correct? I believe the instructions were clear enough to be understood." Heron said in reply.

"Are you blind? Can you not see that he has no chance of destroying that thing?" Vask said in irritation.

"You may not know Master Zeke that well, but I do. We all do. And when he gives an order, it is not out of stupidity nor arrogance. It is on the assurance that things will go according to his words."

"Yeah well he's mortal isn't he? That means he can make mistakes so, move before my patience runs out."

Even before Vask could touch Heron, he heard a shattering sound. It was not only him who heard this but everyone else. Including the [Dragon Morpher] who had a smile on his face.

"Forgive my rudeness but, I believe that it is you who is mistaken." Heron said in reply as both he and Vask witnessed the cracks being made to the barrier.

"I-IMPOSSIBLE!" Pier commented but Zeke didn't stop. Over and over again he disappeared and repapered. Jumping from one place to the other and using a different melee bladed weapon in order to attack. Scimitar. Axe. Sword. Claymore. Broadswords. Daggers. Glaive. Hatchet. 

Zeke continued the combination and only after getting his barrier damaged over and over again dd Pier understand the full situation. Zeke was not attacking without purpose, from the very beginning of the combination, he already activated Gallio's [Hundred Fangs]. A move which only got stronger with every strike made.


The next position where Zeke came up on was met by a hundred magic circles all aimed at him. Allesiah tried cancelling these out but was only successful in taking out forty. More were covered for by Vask and Kaguya. Leaving a sizeable amount that were not enough to kill off the gamer.


Zeke hopped in the air using invisible footings through the skill [air hop]. He then spun his body so quickly that he looked like a top that was whipped out of its rope. All of this was combined with the halberd that finally fell from the sky. And, with one final strike, Zeke completely shattered Pier's barrier.

"Blood Counter!" All the damage which Zeke accumulated through the combination was returned to Pier. 

The attack didn't end here as Zeke created twenty magic circles once again. All on top of the creatures.

"Synthesized spell! Blazing Fury!" Zeke threw his weapon down the magic circles and it caught fire as its size increased. The attack coon connected to Pier's body, with the weapon stabbing right through his flesh as waves of flames soon followed.

This made him scream even more as, he was in a partially immobilized state. The perfect condition for the next phase of Zeke's command.contemporary romance

"Now!" Quinn and Mirio teleported down the creature and, without a moment of pause, both of them casted:


Pier recovered quickly from the attack. With flames of [Chaos] burning through all the wounds and healing him. But, when reality was finally crystal clear to him, Zeke and all the fighters of his team were finally there.

"Let's finish this. I don't want to endure your babblings any longer."

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