The Gamer's System

Chapter 250: Halberd and Devouring

"You guys should go now." Zeke was preparing for the next part of his agenda. But before that, he needed to be left alone in the training room first.

"Heron, take care of Mory and put him in his room." The gamer furthered as Heron came closer to do what was asked of her.

"Understood master." The [Dragon Morpher] immediately replied; bowing to Zeke and taking her leave after picking up the unconscious Mory.

The boy was wounded all over. He didn't sustain any serious injury but they all knew that the training in itself was mentally and psychologically taxing beyond what a normal boy could handle. This was probably the reason why Allesiah refused to leave. Standing just behind Zeke who was sitting on the ground.

"Well?" Zeke said, glancing at the elf who seemed to want something out of him.

"I still don't agree with the method you used." She said, a discussion which Zeke thought was already over with and yet, the elf was raising it up again.

"Honestly Allesiah, don't you have better things to do instead of trying to argue about something as trivial as this?"

"Trivial? Zeke that was a living and breathing creature! That was a boy not just one of your [Conjures] or any of the monsters you've faced!" Allesiah continued; snapping because of the gamer's words.

But Zeke wasn't one to pick a fight on things like these. Thus he made a sigh and continued explaining in a calm tone.

"Look. Remember the first time we had an alliance?"

"Don't bring that up now, that has nothing to do with this." 

"It does though. Remember? I used a slave contract back then. Something which you elves found to be unsavory as much as it was a method that should be out of the question." 

"How is the slave contract connected to you torturing a child?"

"For goodness's sake Allesiah. You accepted the conditions of my contract despite the taboo on elves. And from that very moment, you should've realized that I am not one to stick to some old and obsolete methods when there are better options to use." The gamer furthered, bringing out [Death's Void] and pointing it at Allesiah who didn't know what to make of Zeke's actions.

"Does death scare you that much?"

"It does; because there's no going back from it."

"I see. Then let me die for you." The gamer immediately changed his aim. Pointing the gun at his temple and pulling the trigger just as quick.

The gamer's blood spilled on the ground. He was lifeless for a moment and even Allesiah forgot about Zeke's skill set at this interval. Thinking of stepping forward but Zeke came back soon after. That is. in his cursed [Blood King Form] with the halberd on his hand.

"Idiot what was even the point of that?"

"Well for starters I'm showing you that I can just resurrect and have this badass form coming along with it. But more importantly, I'm saying that I'll die a thousand times before I let our enemies take your lives."

Allesiah blushed at the remark. She didn't understand why because it sounded so stupid. But she did and Zeke has caught her with his words yet again.

"Allesiah, we cannot depend on those silly morals or obsolete practices in order to save the world. Miracles will never happen in the middle of the battlefield because the only results we can generate are those which we worked hard for. And that means doing everything within our power to achieve just that."

"I know Zeke but, I just feel that you're slowly taking away your own humanity with these acts." Allesiah furthered as Zeke came close to her and this time, the gamer pulled Allesiah. Putting her head near his chest.

"Z-Zeke w-what are you…"

"You can hear it right? The organ that's supposed to be there?"

Allesiah observed it. She tried to calm herself down within this interval as she felt the gentle warmth of Zeke and the beating of his heart.

"I know that we can't associate an organ to emotions but the thing is, I'm still alive. All this time I've done nothing but protect those that I could with this same mortal frame including you of course." 

"Zeke." Allesiah said, staring at the gamer and hoping for something romantic to happen. Instead, she gets a flick of Zeke's finger hitting her forehead.

"That hurts you idiot!" She exclaimed which was a comment more directed to her own embarrassment for thinking that the gamer would make any romantic advance on her.

"Sorry." Zeke simply said as he patted Allesiah's hair.

"Idiot." The elf repeated, finally deciding to leave the room and giving Zeke one last look.

As soon as the door slammed shut, Zeke brought out [Death's Void] once again. He placed the weapon on the ground as it would simply crumble to dust if he held on to it too long while in the [Blood King's] form.

"Right. I do believe that takes care of that." The gamer told himself as proceeded with the next thing on his agenda. Namely, the crafting of the halberd and the [Death's Void] together – or so he thought.

[Weapon Name: Blood King's Halberd+1]

[Added Information: The weapon is now capable of devouring other weapons. Allowing it to gain the attributes form the weapons taken. Upon wielding the weapon, the gamer will instantly have an understanding of how these new features work.]

"That's a bit unexpected." Zeke saw this as he [Analyzed] the halberd. On the surface level the system only ever informed him of the attribute boost. But as he held the weapon, it showed that there was something else in store for him.

"Okay that settles it then. I'm going to feed you until you can't eat any more weapons." Zeke proceeded to taking out all the weaponry in his inventory. He took out the prototypes that were too unstable. He took out the older versions of the weapons used by the elites. He added these together with one pistol from [Death's Void] all while holding on to the halberd of the [Blood King].

The weapon immediately glowed. It's core pumped like it was hyped or something of the sort as Zeke felt the tremendous amount of power being generated by it. Through his [Analysis] Zeke saw the numbers spike on the weapon.

[Long Range Damage]

[Short Range Damage]






All of these went above an unprecedented amount and the gamer was nothing less than fascinated as much as he was amazed.

"To think that a weapon like this already existed even before the beginning of time itself. No wonder those Monarchs feared that Alex. This weapon is more than enough to take them all down."

But there was a question that remained on Zeke's head. A single weapon was left on the ground. It was the other pair of his twin pistols – [Death's Void]. The first one was already fed to the halberd and, even with just that, the amount of power which the weapon wielded already skyrocketed.

"Hmmm should I feed both or should I feed just one." This was the thought running through the gamer's head. 

The [Blood King's] form was truly a fearsome transformation. But he couldn't be in this state 24/7. Hence, he needed a way to be able to fight even without relying solely on this. There was no better weapon than [Death's Void] to assist him on this.

"Let's decide after looking at all the added information first." Zeke decided to have an in – depth look at his new weapon. This was the only way for him to make a full evaluation and move on to making his decision.

[Weapon Skill: Ender's Sting]

[Description: A skill taken from the "Ender's Sword" which is a component of "Death's Void". This is a single use skill which guarantees a kill no matter what entity is faced. Upon using, the weapon may or may not break depending on its durability.]

[Weapon Skill: Flash Stab]

[Description: The halberd can extend and be retracted within the interval of a single second. This speed increases based on the overall speed stat of its wielder.]

[Weapon Skill: Absolute Defense]

[Description: Upon entering combat, floating barriers will be generated around the gamer. This will prevent any attack form passing through. The barriers themselves regenerate only after a 24 - hour interval and does not reset with every transformation.

[Weapon Skill: Monarch Slayer]

[Description: Any damage done to a Monarch using the weapon will be treated as a normal wound. It cannot regenerate immediately nor will any healing effects work well on it. The weapon is also capable of killing the Monarchs but, this requires hitting their vital organs or simply using any method that would kill any mortal.]

[Weapon Skill: Trigger]

[Description: The weapon can fire projectiles that have the same characteristics as the bullets of "Death's Void". Firepower depends on the overall amount of kills made while using the weapon.]

There was no word to describe how Zeke felt. The weapon in itself was not something he crafted so it didn't add to the pride in his crafting skills. Yet it was also his safest bet in winning against the Monarchs and the gods. 

Zeke looked at his remaining pistol. It was the culmination of all his adventure so far but, sentimental value meant nothing if he couldn't win with it. And so, he decided to bid this weapon goodbye just like he did with his past self and his old body.

"Well that settles it then. I need to have both pistols devoured." Zeke pointed the halberd towards [Death's Void] as the Blood King's weapon immediately began devouring this.contemporary romance

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