The Gamer's System

Chapter 230: Blood, Order, and Chaos III

Just as the [Chaos Commander] ordered, the soldiers were continuing to pursue the offensive against the forces of the [Blood King]. The earth around them continued to shake as the continuous bombardment of attacks rained down. Both from the defensive and the offensive side. 

Of course this included the faction of [Order]. They were doing their best in keeping up with the aggressive advance of [Chaos] soldiers. After all, even with this alliance formed, Zeke somehow knew that the joint forces weren't necessarily allies. 

This was proven by the fact that there was a thin line dividing the two; one which they didn't cross. This idea of Zeke was solidified even further soon as the [General of Order] issued a command. 

"We cannot allow those filthy beings from chaos outperforming us! Show them what you can do!" The [General of Order] shouted, which was responded to by the screams of the soldiers.

Zeke was patiently waiting for the main event to commence. Just like every other memory piece which he has used, there would be one key point to the events. One which would also prove to be crucial for his missions. 

It was at this point that Zeke saw an owl land on the shoulder of the [General of Order]. The owl had four wings instead of just two and, it was much larger than the regular size of the said animal. On it was an engraved symbol and, as soon as the general touched this, rune like symbols entered the general's head. 

There was a short moment of pause after this happened. Zeke understood that this must've been Jean's way of communicating with her general despite being far from the battle herself. He didn't know why Jean didn't go and help personally. But he somehow guessed that it may be caused by two likely factors. 

One is that she may somehow die by doing so. While the other factor had something to do with diplomacy and customs. 

While thinking about these things, the general finally began making her move. She had a smile on her face with victory written all over it. Suggesting that the battle may end really soon.

"There is a change of plans. Mages search the barrier for area that seemed to be modified! It seems that our dear witch has been playing us all along." This was the only hint which Zeke had on the events. He himself had no [Chaos Sight] nor [Order Sight] so he couldn't see whatever it was that they were looking for. 

Thus the gamer changed his position once again. This time going back within the barrier to put the pieces of the clues together.

It didn't take him long to find what it was that he came there for. In the middle of what seemed to be gigantic magical circle was the so called [Immortal Witch] Selena. The spell marks were glowing in a bright blood red color while there were multiple points at its edges. Positioned there were mages which all had four horns on their heads.

"Remember that every movement you make also decreases the amount of energy you have. Stay still if you wish to contribute more." This was the order uttered by Selena that did just this. It was only her lips that moved when giving this reminder. Other than that, she seemed to be a statue. Unmoving and unflinching.

Just from looking at it, Zeke knew that it was a difficult ordeal to be in. The mages themselves all look to be properly trained yet, even they were having a hard time keeping up with Selena. 

This was the reason why the barrier wasn't going down. All this time the enemies have thought that it was only the [Immortal Witch] who was capable of putting up the barrier. And they were right of course. The complexity of her barrier makes it difficult for anyone else to meddle with it, let alone add to its strength.

That is why the mages were simply channeling all of their energy to Selena. The [Witch] served as a type of conductor – receiving all of the energy as she in turn poured it all out on the barrier. 

This cheat move did not come without a price. Zeke saw this in the form of blood spurting out of Selena's bandages from time to time.

The witch was bathed in crimson, with a pool of her own blood on the ground beneath her. Yet she still continued performing the spell. Zeke was amazed of course but, he was even more amazed by whoever the original Blood King was. For being able to make subordinates out of such incredible creatures to the point that they would willingly put their lives on the line in order to protect him.

"I could at least sustain this for another hour or so. Everything else would be up to Aeros at that point." Selena thought to herself which Zeke was able to hear thanks to the [Memory Piece].

The barrier was not going down anytime soon. This was the point of view of the [Blood King's] forces. Yet outside, the attacking forces were already plotting something in order to shatter it altogether.

[An event has taken place outside the barrier. The gamer will be transported to the area immediately.]

"Hold your fire until I tell you to." This order was issued by both Generals of Order and Chaos. They had what seemed to be a more advanced type of weaponry. Ones which continuously gathered the energy around them to an extent that even Zeke could see it.

The monsters seemed to notice this because they started aiming their shots at the said artillery weapon. This proved to be a futile attempt as barriers came up, shielding the weapons and the generals that stood near them.

It was only at this point that the soldiers were allowed to retreat. Clearly the reason for this was that they weren't supposed to be needlessly sacrificed as the shots get fired. And because of this action, it was easy enough for Zeke to figure out just how strong the attack was and how large its area of effect would be.

The generals looked at each other sternly. They didn't exchange words but it seemed like their eyes were communicating somehow. This was likely to be the case as the [Chaos General] opened up what seemed to be communication broadcasting spell. With his voice reaching up to the barrier as soon as he began speaking.

"The weapons you see before you are called particle cannons. They syphon all the energy around the area and condense it into a small space. This is then amplified upon released. I won't go into details of how it works because it would be best to simply show you." 

Two blasts were fired right away. This covered the whole area and reached the barrier immediately. A blinding flash of light accompanied by a mass of darkness covered the barrier. It looked a lot like a hydro cannon hitting a wall, with its power shaking the earth so badly that some soldiers even dropped to the ground as they lost balance.

Indeed it was a powerful attack but, as expected, the barrier was able to withstand the blow. For a moment though, Zeke saw it thin out to the point of breaking. Only to thicken once again. It was at this point that the general spoke once again.

"Now I know what you are thinking. The interval of the shots is too far off and that barrier of yours would be able to hold out. But you see, we've figured out the trick you've been using."contemporary romance

The general didn't waste time. Two more shots followed. These were weaker than the first ones as they did not have time to gather that much energy but, as they made contact with the barrier something unexpected happened. 

The shots went through. 

The [Chaos General] had a smirk on his face at this point. Firing three more times in rapid succession which produced the same effects. Parts of the barrier shattered over and over again. Showing no resistance over the half-charged bullets of the particle cannons.

At this point Zeke was automatically transported back to the camp of the monsters. This was a good thing because he also wished to know the amount of damage sustained by the monsters. And also, the move they'd make against such powerful weapons.

"Damn they figured it out already!" Aeros exclaimed in annoyance. 

The commanding monster placed his helmet back on and prepared to make his move. All round him were the rubble left by the said attack. Some unfortunate monsters got caught in the blast, leaving them unrecognizable as pieces of flesh and meat scattered like the fallen chunks of rocks. 

Behind him were the soldiers who were mostly wounded. Nevertheless, these creatures were also prepared to fight once again. This was going against the [Blood King's] commands but Aeros didn't mind. He wanted to protect his king at all cost. In fact, he and his men were almost outside the barrier when the [Chaos General] spoke once again.

"Let's not add to the bodies of those who have already fallen. We all know who'd win at this point. Just give us that mortal you've been calling as your lord and everything will end peacefully. We'll give you five minutes and I'll leave the other end of the communication spell for you to reply."

"No." This was the immediate response of Aeros. 

"Oh? You didn't even take a second to form that on your puny brain I see."

"You may belittle us. Enslave us. Use us as game to hunt and torture. But you will not have our king!" 

"OOOHHH!" The screams of the monsters behind Aeros soon followed. All agreeing with this idea.

Two more shots from the cannon came at this point. And this time around Aeros himself dealt with the blow as he went just outside the barrier. He enlarged his sword using [Chaos Energy], deflecting the blast altogether yet also greatly wounding him.

"There is no negotiation to be made. There will be nothing but blood for our king!"

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