The Gamer's System

Chapter 200: Updating the System

Zeke was still within his room. He was making some adjustments on the new equipment of the elites without them knowing. These will be the replacement for all the items he broke during the fight. He thought that it was a fitting compensation for them after their slump. Although they might've been permanently traumatized by their experience of the [Conjured Infernals].

"So how did things go?" He commented, hearing Heron enter the room.

"Well for starters, they're doing as you've predicted. They are training right away instead of simply resting." Heron said in reply, watching Zeke busily tinker with the items.

"Figures." Zeke said in reply, looking at one of the gears he had on his hand and thinking where he should put it.

"Master if I may ask, how did you develop such an accurate plan exactly?" Heron asked out of curiosity.

"Well for starters, I have [Gamer's Mind] and it's already on its updated version. Enabling me to make better decisions within shorter spans of time. Plus, I was also like them when I was younger. A proud person who thought that I was all that."

"Aren't you?" Heron asked, thinking that there isn't anything which Zeke couldn't do when he puts his mind to it.

"I think you have me gravely mistaken Heron. I'm just mortal like you. Even with all the skills I have and all the planning I've created, there would still be moments when I make flawed decisions." He said; stopping for a while and looking at the Dragon Morpher.

"That's why I have you guys to watch my back for me. I need as many reliable and competent beings on my side. No matter what form they may take."

"I am honored master." Heron simply replied, with Zeke smiling at her as he went back to his work.

"Don't say that like I'm some kind of person to be deeply respected. I can tolerate you calling my master but I swear Heron, you're sounding more and more like a worshiper these days." Zeke jokingly mentioned. 

"Well at least you're better than most of us." Heron furthered; wanting to defend how she spoke with Zeke.

"Oh I can't claim that, now can I? Anyway, you need to continue guarding the elites because I still have another session with Allesiah." Zeke said, with the Dragon Morpher happily complying with the command.

"I'll be taking my leave then master." She furthered, finally leaving Zeke alone inside the room once again.

Zeke thought about the conversation he had with Heron, feeling a bit relieved that the elites were able to take the right route after such a devastating defeat. After all, he needed them to be stronger for what was to come. In fact, with what happened a few days back Zeke was sure that a greater calamity was to come in Mythos. One which went beyond the level of Glade whom Zeke still hasn't defeated yet. 

This was the treason why he needed to speed things up with the elites. Forcing them to grow out of their cocoons because if they don't, then they won't be any match for the enemies that would come after. 

Finding Quinn was still a priority for the gamer. But he was more interested in finding out the objective of the entity hiding within the elite. Knowing that whatever it is, it would be connected to the greater scheme of things. To the vast expanse of the unknown that felt like it would open up all at once.

"Honestly, it's just one problem after the other in this world." Zeke commented as he brought a new set of items. Thinking of crafting them together with an item which only he knew of.

It was something that made use of the five crystals down the rift. Those that were embedded at the end of each cave. The second component to this are the chaos shards. Then there were the portal crystals which Zeke collected from every continent.

Zeke wanted to make something that went beyond simply entering the [Ruined City] and creating pocket dimension. What the gamer was planning was to create a device that would allow him to teleport between worlds. Thinking that this was his chance to go to a more peaceful word after saving Mythos. Plus, it was a way to ensure that the elites would be sent back to earth before they were exposed to any real danger.

"I need this to work a couple of times." Zeke said, finally bringing out the old quest reward which he was still yet to make use of.

[Item Name: Chrono's Broken Stopwatch] 

[Information: An item which used to wield some of the powers of the God of Time. Chrono does not have any knowledge of this item as it is only fashioned based on him.]

[Information: The item was added to the system and the roulette of potential rewards because the human has already encountered the God of Time before.]

[Information: The item is broken and thus, non-usable.]

[Information: There can only be a single attempt at the repairing of the item. Failure to do so will automatically shatter the item.]

Basically, it was an item that could have some of the powers of Chrono. The only problem was that it was broken. 

Zeke didn't meddle with it yet for fear that he would break it at his earlier levels. But with going past [Level 100] a few days ago, Zeke knew that there was a ahigh probability for him to succeed. And with all the success raising skills of his, Zeke's confidence was heightened even further.

[The Time Bound Quest – Fix The Broken Stopwatch has been created]

[300 skill points will be given as reward.]

[Failure to accomplish the mission within the given time limit will result to the same amount of skill points to be deducted from what the gamer currently holds.]

[Time Remaining: 120:00:00]

"So that's five days huh." Zeke counted the days, getting the accurate number on his head. 

He wasn't worried with this. In fact, he was excited to accomplish the mission because he knew that after his training with Allesiah, the success rate of repairing the item would go even higher. This is because his [System] will update once again while also giving him the data necessary to create lenses for Allesiah's' new eye power. 

As he thought of this, he heard the footsteps of the elf coming closer. Zeke placed all of the items back to his inventory just in time for Allesiah who finally entered the room.

"You're crafting again?" She said, looking at the mess all around Zeke:





"Let me guess, this is what you call a disorganized chaos am I right?" She commented, moving close to Zeke.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." He said in reply, snapping his fingers and putting everything else back to his inventory.

"No matter how many times I see it, your skills still amaze me." She commented as all of Zeke's [System Functions] were not present in Mythos.

"Well we can talk about things like that all day or we can begin the training so I can get more data out of your skill." Zeke threw a [Chaos Shard] at Allesiah. Making the elf sigh as she responded.contemporary romance


It wasn't like Zeke was doing it because he wanted to. He just did what was necessary for them to progress. In fact, they already have. With Allesiah being able to use the skill for a longer period of time without the effects of the strain wearing her down. 

Zeke even gave her the instruction of trying to activate it for at least 3 seconds whenever her eyes were feeling alright. Allesiah followed of course because Zeke told her that it would speed the skill's strengthening while reducing the painful side effects it had. 

This proved to be true at that moment. Allesiah felt it odd how her eyes weren't burning like crazy for the first ten seconds. Only to have the pain come surging back up as always yet, to a more tolerable level.

"She's really a prodigy at this." Zeke thought to himself. Thinking how [Mana Sight] was a skill which Allesiah herself developed together with [Mana Manipulation]. All other users of these just deviated from the original, which was her.

[The data has reached 80%]

[The system update will now commence while the additional data are being processed…]

"As expected, the duration of her activation also increased the speed of update." Zeke said, seeing the notifications pop up.

[85% of the data has been retrieved.]

This was the last notification that popped up as Allesiah needed to close her eyes again. Zeke didn't have the exact computation of how long Allesiah could activate the skill anymore. But he knew that, with the continuous use, Allesiah was already able to determine it herself. Something which the elf proved to be correct as she waited for Zeke to heal her eyes.

"Are you sure I'm not going blind because of this?" 

"Of course I am. That's a hundred percent certainty Allesiah." Zeke said in reply, using only estimates as his data for the claim.

"Anyway you only need to use it one more time." Zeke's hand burned with the skill which he was also getting more proficient in using.

"What comes after this exactly?" Allesiah asked as the warmth of the skill began working on her eyes.

"I'm not entirely sure myself. We've cleared all the portals so there's no way for Glade to return." Zeke said, with the recovery being as steady as usual. 

"We both know he's not the real enemy Zeke. That's why I'm asking." Allesiah said in reply, feeling the flames move away as she opened her eyes again.

"I know. It's just that I'm also lost at this point because of all the questions that are left unanswered. That's why I'm hoping that the [Quests] which could come after the update of the system would be connected to it. That's the only guide we can get at the moment." Zeke said moving back to his position.

Hence the two continued with their training for a while longer. Just like the elites, Zeke and Allesiah were also trying their best to improve. And, with ten more minutes passing by. They were finally succeeded in this, with the [System Notification] coming up to prove it.


[The skill information will be revealed after the update of the system has been completed.]

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