The Gamer's System

Chapter 192: The True Deceiver

What is the price that one pays for power? There are various answers to this of course because, power comes in all shapes and forms. There are those that see power in wisdom. There are those which see it in raw strength. Those that see influence as power. Money. Fulfilled desires. Popularity. 

Indeed, there are various kinds of power. Gaining just one of these takes an extraordinary amount of effort. One which even proves to be futile at times. Yet, Glade desires not only one of these. Indeed, he wants to take hold of Power. Each and every kind without leaving anything behind.

This is exactly what he found in the [Ruined City]. His left eye was gouged out. His right arm was torn off. One of his lungs got destroyed. He only had a few more days to live. This is the price of the power he gained and, he isn't one to regret what was lost. After all, he finally found the [Elixir]. One which would allow him to not only reach divinity but also surpass it.

"It took a bit longer than I expected but at least I'm here now." The king said, with a triumphant smile on his face. One which was twisted to the point that it didn't look mortal anymore.

All around him, there were shattered armors. Broken columns. A stream of water gushed out from a nearby wall while smoke rose from all around him. Various spears were spread. Each pinning down an opponent which had nothing but bones now. The color of crimson spread around the room and one could clearly see the amount of blood that was shed on the battlefield.

"I need to get back as soon as I can." Glade continued, feeling his consciousness about to fade. It was a cold feeling, one which he has experience before. The same sensation when Gallio was training him. Beaten half to death and forced to recover with only days of interval between the hellish trainings.

Yet, even with the coldness he felt, a stronger chill crept around his body. One which understood that danger was looming. A familiar one at that and, the elven king watched the whole area get engulfed by dark mana. Sealing it from the outside world entirely as a figure stepped out from the shadows.

"You sly little bastard, I knew you were alive." The voice began. It was the silhouetted figure. The one faced by Zeke whose attribute points were impossible for even Zeke to Analyze. This same person got the shadows out of his face, revealing the face of the God of Mischief and Deceit; Pier.

"To think that you'd actually manage to slip out of the heavens. I may have underestimated you." The king said, forcing his body to stop quivering from the cold.

"Oh indeed I have. By the way, I'm not the only god who has his or her eyes on you now so you better watch it. You may not be able to leave this place in one piece." The god began, looking at the sorry state of the elf whom he graced.

Glade continued, thinking of a way out of the situation. He knew what was to come after all. With how things were progressing and, with the timing of the god, it would only be a matter of time before his life was taken from him. 

"How did you know that I was still alive?" He began; trying to buy some time.

"What makes you think that I believed your little stunt?"


"Silly mortal. Just because you've managed to fool every person you've come across against, your head got inflated too much. You managed to fool Gallio and Zeke but neither of them is on my level." Pier then took out a dagger. 

Even before the elf could respond, he found the weapon digging deep within his flesh. Nearly reaching his heart which made sounds as loud as the beating of drums. Pier was there holding on to the weapon with both hands as Glade dropped to his knees. The god them moved his lips closer to Glade's ear as he whispered.

"I am the god of mischief and deceit. I can trick anyone I please without even making any effort." 

It was at this point that Glade understood. Everything went according to Pier's plans; not his own. From the moment that the god took notice of him, he was already playing under his strings. The god then moved his head away, showing a cursed look that haunted Glade.

It was amusement. One which showed a master getting entertained by its dog running around in circles as it tried catching its tail. There was no malice in the look. Pier simply enjoyed the moment of his pet being stupid and, this hurt Glade's pride more than anything else. One which wasn't sullied until that very moment.

"YOOUUUUU!" Pier stabbed the dagger even further, finally reaching Glade's heart. The king began coughing out blood which meant that there were only minutes left for him to live. Pier then moved away as the king lay on the cold concrete floor. With the cold steel unremoved from his flesh.

"Now now. I can't have you dying on me just yet. We've still got a lot of plans ahead of us and none of them could be fulfilled if you're not by my side." Pier continued, forcefully taking the [Elixir] from Glade's hands which tried to grip on it as hard as it could.

"You know I have to thank you. If I did this myself, the gods would've come down here and killed me. I'm just as excited for this moment as you are so let's talk about it okay?" The god continued, taking out a pouch and opening it up.

"I could've sent you years ago but I knew you weren't prepared then. You needed more power, enough to fight the guardians of the [Ruined City] and enough to make you survive through any surprises. Plus, you needed more confidence. One which would make you think that you can deceive even me." He placed the contents within the elixir. Fine black dust which Glade could not recognize anymore.

In fact, the king's vision was already blurry. His hearing was also damaged – only recognizing mushes of sound overlapping over one another.

"Well at the state you're in, I'm guessing that you can't hear me clearly anymore. But that's fine. I know that within that head d of yours, you've already put the pieces together." Pier stirred the liquid, until it released black smoke; with the [Elixir] bubbling.

"Anyway. I still have other matters to attend to and I can't stay here for much longer. I know that you've dreamed of this moment for a long time but I bet this isn't how you thought it'd be." The god shattered the glass from where the elixir was and, on his hand was a completed [Chaos Crystal]. One which was as good as new.

"That person you left, Zeke Elwood, he's still alive and probably looking for you as we speak." Pier casted a spell over the dying Glade. One which went directly towards his brain which implanted the command that he then spoke.contemporary romance

"Once you wake up, I want you to hunt him down and tear him apart. He's a bigger threat than you'll ever be after all." With this, the deed was almost complete. 

The god then removed the cloaking and released as much of his divine mana as he could. This made the gods on the heavens take notice of him because, after leaving Yaeger's realm, Pier went missing. 

He felt it quite clearly. The anger of the gods who wanted to come down and smite him down and he loved every bit of it. It was finally time for all of his plans to commence and so, he forcefully opened a rift that connected him to Mythos.

"My fellow gods and my dear goddesses! It is finally time for your one true ruler to show you how the worlds must be made! I know that you won't descend here because you fear the curse of mortality and that is why you are weak! You can do nothing but watch me and that you shall!" Pier removed the dagger on the dying elf's heart and placed the [Chaos Crystal] on it. 

Black mana oozed on the surroundings and the [Ruined City] began shattering down. A storm began brewing and in the middle of it all, the dying king and the crazed god were together. Pier laughed his heart out like never before. All the pieces were finally set and things were moving according to his grand design.

"Of course you'd be angry. But what can you do about it? Will the proud divines come down from their heavenly thrones? Well? Will you!" Pier challenged them. 

Opposing the same creatures which created the worlds and maintained their balance. He challenged the same beings who held just as much power as he. There was boldness on his voice when he uttered these words. As if he already knew the outcome.

"I'll give you ten seconds. If none of you comes down within that time then you won't be able to stop me anymore. Ten…"



The gods and goddesses panicked while watching this. They knew that action as needed and yet, they also thought of the probability of Pier leading them on. That once they descend, they'd get murdered instantly and, this thought was enough to make them think twice. Enough time for Pier to also finish counting down.

"Zero." He said, with a thrilled expression on his face. He lifted up Glade on his shoulders and left with one final remark.

"Sit on your thrones then. And watch how a real god should act."

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