The Gamer's System

Chapter 190: Reunion and Research

Sylph was the only one who greeted the two when they came back. Mixed emotions came for both Sylph and Allesiah who got their real selves reunited after years of brainwashing.

The older Windsprite was happy to see her youngest sister alive and well. The two of them had a touching encounter with tears being shed and, Zeke used this opportunity to add the details about Sylvia. One which made the expression on Sylph's face darken as she held Allesiah even tighter. Wrapping her arms as if her sister would disappear any moment.

"I'm glad that you're okay. I'll take care of you Allesiah don't worry." Sylph said, with tears still falling from her eyes.

"You don't have to be so dramatic about it. Our big sister would laugh at you if she was still alive." Allesiah said in reply, also having tears fall down her face.

"Look at these two." Zeke simply said, having a warm and fuzzy feeling in his heart.

It was the personal goal of his. One which wasn't part of any quest or mission. Something which he aimed because he thought that it was the proper thing to do. Because Zeke Elwood never abandoned his teammates. He then made a cough, in order for both Windsprites to take notice of him.

"Where are Heron, Morpheus and the elites exactly?" Zeke asked.

"Oh, they're training right now. Should I go fetch them?" Sylph offered; taking off her hold of her sister.

"No. Let them be. We'll deal with that later." Zeke said in reply knowing that, there were still some questions which Sylph wanted to ask Allesiah. Sure enough, another one came.

"So how is it exactly that you were brought back? It's weird because Zeke didn't use the same method on you as he did with me." Sylph inquired; knowing that the machine on the base was needed for the said operation.

At that point, Allesiah was still unaware about something. That her older sister had Zeke as a potential love interest. That's why Zeke held back a smile and waited for things to progress.

"Ahh well regarding that." Allesiah began, calling over her sister to come closer so she could whisper the information.

Zeke found it to be amusing. Especially because he knew how Sylph would respond. Hence the gamer began counting down in his mind:




"YOU KISSED!?!" Allesiah immediately covered the lips of her sister who seemed to be unable to quiet down. Both their faces were blushing red, as if they only realized what it meant at that moment.

Zeke on the other hand only laughed at the display. He wasn't one to mull over the petty meaning behind gestures such as these. For him, it was only a requirement to save Allesiah no more no less.

"Okay break it up you two. I still need updates on those kids." Zeke said, with Sylph pouting at him.

"Hey come on, it's not like I intended it right Allesiah?" As he looked at Allesiah, the elf was also pouting.

She didn't like how Zeke made it look like it was forced. Yet it was. This placed Zeke in a bad spot as the two Windsprites seemed to be ganging up against him.


"Sylph we need to move fast if we want to catch up to Quinn." The gamer said, with his tone getting serious.

If there was one thing Zeke was sure about it was that, duty came as a priority to Sylph. No matter what the situation was, she prioritized this over any emotion or personal affair. So, even though it was against her will at the moment, she finally gave the needed information. That is, after making one last act of defiance. With the sound of "HMP!" coming out of her lips.

"It's bad." Sylph began.

"How bad is that exactly?" Zeke said in reply, resting his body over a nearby table.

"Well, since I came back and gave them the news, everyone had their morale taken down. Some of them believe that Quinn left because he thought that the group was hindering his growth. Some believed that Quinn became an enemy. While there were others who blamed themselves. Thinking that; if only they were strong enough on the last fight, then the situation might've been avoided altogether."

All of these were normal reactions to what happened. After all, it wasn't just anyone who left. It was Quinn. The one who rallied them and served as their standard bearer. The one who always pressed forward as a measure of strength which guided the other elites. Yet, the same person simply left. Not even giving any reasons for doing so.

"Did you tell them about the markings and the alter persona?" Zeke asked.

"No. I believe that it would be in the group's best interest if this isn't brought out yet." Sylph said.

"That's good." The gamer said in reply. Knowing that, the elites might just chase after him if they knew.

"So does anyone care to explain what's happening already?" Allesiah intervened, wanting to get the details as much as both of them have.

"Of course Allesiah." Zeke remembered a crucial part to this mission. One which involved the newfound powers of the Windsprite.

"We'll go to the area where you battled. I believe that there should be residues of the energy which that entity used. Although it may be faint now so we need to hurry."

"What do you mean?" Sylph asked as she looked at her sister.

"Oh I developed an upgrade on my eyes." Allesiah pointed at these, making Sylph chuckle in pride.

"My, look at you. You're really growing into a proper mage aren't you? She'd be so proud." Sylph said, sounding a bit sentimental over the idea of their big sister.

"Hey cut it out. We don't have time for waterworks now. As a famous person once said, let the dead bury their dead. Sylvia would be happier if we progressed and saved the whole of Mythos right?" Zeke offered a handkerchief to both Sylph and Allesiah, one which both of them gladly took.

"Yeah sorry." Sylph said in reply, brushing away the tears as the conversation continued.

"Should I call in Heron and Morpheus here or should they just continue training with the group?"

"Let them be for now. I think that training is a good way for them to take their heads off the event and clear their minds."

"Understood, then shall we get going?" Sylph suggested.


The rift was the same as always. Apart from the fact that, the [Chaos Poison] was already gone, it still stood as one wide and massive crack on the earth that spread throughout the whole continent.

"So this is the spot?" Zeke noticed all the carvings on the ground. Telling the tale of the kind of battle that went on.

The multiple holes created by the arrows. The thin circular lines cause by the wind wall. The holes on the ground created by Sylph's blades and eveythng else.

"Yeah this is where the battle went on." Sylph simply said, remembering her opponent and the chill he gave all too well.

"Understood." Zeke said, nodding to Allesiah who began using the upgrade of her eyes.

The elf began trying to find any of the strange energy left. The sides of her eyes began getting red and, Sylph worried about it. Yet Zeke told her not to interfere as this was a normal part of the skill usage.

The gamer didn't know if the burden on her eyes would lessen with time but for the moment, it was best that she used it as much as she could. The duration itself should be minimal as the elf could go blind altogether if she forced its usage for too long.

"Stop." Zeke said, noticing Allesiah's eyes getting too red.

This was a good thing because, if a few more seconds passed, then Allesiah's eyes would begin to bleed once again. The elf closed her eyes, feeling that it was too painful to even use her normal eyesight.

"Do I need to heal it?" Zeke suggested.

"No I think this much is fine." Allesiah said in reply as she continued with her report.

"It's faint. Almost to the point of being non-existent but, it's definitely there. That person had the same energy type as the fake Sylvia when she transformed. I'm guessing it's also the same for both me and my sister's transformation." Allesiah said.

"So all this time we've had another enemy playing us under his fingers?" Sylph suggested.

"Well that would be both a yes and a no." The gamer said in reply. Thinking about the probabilities already.

"What do you mean Zeke?"

"The energy type is the same. That much cannot be doubted. Yet, if he was really the one orchestrating all of this then, why would he settle with just Quinn? Furthermore, why was there no brainwashing done?"contemporary romance

"So what do you suggest?"

"Just like how every inhabitant of Mythos can make use of mana. I think that there are more individuals who could use whatever energy Allesiah could see."

"That's insane." Sylph said, shivering from the thought that there were more of the same enemy she fought.

"I know but that is what I believe. Yet aside from this, the facts are as follows:

"One: he is an enemy."

"Two: he has a similar energy to the one used on our transport twelve years ago."

"Three: he has taken Quinn hostage."

"Aside from these three. No further information can be verified so we need to get going." Zeke said, looking at the rift which suggested their next move.

"Once we head down that place, you need to start giving me all the information you could regarding the mission. We'll separate in order to get more clues." Zeke instructed with both Windsprites answering:


"Allesiah are your eyes still okay?"

"I think I can handle a bit more." The elf said in reply; gauging her own capacity.

"Okay then. Let's head down shall we ladies?" Zeke suggested. Not knowing that, this would be the beginning of his involvement with the [Monarchs of Chaos].

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