The Forgotten

Chapter 17

King Myval arrived back at the keep four days later to the sounds of servants scurrying around like little ants with the guards following his orders, like the good little dogs they were.

He had been gone just over two weeks, a little longer than he wanted and now he had a long list of duties to attend to. His incompetent staff needed checking in on as they never did anything correctly and always thought they knew better than him.

Arriving at the stables, he dismounted from his steed leaving it with the stable master.

“You there, boy. Get my things and don’t make me ask you a second time.”

“Yes sir, would you like the bags with you my lord or shall I take them to your room?” The boy murmured in reply.

Myval turned around, striking the boy across his face with his ring figure leaving a cut on his brow line. A trickle of blood poured into the boy’s eye.

“You dare speak to me.” Replied Myval with fury in his voice.

Myval turned away, giving no instruction. Instead another servant wearing plain white cloth bowed to him then turned to the boy, dragging him away by his ear and with the bags.

The king strode towards the hall. Its doors were ornate with silver spirals in the centre of both, opening as he drew closer.

The hall held four dark brown pillars, two at either side. Veins of deep red surround each pillar that gave out a slight glow in complete darkness. Myval insisted on building the pillars and the cost was so substantial that wealthy nobles would be made to live in the streets after such investments. Open braisers were alight and hanging on the walls, flickering with red and yellow flames. The flames were enough to light up the whole hall except the throne, which always remained in darkness despite the torches that could be lit either side. It was assumed that the king preferred to sit in darkness when addressing people as they could not see his reaction and so could not manipulate their requests based on his expressions. Though many learned to avoid an audience with the king as it had been known to have dire consequences should he not agree with them.

The room had no other decorations apart from a deep red carpet lining the centre of the room, leading up to the stairs to the throne. Myval inspected it before entering ensuring nothing was amiss as he walked in.

Shortly after entering, a cloaked man in the darkness of the side passage entered the hall.

“Why are you here?” Myval’s mood had not improved from the servant’s interruption outside.

Before the man replied, Myval took his place on the throne, then finally, the cloaked man walked from the darkness and into the light. He had dirty blonde hair that seemed to have gotten lighter after being in the sun too long. The hair mostly hid his facial features though he wore two deep scars down his neck almost as if they were the scratches of a dog. Wearing a customary military dress, the black uniform with golden buttons showed he was a general.

Luken Redcliff stood before the king, giving a deep bow while waiting several seconds before he rose.

“My Lord, forgive my intrusion, I wanted to be the first to tell you.”

“If you have come to tell me you lost a quarter of my men again, I assure you’ll be adding another person to the death toll.” Myval replied with a cruel smile, leaning forward from his throne.

With sweat dripping down Luken’s head, he replied, “No my king, it’s Lynden. He’s been spotted in the city with sources saying he was in the castle and prison grounds.”

Red magic poured to Myval’s left hand, his eyes turning the same shade. The light in the room drained to complete darkness and the room began to feel cold. Few people alive knew about the king’s powers. Those that did had been threatened into silence though not Lynden, the king hadn’t gotten to him yet. Myval knew Lynden didn’t know what his powers meant, the raw evil of blood magic. Nevertheless he was a threat, an enemy. If he had stayed a loyal general, the king might have even let it pass, alas though he was not. The common folk believed the king hated the ex-general, labelled as a traitor and left to die. The truth was Lynden knew who the king was, and he has the power to rally people around him. Myval would not make the same mistake twice and while Luken knew of his power, he was simply a puppet that he could dispose of and no one would notice or care.

“And why isn’t he here in chains Luken?” Emphasising the man’s name to express his displeasure.

“My lord, I had only arrived this morning myself from the camp to the east. I had only received this news a couple of hours ago. From that, I have been able to find out that he has already left the city. He was spotted yesterday leaving through the gates and out in the woodlands. This has been confirmed by several townsfolk and guards who can testify to him leaving on that giant warhorse of his. No one knows where he has gone.” Luken muttered, hiding fear between his words as he spoke.

Not often conceding that Luken was right, he had asked him to inspect the troops and their training to ensure the finest soldiers were available when war broke out.

“I apologise general, both you and I harbour enough hate for Lynden to level the city. Tell me what did you do to his hound after he gave you that scar?”

“I skinned it my lord, then ate the thing.” Shrugging in response like it was nothing.

Laughing as his next words came out, “ Haha, I remember I had to ask you to leave the room before he killed us all.”

Lynden had marched to the hall demanding he surrender Luken to him, Luken at the time the captain of the mounted troops. Saying that the dog attacked in self-defence after the man kicked him while sleeping. Luken had even dragged men against their wills to testify in front of the king. Without hearing the men out and not sparing another thought, Myval told Lynden to just get another dog and that he would not lose any men over this. Since that moment, Luken had avoided Lynden where possible knowing that he would kill him given the chance.

“Anyway tell me, do you know why Lynden is here?”

“The prison guard said he had been regularly coming to the cells demanding that he see Arthur, the old captain of your father’s guard.”

“The traitor that failed to protect my father. If he had done his job correctly then, perhaps the assassin may have been stopped, or at least captured and brought to justice, it was after all a plot by a neighbouring kingdom”

“Yes my lord, shall we just execute Arthur?” Luken responded with an off-handed gesture.

Myval sat there for a moment, pondering his options. He thought it certainly would be simple enough to just walk into the cells now and kill him, though this would not help bring Lynden out of hiding. No, he had a better idea.

“A week from today we will have all the prisoners killed in a public display, hangings and beheadings.”

A ruthless smile appeared on Luken’s face, his white teeth showing as he bowed his head in agreement.

“Now leave me Luken.”

The general turned and walked towards the door. As he began to open the doors, he heard the king’s voice one last time.

“Luken, make sure everyone knows.” The king said with a wicked smile masked across his face.

He walked from the hall to leave the king to ponder this news. When Myval was alone, he let the blood magic slowly draw it back into his body.

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