The Forgotten World 2: Slavery of the Wolves

Chapter Silverous

In the Snyvolon Castle, the long winding hallways all appear to go in circles. Sometimes, in different hallways, the same set of portraits are placed in the same order. This measure has been taken in case anyone ever intrudes in the castle that they may get confused and be easier to capture. The knights, squires, and pages all had been trained to recognize a slight variant in the murals that would lead them to the throne room where the king of Snyvolon spends most his time.

Silverous Luster, a large silver wolf and king of the Wolf People (the Lopospoli), however, relied on scent. Each hallway smelled different to him and he memorized each scent for later reference.

Silverous makes his way slowly down the royal hallway sniffing the ground. Much to his humiliation, he is forced to wear a collar with a tag on it that says Silv. The tag jingles slightly and the guards turn quickly to make sure he isn’t an intruder.

“Don’t mind me...I am just on my way to have a word with your king. It shall be a friendly king talk between us as we are of equal status,” Silverous says, glancing up at the guards briefly.

The guards relax, but not much as they have to stay in a set position. Silverous extends a paw and pushes open the heavy door to the throne room. The king of Snyvolon opens an eye lazily as he was taking a nap just before Silverous showed up.

“What do you want, Silv? A belly rub?” the king asks, yawning.

Silverous does not speak at first. He approaches the king lightly, does a small bow, and hops up onto a pedestal next to the king. He sits gently upon it as though it is the speaking stone he used back on Jebbron, the planet of the Half-Humans. He fluffs his fur up and then stares directly at the king, ready to speak.

“Your Majesty, we need to have a serious talk, right away,” Silverous states.

“About what? I let you have the bones from my feast and I let you go out to potty whenever you want instead of on the assigned schedule I had,” the king says. “What more could a dog want?!”

The king yawns lazily and scratches his head. Silverous looks slightly annoyed.

“I am not your pet, Rosen Armel,” Silverous outright states.

The king sits up straight right away and glares at Silverous angrily. There is also a hint of fear in his eyes.

“And how did you find out my name?!” the king demands. “Answer me!”

“I have my ways,” Silverous says plainly.

“What did you really want to speak to me about, huh?!” the king asks, nervously fidgeting with his cloak. He had an eye on that fluffy silver coat of Silverous’.

“Armel, the way you have been treating my people is unacceptable and I request that you decree it unlawful to own slaves,” Silverous says with a growl.

“Silv, Silv, you crazy boy! Have you forgotten that you said your people work for free?!” the king says. “They are working for free, just as you said!”

“No, no...when I said my people work for free, I did not mean that you could own us, force us to breed, abuse us, and make us do pointless or petty tasks that the regular citizens do not desire to do. Tell me, what is the purpose of counting every leaf in a tree that is so tall that one slip could end a life?!” Silverous growls.

“The goal is to ensure that the tree is thriving by growing more leaves than last season!” the king argues. “How else can you be 100% sure?!”

“My people are dying and losing their dignity!” Silverous snaps.

“You should be lucky I let you guys stay in my kingdom when you had nowhere else to go!” the king shouts back.


The king slaps Silverous so hard that he falls off his pedestal and goes sliding across the glossy floor. He hits into the wall with a pained whimper.

“I have had enough of you!” the king says. “I am the rightful king of Snyvolon, not you! And nobody can ever take this away from me!”

Silverous doesn’t get up, he continues to lay there injured on the ground. There is a smudge across the floor where he slid.

“Lazy hound,” the king mutters.

The king calls in some knights and they grab Silverous roughly and drag him out of there to the torture chamber for punishment.

“Heh, with Silv out of the way, I can do whatever I want!” the king says.

He laughs to himself a little and relaxes in his big red gold-trimmed throne again.

“It is good being king!” the king says with an evil laugh.

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