The Forgotten World 2: Slavery of the Wolves

Chapter Cannibal Cover-Up

The house master stares around his property, checking on each of his slaves. At first, he didn’t notice anyone was missing. He stalks around the property and finds Darleen.

“Darleen! Aren’t you 16 tomorrow?” the house master asks.

Darleen hangs her head in shame before replying, “Yes, master...”

“And then I can finally marry you to Eeko!” the house master says.

Darleen blushes in embarrassment. The house master falls silent and glances around again.

“Where is Eeko?” the house master asks.

“I do not know, master... I haven’t seen him around. I suspect he’s on leaf counting duty again...” Darleen lies.

“Hmmm... He better be!” the house master says.

He starts searching the trees for Eeko. Darleen begins to panic, realizing that sooner or later, the house master would realize that Eeko is missing.

“Sivron... I need to ask you a favor...” Darleen says to a Wolf Boy next to her in the field.

“Huh?” Sivron asks.

“Can you disguise yourself as Eeko?” Darleen asks.

“Sure, whatever...” Sivron says.

“Thank you! And go hide in a tree as soon as you are disguised!” Darleen says.

Sivron gives a thumbs up and goes to find a way to disguise himself. Darleen crosses her fingers and waits patiently. The house master comes across the tree with Sivron in it and sees a black fluffy tail with a white streak through it.

“Eeko! There you are!” the house master says.

“Yes, master?” Sivron says, trying to imitate Eeko’s voice.

The house master stares without a word for a moment, noticing that the voice is slightly off.

“Do you have something in your throat...?” the house master asks.

“Yeah, sorry, master,” Sivron says.

“Anyways... I was going to notify you that your wedding to Darleen is tomorrow!” the house master says.

“Aw, but I don’t want to marry Darleen!” Sivron says.

“Well, you have to and that’s just that! I bet you’ll make black and pink pups or dark pink pups...” the house master says.

“I don’t want to have pups, master!” Sivron says.

“You have to!” the house master says.

“You’ll have to try harder than that to get me with anyone!” Sivron says, he accidentally let his voice slip.

“Eeko... Turn and face me real quick...” the house master says.

Sivron reluctantly turns to face the house master, aware of the fact that his face looks nothing like Eeko’s. He hadn’t had enough time to prepare.

“Ah hah! Just as I suspected! How did you manage to get rid of the diamond on your forehead?!” the house master asks.

“ I experimented last night...?” Sivron lies.

“And that experiment turned you into a completely different slave?!” the house master asks, getting after Sivron.

“Master! Do not hurt me!” Sivron says.

“I won’t hurt you if you tell me where the real Eeko is!” the house master says.

“Someone ate him, master,” Sivron lies.

“Impossible! And why would you disguise yourself as him, then?!” the house master asks.

“We didn’t want you to know of the horrible thing we have done,” Sivron says.

“Come down from that tree right away, Sivron!” the house master says, identifying who is really in the tree.

Sivron climbs out of the tree, hoping to not be in trouble.

“Tell me the truth!” the house master says, grabbing Sivron aggressively.

“I do not know where Eeko is! A few hours ago, he was going to the shed and after that, I never saw him again!” Sivron admits.

“He must still be sleeping, then!” the house master says.

He drags Sivron with him as he goes to check the shed.

“Darcy, Olive! Where is Eeko?!” the house master asks.

“Isn’t that him?” Darcy asks, pointing to Sivron.

“No! This is Sivron in a stupid disguise!” the house master yells.

“Huh... Looks like Eeko,” Darcy says.

“Have you seen Eeko?!” the house master asks Olive.

Olive looks up at the house master.

“Haven’t seen anyone but Darcy and her pups...” Olive lies.

“And where is your baby?! Weren’t you pregnant?!” the house master asks.

“Please do not remind me... I was so sure he’d be born healthy, but he passed away soon after birth,” Olive says.

“Then why are you in here instead of working?!” the house master asks.

“I still am grieving. I’m in pain physically and emotionally...” Olive says.

“Well, in a month, you can try again. Maybe try a different man since it didn’t work out between you and your husband,” the house master says.

“Of course, master,” Olive says.

“GET TO WORK!” the house master says.

Olive gets up slowly, crying.

“Now I still need to find Eeko! How could he have vanished?!” the house master asks.

He exits the shed and breathes in the fresh air.

“Yuck! I’m glad I’m not a slave! Hah! They have to sleep in there and give birth in there!” the house master says.

Rikard is working on scrubbing a particularly dirty piece of side walk with a tiny brush. He looks up and sees his master coming.

“Rikard! Have you seen Eeko?! I’be been asking around and so far nobody has seen him!” the house master says.

“Yes, master! I did see Eeko!” Rikard says, grinning.

“Where is he then?! I haven’t seen him anywhere!” the house master says.

Sivron waves at Rikard.

“Is that Sivron dressed as Eeko?” Rikard asks.

“Yes, how did you know so quickly?” the house master asks.

“Because,” Rikard says.

“Because what?!” the house master asks.

“I ate Eeko,” Rikard says.

The house master is taken aback by this statement. Rikard stares defiantly at the house master and licks his lips slowly.

“Cannibal!” the house master yells at Rikard.

A few of the Wolf People who are scrubbing the path near Rikard glance up real quick and then get back to work.

“So what? I was hungry! You don’t feed us enough!” Rikard says.

“Why couldn’t you wait until he had pups?!” the house master asks, “I wanted to see what pups between him and Darleen would look like!”

“He was delicious. I’m surprised you didn’t hear him crying out in pain as I ate him,” Rikard says.

“You are sick!” the house master says.

“No, I feel better now that I’ve had a good meal!” Rikard says.

“See, master? I told you we ate him!” Sivron says.

The grumpy house master drops Sivron in a puddle of mud and storms back to his house to tell his wife what happened.

“Guess what?!” the house master asks when he enters the house.

The house mistress puts down her teacup.

“What?” she asks.

“Rikard ate Eeko!” the house master says.

“Well, that’s morbid...” the house mistress says.

“I wanted Eeko to marry Darleen, but now he can’t!” the house master says.

“Well... Maybe find a different slave with dark hair who can marry her?” the house mistress asks.

“He was the perfect match, though!” the house master says.

“How could he eat the other slave without you noticing?” the house mistress asks.

“I have no idea!” the house master says.

The house mistress does not wish to enrage her husband further and returns to drinking her tea.

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