The Forgotten Twin

Chapter Winter Break

[Hogwarts’ Library]

“The last day of school and you decide to spend it in the school’s library. Why am I not surprised?” came the familiar drawl of which Bard had the pleasure of knowing with these past few months. He looked up from his seat at a table next to a window with a welcoming smile.

“Dramatic as always, Draco –you sound as if it’s the end of days.” Bard responded.

“It is the coming of the year’s end.” Draco answered as easily as he graced the seat across the other. Not one was he to leave a subject without having the last say. Bard grinned, oh how he’ll miss his proud friend over the winter’s holiday.

“What are you reading this time?” Draco asked, not wanting to be left behind in knowledge, leaning in to have a look-see of the words in the book Bard had in front of him.

“A brief bio of our esteemed Headmaster,” Bard explained with a push of the book to the center for them two to have easy access to the words. “According to this, not only is he a recent favorite for defeating the last ruling Dark Lord but he is also a favored friend of Nicolas Flamel, the-“

“Most successful alchemist of our time.” Draco continued for him, “Creator and holder of the only known existing Philosopher’s stone and who just turned six-hundred and sixty-five. I should know. My parents and I were invited to a ministry’s ball to celebrate his birthday just last year.” He ended with a shrug and leaned back, uninterested.

“And did he bring the stone?” inquired Bard.

“Sadly no, though I doubt it was real as the man did not look like anything a six hundred year old should.”

“That’s no surprise. Immortality is meant to slow down growing youth not necessarily keeping alive.” Bard closed the book. Draco raised a brow at the raven’s odd description.

“That’s surprising,” Draco voiced rhetorically, “I thought it meant to never die.”

“Everything dies sooner or later, Draco.” Bard said, amused. “You should learn that by now. Even this earth we stand on shall soon crumble back to darkness it once had been.”

“What a depressing thought. Thank you for that Charles. I hope this predicament of yours don’t happen too soon. I should like to keep living until my time ends.” Draco dryly intoned, used to his friend’s rather morbid view of the world. Bard chuckled in kind.

“Why suddenly so interested about Dumbledore?” Draco immediately changed the subject.

“Not so much interested as just mildly curious about the man whom will be my Headmaster for the next six years.” Bard answered. “To have willingly made a school into a potentially dangerous target by placing an important object inside has made me a bit intrigued. From what I’ve read so far, the man is too fixed on the ideal notion of everything that is ‘Light’ and ‘Good’. It seems very uncharacteristic of him to have made such a ‘Bad’ decision.” Draco scoffed at the remark.

“Who knows what goes on in that barmy head of his? More than that, who wants to know? I for one would advise anyone to stay away from whatever that crazy man has planned. Father told me that he suspected the man to be insane years ago, only that no one would say it because the man is the current Light Lord of Magical English Society.” Bard stared at his friend from the bold assessment but decided to say no more on the subject. He shut the book closed and turned his interest to his friend instead.

“So anything planned for the holiday season, Drake?” teased Bard, knowing not only of the hate for the nickname, but also the reason his friend had come to him in the library.

“Yuletide Ball?” Draco readily replied, ignoring the name. “I came to formally invite you to my family’s annual Yuletide Ball, as well as New Year’s, if you are so inclined.” A sleek silver envelope with a beautifully hand written scripted name was placed on the table facing Bard within reach but was immediately pushed back by the invited.

“Thank you for the offer but I formally decline. Winter won’t be a break for me, Draco. I’ll be given too much to do that it’ll be impossible for me to come visit.” Bard gave the invitee an apologetic look. “Sorry Draco, maybe next year.”

Draco shrugged but pushed back the invitation. “Take it still, for if you do come or at least for my mother’s hard work. She personally wrote the invitation herself.” Bard couldn’t stop his brows rising at that to which Draco replied with, “she wrote the names.” And Bard smirked yet hid the envelope within his robe’s pocket. In sync, they stood as one and together turned to leave the library. Bard almost halted in his steps when they spotted his twin waiting by the door only to get pulled along by Draco’s hand inconspicuously tugging his robes.

By the glare that he caught on his brother’s face, it seemed that he was yet forgiven for… whatever the Gryffindor’s accused him of.

“Presents?” Draco spoke, interfering with Bard’s thoughts.

Bard blinked back but caught on to his friend’s intentions. “I already went and got everybody’s address. You’ll get them before the dawn of Yuletide day –maybe even before that. I promise.” He smiled.

“You better.” Draco threatened as they turned to enter the Great Hall. Already, food lined up each of the five long tables in time for lunch. “And it better be something other than a simple muggle contraption. I’m not easy to impress.”

“As I’ve learned.” Bard exasperated with a show of rolling his eyes. “I don’t particularly like to spoil but you’ll be glad to know that my present won’t be as cheap and simple. I exaggerate simple as you will find that it will be one of the most difficult things you’ll have the pleasure in having. That is, if you figure out how to open it first.”

“A puzzle, then?” Draco scowled. “It isn’t one of those board games that I’ve seen those muggleborns play with, is it? If it is then I’m warning you now not to even try.” He ended with a glare as they sat on their spot at the Slytherin’s table.

“Even if the game was solely based for business?” The glare intensified to Bard’s amusement.

“Now, now, puzzles aren’t all that boring. Some are better than others, even if they were made by a mere muggle. Intelligence is for all.” Bard soothed.

“So it is a puzzle.” Accused Draco.

“It is.” Admitted Bard with a grin, but said no more.

[Ezra Palace; Training Grounds]

[Clang!] [Clang!]

“Merry Christmas” Bard’s mentor greeted with a slash of his dagger which would decapitate his student’s head. In a split second Bard forced his legs to jump back before impact and raising his own blade just as another slash descended upon his head. With great strength, he pushed back and retaliated with his other weapon to create a distance between him and his mentor.

Bard posed his gleaming weapon at his mentor with a smirk. “Happy Holidays old man.” He greeted back before jumping back in to collide weapons with his mentor, only to lean back and stumble. He struggled with holding his upwards stance before glancing at his right to where the small gleaming kunai rested innocently on the sandy floor of the Palace guard’s training ground. Bard then turned his head to stare at where it came from.

Happily sitting on a adult sized arabian horse despite his small, eight year old stature, En gave a wide toothy grin at his most favorite person in his world. And despite the vicious greeting, Bard gave a grin just as wide and just as excited as the child prince gave.

“Yo En!, I take it that it’s almost time for the guests to arrive?”

[Wiltshire, England; Malfoy Mansion]

“Oh,” The wife of Lucius Malfoy voiced out in slight surprise and awe at the sight of a gift that was wrapped beautifully in red paper and a green flower bow.

“Mother, what is it?” asked her curious son sitting by the couch nearest to the Yule tree from where his mother sat under. At his question, Lucius, her husband looked up from admiring his child opening presents to her.

Narcissa Malfoy raised the gift in her hand, gaining the attention of her two precious family members. “It seems that your friend Bard had not disappoint, Draco.” She told her son as she handed the small parcel to him. “His gift has been waiting under the family tree since dawn after all.”

Interest peaked, the two older Malfoy’s eyes lingered on their son’s hands as they also awaited to see the highly appraised muggle raised friend of their son’s given gift. Eyebrows all around raised when the item hidden beneath the paper was revealed to be a beautifully decorated but seemingly simple wooden box.

“What kind of gift is that?” Lucius could not help question only for his son to burst out a happy smirk once he finished reading the letter attached.

“A puzzle.”

[Yorkshire, England; Lupin’s Cottage]

“Happy Christmas, Bard.” Remus murmured to no one as he continued to happily stare at his new potions’ luggage complete with a new, small, but shining silver cauldron. It even contained several helpful potions with each in its own indestructible glass containers. He reread the letter again, wiping his eyes continuously as to make sure not a drop of his tears ruin the most precious gift he had received in a very, very long time.

My Dearest Godfather Remus,

Happy Christmas!

It is a shame that you declined my offer moving in with me here in Ezra, I ensure you would have liked it despite the weather. But no matter, there will be other moments to persuade you to move in with me. ‘What I want I always get!’ is my motto, so be warned of incessant nagging in the near future. You already know that I have no care of your ‘furry’ problem, so expect that excuse is nonexistent to me. I already have an idea as to how to counter that, no worries.

Though in all seriousness, Remus -Rem -Remmy, I am very worried about you and your health so to help with my nerves, I present you a potion luggage complete with a cauldron and several health potions ready made by mwah himself, encased in indestructible glass containers. As well as a new custom made suit that can be worn in both worlds without being stared at, designed by yours truly (with a little help, I admit).

Don’t worry your pretty little head of yours about the sum as I know you will be and just enjoy the fruits of my labor!

Drink up those potions and take well care of yourself.

Until Next Time.

Love, Your Favorite Godson, Charlus ‘Bard’ Potter


“Wow, Harry, that’s a whole bunch of new stuff you’ve got there. Who sent it to you?” asked an amazed Ron, staring at his friend’s new pile of clothes, snacks of different variety, and stuff that Harry needed yet not wanted to buy, appearing as superficial. Together with the new invisibility cloth that he had, this added to a total of thirty gifts that he had received, including Hermione’s and the Weasley’s.

“I don’t know. Most don’t have names” Harry replied, confused but happy.

Ron shrugged, “Oh well, let’s go take these snacks at the Hall then. We won’t be able to finish them all ourselves.” He said already taking all the foodstuffs that he can carry in his arms to bring to the Great Hall. Harry agreed and followed his friend’s example but left a lot of the other snacks hidden away from his ravenous friend to keep for the summer holidays.

He was grateful. It was the most thoughtful gift that he ever received. He assumed that all of it came from the same person as the invisible cloth giver.

‘Use it well’ The card said.

[Ezra Palace; Winter Ball]

“What are you grinning about?” Scorpius suspiciously asked his happy student, taking a sip of his champagne.

“Nothing in particular, Master. Just having a merry Yuletide is all” answered Bard with his sights locked on his dancing charge.

“I see. And what of your mysterious twin?” Scorpius started casually. Bard’s grin, although had a slight twitch at the mention of the unsolved issue, did not drop nor did he take his eyes away from his charge but the silence was more verbally honest than if he did try to answer.

“I see En managed to improve on his dancing skills” Bard randomly stated as he fingered on a new golden chained accessory wrapped around his left hand.

“So you turned tail and ran to the hills, eh?” Scorpius correctly affirmed and sipped his drink.

Bard sometimes disliked his master.


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