The Forgotten Twin

Chapter Hogwarts Express

By the time he and Remus stepped back to the cobbled road of Charing Cross, it was nearing dark. Thanks to the efforts of Mrs. and Mr. Malfoy, (whom they met by the Quidditch shop), that they were released by an eager Draco wanting to invite them over to dinner. He nearly accepted due to the fact that he was interested in visiting a magical home, only to be pulled away by Remus, reminding him of a previous engagement.

They now sat on a wooden bench awaiting Bard’s driver to arrive for the pick-me-up.

“Was there something I needed to know about Mr. Malfoy, Remus?” Bard asked.

“Beg-beg pardon, Bard? What was that?” Bard raised a quizzical brow at him, it seemed that Remus had his mind elsewhere.

“Mr. Lucius Malfoy,” He slowly repeated. “Don’t think I didn’t see the way you looked at him and he to you -and me.” He supplied with a frown. “You looked as though you wanted to cuff him and put him behind bars -Mr. Malfoy even worse.”

“And how did Mr. Malfoy looked?”Remus asked.

“He looked like he wanted to kill you.” Bard answered with a grave air.

Remus put his coffee, which Bard had kindly bought for him, down. “It’s a very long story and not for a child like you to hear.” Remus replied with an apologetic smile.

Bard continued to frown but kept his anger to himself.

Having been around them for so long, he considered himself a person who understood the way adults think. From the life he had led so far, he would think himself moronic if he hadn’t. He instead invited Remus for dinner.

“What, no, I- It’s getting late and I don’t want to impose--”

“I insist.” Bard interrupted, dismissing the protests with a wave of a hand. “It’s far too lonely to eat dinner without company and we have yet talked about my parents. We did agree on that, did we not? And it’s far too pointless for you to decline now since I just bought you that coffee,” He gestured at the coffee Remus held in his hands, “Also, our ride is here.” True to his words, the sleek black Rolls Royce that had taken them from the airport, rolled in sight.

Remus could not have apparated fast enough even if he wanted too; Bard had him by the elbow and into the car before he could come up with a reply.

He also couldn’t complain, as just a few hours later, the hotel and the steaming lamb stew in front of him were too tempting to want to leave. The company, and the talk of the past were also just as nice as the food served in front him.

But of course he let out a few distinct details that were not for the child’s ears.

Bard could understand that. He would just have to read those books he bought for the somewhat full picture of Remus’ tale.

“Then, as the godson that you have never known was alive, I invite you to a full month of godparent and godchild bonding. What do you say to that, Godfather Remus?”

Even the full moon couldn’t stop Remus from spending the rest of the month with his godson.

[King Cross’ Station]

One month of bonding with his godson and Remus knew exactly what kind of person Charlus, or ‘Bard’ was and reverse.

“--sure you haven’t forgotten anything else? Your wand?”

Bard rolled his eyes. “Yes, mum. And I left behind my wand once! I got it back immediately after!” He huffed out.

“For a person with a photographic memory---” Bard waved his hands distractingly.

Enough! You’re as bad as Master, and that’s saying something!”

Remus suppressed his laughter but there was no denying the shaking of his shoulders.

Early morning on the first of September and only ten minutes before departure, Remus and Bard raced themselves towards the middle column of platform’s nine and ten. Not stopping for anything, Remus grabbed Bard and hurtled themselves both towards the solid looking brick wall of the column. Bard thought that his heart stopped in that moment as he squeezed his eyes shut.

“You can open your eyes now.”

The first thing Bard did was struck his elbow down Remus’ abdomen.

“You could’ve warned me about that!” He pointed angrily back at the solid brick wall from which they came through.

Remus groaned and almost hit the floor from the pain. Gasping, he gave a weak gesture behind his godson’s head and Bard’s own breath was stolen away by the view.

Sleek, shiny and gorgeous, the Hogwarts Express train looked as if it had just come out from development. Bard fell in love at first sight.

“I forgive you.” Bard said, dazed by the sheer magnificence of the train.

“I thought you might like that.” Remus rolled his eyes.

“Well then, I leave you here. You best hurry now before the train leaves you.” He glanced at an ornate clock hanging on one of the walls and read that they had less than five minutes before the train left.

“Remus.” A pair of short arms wound tightly around his waist. He barely had enough time to return the hug as Bard hurriedly raced his trolley past the crowd and easily carry his trunk and the large cage of his Eagle owl inside.

[Hogwart’s Express]

Bard was reminded of too many birds fluttering about in a too small space of a cage when he entered train. He thanked Remus fully in his heart to have had the mind to place a feather weight charm on his trunk and cage for easy maneuverability within the hallways of the cramped train. He flattened himself against the wall when another group of people passed by him without much consideration for others.

Irritated but keeping calm with breath exercises that his master had taught him, he continued in search for an empty compartment down the last wagons of the train. Passing by full rooms; rooms of which he chose not to enter from a mere glance of company and rooms of which he wouldn’t even acknowledge from sound alone, he almost gave up hope and decided on waiting down by the cargo area of the train. The idea seemed infinitely better than having to share a small space with rowdy children in his opinion.

“Oi, Ignatius!” Bard turned and saw the familiar gleaming blond hair of his newly acquainted friend coming towards him with two additional set of boys following from behind.

“Malfoy,” He greeted back with a raised brow, inquiring about the two burly looking boys flanking either side of the blond.

“Crabbe. Goyle.”Draco gestured to each boy as introduction.

“Did you just come in? I’ve been looking for you at the platform.” Draco gave a pointed look at Bard’s trunk and owl.

“Nearly got left behind,” Bard explained. “Anyway, have you happen to see an empty compartment on your way here? It’s that or I place my miserable self on the cargo compartment down back.”

“Mine’s all full but rumour has it that Harry Potter is on this train. He might have room. We’re on our way there, want to come?”

Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived; the Chosen One. Bard nearly let out a snort at Draco’s face.

“No thanks, I’d rather have a compartment all to myself rather than share with a celebrity. Nerves you see.” Bard faked a shudder which earned him a funny look from the other three.

“Suit yourself,”Draco shrugged and immediately left without as much as a by-your-leave. But Bard could understand the other’s excitement, after all; his twin brother was probably the most celebrated wizard in the entire community. He left for the back compartments in a hurry. As much as he wanted to see Draco’s face when he realizes the truth, he wanted the drawback of the effect to come much later.

“Aha!” He finally found an empty compartment next to the cargo car.

[With the Boy-Who-Lived]

“What are you talking about, Malfoy?” scoffed Ron Weasley. “There’s no other Potter then Harry. He’s the Boy-Who-Lived.”

“No one asked you,” sneered Draco but kept looking back at Harry.


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