The Forgotten Twin

Chapter Halloween

“What a rare sight this is,” Draco teased Bard once the raven head opened his eyes. He knelt on the floor right beside Bard’s sleepy face and in which received a viscous attack of morning breath. Draco instantly went on his feet, waving a hand in front of his face.

“That’s so disgusting, Charles!” Draco complained but Bard couldn’t care less and rolled away from him.

“Go away, Draco,” Bard muffled on his pillow. “I had a very late night because of you.” He grumbled. Draco raised a pointed brow.

Me? And what, pray tell, did I do? I had assumed Madam Pomfrey let you sleep in the Hospital Wing last night when I didn’t see you.” Draco said, sitting down on his bed next to Bard’s. The raven then turned to fully glare at the blond.

“Neville and I persuaded the nurse to discharge us early last night. He didn’t want to be left alone walking on empty hallways so I accompanied him down to the Gryffindor corridor, only to find that he forgot the password. We had to wait several hours for someone to turn up and low and behold, Weasley and my brother, together with Ms. Granger came out of the passage only to shut themselves out,” Bard held his tongue against giving Draco the secret passageway to the Gryffindor tower, he wasn’t that bad. He was a good Slytherin, make Draco find out for himself where the bloody door was.

“I was about to leave when I heard them whisper about going somewhere. So of course I had to follow.” Bard had to roll his eyes at his stupid decision. “Then I learned that you tricked them into having a wizard’s duel, almost ran into Filch and not to mention, almost getting eaten by a Cerberus!” Bard ended loudly.

“If I had met Hades after that then I would have packed my bags and gotten on the first train home!” Bard then proceeded to bury himself inside his sheets. Draco didn’t know whether to laugh or be worried.

“A Cerberus?” Draco questioned.

“A three-headed dog.” Bard supplied.

“I know what a Cerberus is! I’m asking where you’ve seen one.” Draco huffed out. Bard, seeing that the blond wasn’t going to let him sleep anytime soon, pulled down his sheets from his head.

“The third floor’s forbidden corridor, where else? I would think that that’s the only place where no teacher would want any unsuspecting child to wander in. It would be bad publicity should a student die, would it not?” Draco ignored Bard’s sarcasm and focused more on the subject.

“And why would they place a three-headed dog on school grounds? I should write to my father about this. He’s been wanting to sack Albus Dumbledore as Headmaster for years. It would be the perfect reason for a sacking, don’t you think?” Draco didn’t wait for a reply as he began pulling out a quill and paper to write on, only to halt at Bard’s reasoning.

“You do that and they’ll want to know how you managed to find out about it. Even if the headmaster gets sacked, you’ll still be credited for disobeying school rules and will probably stain your perfect record, following you until graduation -in seven years time.” Draco scowled at him but put the quill down.

“But I didn’t. It was you who did.”

“And you wouldn’t dare tell, would you?” Bard declared, for if Draco did, Bard wouldn’t ever acknowledge him again, and he knew that. For despite Bard's openly friendly persona, he is somewhat of a menace for people whom he doesn't agree with, in which he disregards them, ignores them, or brings them down with words that pokes at your secret insecurities. Too smart to be bullied with words, too confident with himself to be humiliated, not to mention, ridiculously strong for an average teenager to simply wrestle with. Draco couldn't bully him into the ground even if he tried.

And contrary to popular belief, Draco did not have a lot of friends as he boasted, not a lot of friends he could genuinely trust, rather.

Bard knew that with his background and his sincere care for want of nothing but his own goals that had nothing to do with other's riches, Draco could easily trust in him without having second thoughts; that alone would seal his silence.

“I hate you.” Draco proclaimed. Bard had the gall to grin.

“I love you too.”


“Stop grumbling, Draco. It’s an unbecoming sight for a Slytherin, especially for a Malfoy.” scolded Bard, but with a smirk and a glint in his eyes. Now where had he heard that line before?

“Shut up, Charles.” Draco said, glaring at that glint but did as was told, for only about a minute. A new record to be sure. “I still can’t believe they allowed him a broom! It’s unfair. They told us it wasn’t allowed for a first year but they gave bloody Harry Potter one for circumstances. What does that even mean?” Bard shrugged in answer beside him.

“Let it go, Draco. We can’t do anything about it. The headmaster himself allowed it and not even your father can do anything about it.” Bard told him. “Could we move on and just enjoy the halloween feast? please?” Bard pleaded.

In a blink of an eye, two months had come and gone as they celebrated the ending of October. Nothing had been mentioned again about the three headed dog in the forbidden corridor and Bard, with the help of Draco attained a temporary apprenticeship with Professor Snape to better his potion making skills.

He bartered becoming Snape’s worst student’s partner, Neville Longbottom, to lessen the disaster in his class in exchange for the apprenticeship. Draco supplied his hand by bringing him closely to the stern Professor’s good graces. It helped that Draco was a favorite student as well as godson, though he was warned to keep it secret from the others. Professor Snape did not want Draco to face ridicule in front of Slytherins and get scolded by his godson’s parents but Bard secretly believed that he just cared, though he wouldn’t say that out loud.

“Fine, then what do you want to talk about? There hasn’t been anything interesting that happened in this school,” -except for the discovery of Cerberus-, “and winter holiday isn’t until mid-December.” Thankfully, Pansy grabbed onto that idea like a lifeline. She, as well as her fellow housemates, was dead tired of Draco’s complaining since last month.

“Speaking of, I was wondering if you would like to join me and my family for Yuletide, Charles. I’d like to show you off to my parents. They’d never met a muggle raised before.” Bard politely declined and didn’t comment on her demeaning remark. The innocent smile on her face as well as her fluttering her eyes at him, told him that she didn’t mean any disrespect. Bard was even sure she hadn’t noticed. The deploring smile on Draco’s face told him that he wasn’t the only one who had noticed.

“Don’t bother, Pansy. I already invited him weeks ago only to be turned down too.” said Draco.

“Yuletide is an important time for royalty, which means a grand ball with all their friends and allies. Master Scorpius wants me to attend to familiarize myself with the people. Not to mention, En’s eagerly anticipating my return home. We haven’t seen each other for months. I’m bound to be missed.” Bard informed.

“He’s been writing to you nonstop ever since school started. I hardly think your that missed.” Draco quietly groused. Bard raised a brow at Draco’s attitude. It seems that En wasn’t the only one eager to have him. His lips twitched at the thought.

“And you, Blaise? Theodore? What will you guys be doing for the winter holiday?”

The joy for the Halloween feast continued with a lot of different party favors. The Weasley twins, whom he had come to know and favored, joined in the festivities by adding a lot of firework flare and themed pranks in the Great Hall. Some that even made a lot of Slytherins and most notably, Draco, whom everyone knew has the biggest dislike for anything Weasley, laugh and smile.

The decorations, the flying bats, and even the entertainment. Bard declared it as the most magical day he has had in Hogwarts. He was almost sad it was nearing its end only for a sudden banging of the grand double doorway made him think otherwise.

Professor Quirrell, with his customary purple turban always wrapped on his head, came gasping through the entrance doors.

“Troll - in the dungeons - thought you ought to know.” He then sank to the floor in a dead faint.

Everyone was in an uproar after that. Bard smacked Draco on the head in return for the slap that the blond had accidentally done when he stood up from his seat in a panic. “We’re in the Great Hall, not in the dungeons you idiot! Calm down.”

Draco seized his screaming and glared at the raven in return. A hand on his aching head. “How dare you hit me?! stupid!” Bard smirked, always worked.

“Prefects,” The Headmaster’s voice rumbled in attention, “lead your Houses back to the dormitories immediately!” Bard held in a snort. How did they expect the Slytherins to follow? Their dormitory was in the dungeons, where the Troll was just reported to be!

“How do they expect us to go back to our dormitory?” Pansy muttered out loud as they stood to follow their Slytherin Prefect. Her answer came in the form of their Head of House.

Professor Snape came down from the staff table and immediately lay down instructions to their two prefects. They then were told to stay put in the Hall whilst the other Houses were ushered out by theirs. Bard was proud at that moment to have the most sensible teacher as their Head of House.

Slytherins watched when Madam Pomfrey stayed behind to help revive poor Professor Quirrell. Barely any help was needed though as she only needed a wave of her wand and an uttered spell to have the stuttering Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor back on his feet and make for the door. Bard frowned.

“Professor!” He called out before Quirrell reached the door. Bard couldn’t help it. He couldn’t let the Professor go out there alone. Assuming that he was heading to assist the other teachers find the troll, Bard offered to come with, to help back up the Professor should he encounter the Troll again.

“O-O-Oh no, dear boy. Yo-Yo-Yo-You sta-sta-stay here, now. I-I-It’s be-best to le-let the te-te-teachers ha-handle i-i-it.” Quirrell stuttered to him, but Bard was stubborn. He refused for the teacher to go in alone without backup. His insistent need to protect came from hard practice after all, and should he ignore it, he might regret it. Quirrell finally agreed.

They sped off the Great Hall with Bard none the wiser.

[Third floor]

Bard jolted awake from the floor.

“Ow,” He groaned, touching the back of his head. “What hit me?” he muttered.

“The floor, I imagine.” A drawled, silky voice from above him answered. He jumped and almost hit heads with the person crouched next to him.

“If you would stay still, Mr.Charles.” And Bard knew who it was sitting next to him. Only one person called him that -his Potions Master. He looked up and squinted through bleary eyes, grinning as a black blurry swirl took form.

“Professor Sev,” he called out. “How nice of you to come by.” He felt his brain throb and the world unbalanced. A hand on his shoulder informed him that he had just swayed sideward.

Focus, Mr. Charles.” The Professor snapped. “You have just been hit by a powerful but unbalanced spell. How do you feel?” He felt himself blink rather stupidly in answer and groan. The pain in his head felt monstrous than compared to the time he fell from the sky. He blinked again. He fell from the sky?

Mr. Charles!” A powerful bark and he almost felt his brain snap back together, though not fast enough.

“Sorry,” He looked back up at the black shadow on top of him, “what was the question again?” He could almost feel the rolling of the other’s eyes. At least his other senses were working; he would have been seriously worried if it didn’t.

“It looks as though we won’t be getting much out of you today Mr. Charles. Can you stand, at least?” Professor Sev asked as he moved to stand up himself.

“Sorry- sorry,” Bard blinked in an attempt to fix his eyesight. “Might you have something in hand for fixing eyesight, Professor? My vision’s all a blur.” A small bottle instantly appeared in Bard’s hands, and he hurried to drink it.

The taste was horrible as always but the effects were instantaneous. Bard blinked watery eyes as his vision came back in order and the feeling of having limbs again followed afterwards. It took a while though for him to be able to stand and walk again. He felt like a toddler having just noticed what legs can do.

“What spell was that, Professor Sev? I feel like a newborn babe. It feels weird.” He shuddered.

“Do you remember anything from thirty minutes ago? Anything beyond that?” Bard stared down the floor as he tried to remember. The last thing in his memory was thinking how he was proud to have the most sensible teacher in school as his Head of House. He suddenly wavered when a new memory popped in his mind. Professor Sev held on to both his shoulders for him not to meet the floor again.

“I- I remember a troll.” Bard frowned, “No,” he corrected “I was knocked out-- but it wasn’t from the troll… It was behind,” He quickly spun behind him as though to catch someone there. Then it all came rushing back to him. He looked up at the clear face of Snape’s frown. “I think someone tried to erase my memory.” Snape raised doubtful eyes at him.

“And how do you think that, Mr. Charles? You wouldn’t have remembered it if it had hit you.” Bard frowned in thought. Snape was right, it was a forgetful charm, meant for its victim to erase whatever memory the person wanted to erase. It wasn’t possible for him to remember, but he did.

“I heard it, loud and clear. Someone shouted ’Obliviate’, isn’t that the spell?” He frowned in frustration. He had to get his bearings right. He hated it when he’s unbalanced the most. “Didn’t you say it was unbalanced?” -whatever that meant- “Suppose it didn’t do the job properly.” -He hoped it didn’t do the job properly-. But Snape only continued to frown at him, confused as he was.

“I also said ‘powerful’, Mr. Charles. Enough to erase all possible thought” Well, at least that didn’t happen. Bard thought. He blinked again and only now just realized what he was staring at.

“Professor, your leg. What happened?” And then a look of his surroundings. “Wait. Where are we?” Snape took that moment to fully cover his wounded leg with his robes.

“Just noticed now, Mr. Charles?” Bard glared at him for that. “We’re on the third floor--” And Bard knew exactly where they were.

They were near the forbidden corridor. A bit far off the mark, but he remembered the way and almost stupidly sputtered out about the three headed dog. Fortunately, or unfortunately -depending on who to ask- a high pitched scream tore through the halls and their ears. Snape immediately took off without warning, limping as fast as he can toward the sound. Bard followed soon after, forcing his body and brain to keep to a straight line.

They were a bit far off -the scream was that loud- and they had ran into a panicking Professor McGonagall, speeding down from another corridor just as they were. Her wand on her hand, looking about ready to turn the troll into a mangy rat.

“Professor Snape,” She first called and was startled when her eyes landed on Bard stopping next to him. “--and Mr. Potter” Bard’s face automatically scrunched in hearing the name, fortunately she took no offense to that. She probably already knew how much he disliked being called that. She must, --he’s been doing it since he got here.

“What are you doing here and not back in the Great Hall with the rest of your House?” she scolded.

“I believe that we have more urgent business to attend to, McGonagall. The troll--” Snape intervened before Bard could answer.

“Yes, yes, the troll,” McGonagall hurriedly say, “This way.” She then lead their party to the direction of the scream and what Bard could hear -a lot of breaking cement. Not to mention, that smell. He had encountered a lot of disgusting smells in his days, working in a circus but never had he smelled a worse smell than a used, excrement-full, port-a-potty. He almost laughed when the smell lead them right into a girl’s bathroom.

Battle-ready to face a troll with wands out, the two professors went in, with Bard a few steps behind in order not to get in their way. When they went inside however, the troll was already lying face down on the marble floor with its club not a few inches away beside it. Three heads swiveled at them, each with wide eyed expressions on their faces.

Three Gryffindors. Harry, Ron and Hermione. Bard almost made a show of rolling his eyes. Why wasn’t he surprised? He jumped when another pair of footsteps came slamming through the abused door. It was Professor Quirrell… where has he been?

“What on earth had you been thinking of?” Professor McGonagall started, cold fury in her voice. “You’re lucky you weren’t killed. Why weren’t you at your dormitory?”

Ron spotted him at the back and immediately narrowed his eyes at him as though this situation was somehow his fault. The boy’s wand raised shakingly but rudely at him. Bard almost wanted to return with a condescending face back at him, yet at Harry’s same accusatory look, he faltered back.

Hermione started talking, explaining that she went looking for the troll because of some grand idea of earning points by taking down the troll herself. And that Ron and Harry came looking for her in order to stop her from doing something stupid -Bard almost made a noise at that-, ending her tale of them rescuing her just before the creature was about to finish her off.

Bard thought that if they had just told Professor McGonagall the real story, they would have gotten off without any points taken -even if it were just five each.

Professor McGonagall turned to him next and almost took off points from him for coming with them. Fortunately, Professor Snape intervened and ushered them all back to their dormitories. He told Bard to inform their House that it was now safe to go back in their dormitory in the dungeon now that the troll had been dealt with.

And Draco complained about nothing interesting happening in Hogwarts.


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