The Forbidden Note (Redwood Kings Book 4)

The Forbidden Note: Chapter 28

I yelp when Cadence Cooper appears outside my classroom. She’s wearing a powder blue uniform top with a checkered skirt and low black pumps. Her sharp navy jacket falls neatly over her shoulders.

“Cadence, hi. You’re here… again,” I say.

“Hey.” She flanks one side of me. Her friend, Serena, presses in on my other side.

“How was class, Miss J?”

“Good.” I drag out the word.

“Huh.” Serena pops her gum and glances at my books. “You’re doing Othello with the freshmen?”

“Nice.” Cadence smiles.

Something tells me they aren’t that interested in Shakespeare’s play.

“Where you headed?” Cadence asks.

“Teacher’s lounge.”

“Oh, we’re heading the same way.”

I give her a suspicious look. “Actually, I’m going to the cafeteria.”

She does a one-eighty. “Come to think of it I was feeling peckish.”

I narrow my eyes at her.

“Whoa,” Serena mumbles, stumbling behind us.

I glance at the hallway filled with banners declaring ‘MASQUERADE BALL TOMORROW’. As the three of us walk in, students part like a riptide, pressing back on either side of the corridor to clear a path.

“You’ll get used to it,” Cadey says.

“Who can get used to this?” Serena hisses. “A few weeks ago, they were pouring yogurt on our freshly mopped floors. Now, they’re treating you like a queen?”

Personally, I don’t think they’re making room because of Cadence’s connection to The Kings. I think they’re making a show of shunning me. The gossip about my ‘relationship’ with Zane has spread everywhere. If I thought yesterday was bad, today is even worse.

“Ladies,” a new voice says.

I glance up, shocked to see Sol join us. The fourth member of The Kings is just as handsome as the other three, but there’s something in his eyes that’s a little… unhinged. I heard Sol’s been struggling with his mental health, and it’s been on my mind to check on him.

“You heading to the cafeteria now?” Sol glances down at me, his broad shoulders almost blocking us from view. “Or another class?”

I stop abruptly.

The three of them stop too.

Fingers tightening around my books, I huff. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” The smile on Cadence’s pretty face doesn’t fool me.

She’s a brilliant student and a gifted musician.

But a terrible liar.

“Cadence, you’ve been escorting me around all day. Do you think I wouldn’t notice? And you—” I point a finger at Sol. “You made it so obvious.”

Sol lifts both hands. “You’ll have to put up with us until Zane comes back to school.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“He’s right.” Cadence faces me sternly. “We’re your bodyguards.”

I stare at her slim figure. She couldn’t hurt a fly.

“I’m tougher than I look.” Cadence lifts her chin as if she can read my thoughts. “Tell her, Sol.”

I see his face soften when he looks at Cadence, but it’s only for a minute and then it’s gone.

Serena grins, pretty red lips stretching over her face. “I’m just here for the free lunch. I heard teachers get an all access pass.” She thumbs a finger in Sol and Cadence’s direction. “And unlike those two, I am neither married to nor best friends with any member of The Kings, so I have to find other means to get ahead.”

I shove my lunch pass at her. “Here. You can have whatever you like. Just… tell them you’re buying lunch for me today.”

Serena’s eyes light up. She’s had few things to smile about lately, with her family’s financial problems and her mom’s chemo. I’m glad to see her excited.

“Off you go.” I shove their backs.

Cadence remains in place. “We’re supposed to stay with you.”

“I’m a big girl. And you three,” I point at each of them, “should be worried about studying. The school year is almost over and I know for a fact that your grades have been slipping.”

Cadence and Serena glance down.

Sol looks amused, as if school is the absolute last thing on his mind.

“Redwood might have its flaws—” that’s an understatement—“but this place still handed you an opportunity. It’s up to you to take that chance and make something of it. Don’t get distracted.” My eyes slip to Serena. “Even if it’s hard.” To Cadence. “Even if you feel the real world calling.” To Sol. “Even if you feel out of place. You belong here. You earned this spot. So fight for it.”

Cadence nods.

Serena licks her lips and looks thoughtful.

I start to walk away.

Cadence and Sol move in front of me.

I groan.

Sol smirks. “So… cafeteria or no?”

“I could eat.” Cadence shrugs.

Serena slings an arm over Cadence’s shoulder and wiggles my lunch card. “I’m buying.”

“After you, Miss J,” Sol says, jutting his chin in the direction of the cafeteria.

I sigh and follow the three students as they commit the most polite form of kidnapping in Redwood Prep history.

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