The Forbidden Note (Redwood Kings Book 4)

The Forbidden Note: Chapter 15

I roll my suitcase into the kitchen that looks big enough to feature on TLC.

“Zane!” My dad’s new wife throws her arms around me. She smells like cocoa butter and some kind of warm savory spice.

“You’re early.” Marian steps back. Brown eyes glistening, she gives Finn the same warm welcome.

My brother’s eyes nearly pop out of his face.

“Were you cooking?” I ask.

“I got up early this morning and started frying up some cornbread.” She points to the counter that’s filled with pancakes, waffles, cornbread, bacon and sausages.

“You made all this?” I point.

“That’s right.”

“Your… self?” I clarify.

Finn clears his throat. “I think he meant to say you didn’t have to go to all that trouble.”

“Oh, I like keeping my hands busy, and I wanted to welcome you boys.” She grins wide, revealing all her teeth.

Watching Miss Jamieson’s mother, I feel a twinge of guilt. When dad first announced that he was getting married again, I assumed she’d be just like all the other young, brainless, copycat social media models he cheated on mom with.

I was wrong.

For one thing, Marian isn’t that young. She’s younger than mom, for sure, but there are wrinkles bracketing her dark brown skin and she dresses conservatively, no plunging necklines, tats or piercings.

She’s also much warmer than dad’s other girlfriends.

Which is new.

There’s something appealing about her sunny personality. She’s guileless. Upfront. The ‘what you see is what you get’ type.

I have to question any woman who falls for dad—since he’s a walking scumbag in leather, but at least she seems honest. In our world, sincerity is hard to come by.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” Marian asks, picking up a spatula. Suddenly, her smile falls. “Ya’ll aren’t the type that don’t eat breakfast, are you? Oh no. And I made so much food.”

“I’m hungry,” Finn says, taking a seat.

“Me too.”

Marian smiles and throws her arms around me again.

I stumble back, shocked. Our family isn’t the affectionate type. Growing up, we spent more time with nannies than with mom and dad, and there was always a certain distance kept by the help. Love isn’t something we express out in the open.

That’s not to say mom doesn’t love us.

She does.

In her own way.

But she doesn’t dole out hugs like coupons at the local supermarket.

“Sorry.” Marian eases back. “I’ve just… always wanted a full house. And when Jarod told me he had three sons, well, I instantly imagined us all living under one roof and being a big happy family.”

My eyes connect with Finn’s. Big, happy family is a phrase that could never describe the Cross dynamic.

“I’m so glad you guys decided to move in.”

“Thanks for having us,” I say since Finn is being moodily silent.

Marian glances past us to the door. “Is Dutch coming?”

“Not today.”

“Oh.” Her lips curl down in disappointment.

Dutch is bringing Cadey and Viola to live with him. To say he had to drag Cadey there is putting it lightly. She complained that the villa was too big for three people, but when Dutch pointed out that the three of us lived there without complaint, she gave in.

The last we saw of the newlyweds, they were scowling at each other and then, a minute later, Dutch was carting her off to his room, where we heard loud moans rattling the walls. I have no idea how those two find butting heads so appealing. Just watching them toss insults back and forth exhausts me.

At least, Viola seemed oblivious.

‘I can’t believe I get a bathroom to myself!’ she shrieked as I brought her bags in from the car. She was setting up her makeup when we left, but there’s no guarantee she’ll always be that distracted.

I make a mental note to tell Dutch to either be quieter or soundproof his walls.

Seeing my twin with his family today made it all seem pretty freaking clear to me.

Dutch is moving on with his life.

He’s still here.

He’s still a part of us.

But things are different.

And I don’t know how I feel about that.

“Alright, that’s enough yapping from me.” Marian claps her hands. “Finn, what will you have? I didn’t know what ya’ll liked so I made a bit of everything.”

While Finn starts filling his plate, I point upstairs. “I’ll put these bags away.”

“Of course, of course.” Marian waves me up. “You can have your pick of the rooms. This house is too big anyway. I begged Gracie to move in with me, so it’ll be the four of us. And Jarod when he’s not on tour.”

“Gracie?” Finn hikes a brow.

I freeze.

Marian’s brown eyes alight on me and then move to Finn. “Yes, my daughter.”

A full-body shiver takes hold of me and I have to bite my lip to keep from smiling wickedly.

“Didn’t you know she lives with us?” Marian clears her throat. “That’s not going to be a problem, is it? I know Gracie’s your teacher at Redwood. I wouldn’t want any of you getting in trouble.”

“Trouble has a way of finding us,” Finn says, glaring at me.

My heart starts beating fast.

Finn gives me a pointed look and juts his chin at the hallway.

“Zane, should I fix you a plate for when you come back?”

“I’d appreciate that.” I give Marian a charming smile.

Finn is scarily silent as he stomps to the corridor. I slip my drumstick out and twirl it as I trail my brother out of the kitchen.

The moment we’re a distance away he whirls on me.

“What the hell, Zane?”

“What did I do?”

Finn gives me a loaded stare. “Did you know about this?”

I shake my head. “I swear I didn’t.”

“If all that talk after the funeral was just a way for you to sneak into Miss Jamieson’s bed again—”

“The hell? I told you it wasn’t. I meant it when I said I’m done chasing her.”

Finn’s eyes narrow to slits. My brother’s the scariest when he’s scowling like that.

“Her living here is not going to be a problem.”

“We’ll see,” he says stiffly.

I watch my brother stomp back to the kitchen. Finn volunteered to move in with me, but I think he and Dutch just wanted me to have a babysitter.

Guess they made the right move.

Miss Jamieson just became a bigger part of this twisted game.

I sweep my gaze toward the stairs.

It’s time I go hunting for my prey.

Jinx: Is the band breaking up?

Snare King’s hot selfie this morning had more than just a perfect row of abs on display. Did I spot suitcases in the background? Are the Kings going on a secret tour or is the war on the horizon a family battle?

Until the next post, keep your enemies close and your secrets even closer,


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