The Forbidden Mate

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Two – Attack


I am working in my office when I hear shouts, screams and the sounds of fighting echoing through the pack house. I know instantly that this is it, the attack we have been expecting. I can only hope now that we are prepared.

I message Euan. “The packhouse is being attacked” I tell him.

“I am on it” he replies I have fifty warriors making their way to you now.”

“Good, and Katy?” I ask.

“Still with Daniel at her house. Out of the way of the fighting” he replies.

I am worried that she only has Daniel to protect her but at least she is not here at the packhouse and won’t be caught up in the attack.

All of a sudden, I hear slamming on my locked office door there are wolves try to gain entrance. I stand up and make my way to the door. I have partially shifted so that my claws are out, and my fangs have extended. I am not sure how many of them there are, but I know I will need to move fast if I am going to overpower them.

They finally manage to get the door open, and four wolves start to push their way in to my office. Only four I think, Carl has seriously underestimated me. It won’t take me long to deal with these traitors.

The door is too narrow for them to all enter at once, and I use this advantage to tackle the first wolf before the others manage to get through the door. I quickly hurl myself at him, my claws ripping into the flesh of his chest, while my fangs bite down hard on his neck ripping out his throat. It is over in seconds, he stumbles to the ground already dying.

His body is now an obstacle, hindering the progress of the remaining three wolves. They have to make their way around his writhing body in order to reach me which gives me time to launch my next attack. I grab the closest wolf by the shoulder, ripping my claws deep into his flesh. He screams, as I move down slicing into to his chest, I thrust my hand in and pull out his heart.

The final two wolves stop, they are now terrified by what they have just watched me do to their friends. The one nearest the door takes one final look at the carnage and runs for it. The other wolf hesitates, unsure whether to continue to fight, or follow his friend out the door. His hesitation proves fatal as it gives me just enough time to launch myself at him, pushing him to the ground, as my teeth bite down hard on his neck, and tear out his throat.

With the wolves who attacked me taken care of, I make my way quickly to the guards control room. The rest of the pack need to be warned that we are being attacked.

“Sound the alert we are under attack” I tell them. “All warriors and battle trained wolves in the pack house are to meet me at the front door, prepared to fight. Civilians need to make their way to the safe room.” I order two of the older guards to help round up the wolves in the packhouse and escort them to the packhouse safe room.

I then make my way to the front door, followed by the rest of the guards.

When we reach the front of the packhouse we find twenty of our wolves fighting ferociously with about forty traitors. We join in the fight; we are still outnumbered but rage has taken over as I look at my former pack members killing their friends.

I shift quickly and launch myself at the biggest wolf my claws rip through his chest as the power of my attack drops him to the ground. My fangs rip out his heart from his chest and I toss it aside. I don’t stop. I launch myself at the next wolf in my line of sight he desperately lashes his claws into my left arm, it is a deep cut but I barely feel it as I bite down on his neck and rip his throat out. I am unstoppable. In only a few minutes I am covered in blood and guts, and five dead bodies lie around me.

Where is Euan? I would have expected him to be here by now. We will need to hold them off until he arrives.

I turn to survey the fight. We are holding on, but we haven’t managed to defeat the traitors. Four of my guards are down and not moving. Three have injuries that mean they are unable to continue fighting, but we have done even worse damage to the traitors, fifteen of them are dead.

We have evened up the battle but my warriors are slowing, tired from the fight. I order them to close up, to stand side by side and form a wall. We just need to form a barrier to stop them getting further into the packhouse long enough for Euan to get here.

Suddenly I hear the sound of feet running. Euan has arrived with another thirty warriors. My guards cheer when they see them, it gives them renewed strength to fight and between us we manage to quickly kill the remaining traitors. As soon as they saw Euan they knew that they had lost and all but gave up the fight. I made sure that we kept one alive we needed to question them to understand as much as we could about their plot.

“What took you so long?” I ask Euan.

“Thirty of the traitors tried to ambush us on our way here, I had to deal with them first. They thought they could trick us, and they probably would have managed it if we hadn’t known about their plot. They made their way to us, feigning ignorance, pretending to ask what was wrong. Fortunately, Ross had already identified them as traitors, so we knew what they were doing. We attacked first without waiting to hear what they had to say.”

“There are still more of them out there. We need to hunt them down and quick. I want you to send out squads to search for every traitor. I want them all dead” I tell him.

“We need to bring Katy to the pack house. I am uncomfortable with her being at her house with only Daniel to protect her.” I have tried to do my duty to my pack and not just rush to her straight away, but now I need to make sure that she is safe.

“I will send a team of warriors to collect her and bring her here.”

“Good. I am going to check on my father and find out what he wants us to do next. We also need to ensure that no traitors have managed to get further into the packhouse.”

As I walk through the corridors, I see the head guard and ask him “Have you seen my father?”

“I saw him just before the fighting started. He was in his office with your brother, the Beta, the Gamma and some of the warriors” he tells me.

As soon as I here that I start to run, the last person my father should be near with the fight going on is Carl.

When I arrive at his office, the door is ajar. My father always keeps the door shut when he is in there working, and for security reasons he makes sure it is locked when he leaves. There are sensitive documents in there that he would not want ordinary pack members to see.

I cautiously push the door all the way open, readying myself to fight if the enemy is still there. I look quickly around and see my father lying on the floor, his throat has been torn out and he is covered in blood, his eyes gaze sightlessly at me. He is dead. Next to him lies the Gamma, his head almost severed from his body by the viciousness of the attack. Carl and Jordan are no longer there.

I know immediately that Carl is responsible for this. He had planned this attack to kill my father, kill me and take over the pack. Well, he hadn’t succeeded in murdering me and his traitors had lost their fight to take over the pack house.

What would he do now, and how did Jordan fit into this? Had he gone with Carl willingly or was he held captive by him? I had to find out. I hoped that my brother wasn’t involved, that he hadn’t helped Carl to kill his own father, but I wasn’t confident. I knew how weak and obsessed with power he was.

I message Euan. “I need you in my father’s office now, it’s urgent.” I tell him.

It isn’t only me who has lost their father today, I need to tell Euan in person that the Gamma, his father is dead.

I get one of the servants to come and cover the bodies. Once we have confirmed that there are no more traitors in the vicinity, I will get the servants to collect the bodies of all the fallen and move them to the pack hospital.

When Euan arrives, he surveys the scene, and takes in his father’s dead body. I can see the shock and grief in his face. His father was a good man, and a good Gamma, Euan had been close to him. Far closer than I had been to my own father.

“I am sorry” I tell him “your father didn’t deserve to die like this. It was Carl. He was here with my brother and some of his warriors when the attack started. He must have used the opportunity to kill them both. I am not sure what Jordan’s role in this was. We need to find them quickly.

Assign trackers to search for Carl and my brother. We should start at his house. It is unlikely that he will have gone back there, but we can’t discount it, and he might have left clues which will help us find out where he has gone.”

He nods.

“Did you send reinforcements to Katy?” I ask him.

“Yes, they should have arrived by now.

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