The Forbidden Mate

Chapter Chapter Nineteen – Dangerous Warrior


I have been on tenterhooks all day worrying about Katy’s first day with the warriors. It had been a risk placing her with the them, she would be surrounded by suspected traitors, but I didn’t feel it was safe to leave her in the Pack House working with Omega servants. There she would be too close to Carl, with no one to protect her if he tried to attack her. The situation is becoming increasingly dangerous now that Carl has realised that a strange wolf is here, within our pack. She can no longer safely hide in plain sight. At least if she is with the warriors, I know that Daniel and Euan will protect her with their own lives.

I was now waiting in the forest, near her back door, until she has put Emma to bed so that we can be together.

I see the lights go off in Emma’s bedroom and make my way to the back door. I enter the house and make myself comfortable in the living room.

As soon as she walks downstairs I struggle to control my wolf who just wants to run to her and hold her in our arms, kiss her and finally make her ours. It is becoming harder by the day not to mark her, but I need to keep in control. I want to hear how her day has gone, and make sure that she is safe.

“How did it go today” I ask her trying to keep my voice as neutral as possible. I don’t want her to realise how worried I have been.

“Good,” she says “Daniel has been wonderful, and it has been lovely to catch up with him. The work has been fine.” Then she turns to me with a penetrating stare and says “and you don’t need to worry. I have had very little to do with the warriors that you suspect attacked me. Daniel makes sure that I spend as little time with them as possible. Fortunately, they barely look at me. I am a lowly Omega to them, the last person they would suspect of being royal.”

“Good” I say “but you cannot count on their indifference. You must be careful the slightest slip and they will start to suspect who you really are.”

“Of course,” she tells me.

“Now I just want to forget about our problems, that you are my queen who I have sworn to protect, and think of you as my mate, the one I love more than anyone or anything else in the world. We haven’t had much opportunity to spend time together, to be alone with each other. All I want now is to take you in my arms and spend the night loving you” I say.

Before I have finished speaking, she flings herself into my arms.


I have been working for the warriors for the last week and I am still enjoying it. It has been great to catch up with Daniel, and the other warriors have been good fun to be around. I have managed to stay away from the those we suspect of being traitors. This has been easy on the whole as they do not want to associate with an Omega.

Today though I haven’t been so lucky as Mike managed to corner me in the changing room. Mike is one of the pack’s senior warriors. He is among the biggest, and strongest. I have watched the way he fights with the weaker wolves, taking pleasure when he beats them, trying to cause as much pain and injury as he possibly can.

I think that he must be the big wolf who almost caught me in the forest, who dragged his claws down my leg, and injured me. Up until now I have managed to avoid him, but not today

I was alone in the changing room, picking up discarded towels when Mike walked in. I kept my eyes down, picked up the last of the towels lying on the floor and tried to scurry passed him. Suddenly I feel him grab hold of my arm, his fingers painfully squeezing into my flesh.

“Not so fast little omega, I think we should get to know each other a bit better don’t you” he leered at me.

“Thanks sir, but I have to go, I have a lot of cleaning to finish.” I tell him trying to prise his hand off my arm.”

“I think that can wait for a bit” he tells me. “You need to be more respectful, to higher ranking wolves, especially when they want to be good to you.” His other hand moves to touch my face and I lurch back trying to get further away from him, but he holds fast to my arm, his claws have started to extend and they pierce painfully into my flesh drawing blood.

“This pack is too soft on Omegas they seem to think that they have the right to refuse warriors. In other packs Omega females do more than just clean, they take care of other needs” he sneers at me.

“Well, they don’t here, so please let go of my arm” I tell him defiantly looking directly into his eyes.

He looks surprised by how bold I am being but before he can say anything Daniel walks into the room.

Quickly grasping what is happening he says “Katy, there you are I have been looking all over for you, Euan needs you.”

Turning to Mike he says to him “you don’t mind do you Mike, Euan said that it was important.”

Mike says nothing for a moment, he is still holding on to my arm, but finally collects himself and says, “no, of course not. I can always pick up with the Omega later.”

I pull my army away and walk quickly out of the room with Daniel.

“Are you OK? Did he hurt you?” Daniel asks.

“No, I am OK, but I wouldn’t have been if you hadn’t come in when you did” I tell him. “He was trying to force me to spend time with him, and it wasn’t to help him with his cleaning.”

“Do you think he would have assaulted you?”

“Yes. What am I going to do?” I ask him. “If I stand up to him, he will know that I am not really an Omega. If I tell Alex he will kill him. I can’t think of a solution that wouldn’t raise everyone’s suspicions.”

“Let’s ask Euan. We will have to go and see him anyway now that I have told Mike that that was where we were going.”

Euan has his own office next to the gym. It is much smaller, and not as grand as Alex’s but it suits Euan, who spends very little time there. He is always active, usually out training or patrolling with the warriors. Lucky Euan has decided to work in his office today.

Daniel knocks on the door but walks straight in. He doesn’t stand on ceremony with his brother they are close.

Daniel gets straight to the point. “We have a problem. I just found Mike harassing Katy in the changing rooms. If I hadn’t walked in, I am sure he would have done something to her.”

“He thinks as an Omega I should be more friendly to him” I say with a grimace. “If Daniel hadn’t been there I don’t know what he would have tried to do…..”

Euan scowls. “He is the worst of the warriors. He is a strong fighter but nasty with it. He believes that Omegas are sub-human, only there to serve superior wolves like him. He takes his rank very seriously. If there was ever a wolf who was going to be a traitor, who would want to join the Black Moon pack it is him. I should have kept an eye on you, made sure that he wasn’t able to go anywhere near you.”

“It is not your fault” I tell him. “Up until now I haven’t had anything to do with him, but today he sought me out, chose a moment when I was alone to make his move.”

“Well, we need to make sure that he doesn’t get that chance again” Euan says firmly. I am going to move him onto night patrol duty. On the days that he is here training I will move you back to the packhouse to work it will be safer.”

“Thank you” I sigh. “This whole keeping me safe thing doesn’t seem to be easy.” I feel guilty for all the extra effort that they have had to put in to protect me. “Please don’t tell Alex, I don’t want him to worry or do something stupid like go after Mike.”

“I can’t keep it a secret from him,” Euan tells me. “But I won’t let him go after Mike however much he might want to. He knows that this would only arouse suspicion and put you in more danger. Leave it to me, I know how best to handle him.”

“Thank you” I say reassured. Euan has known Alex for so long he will know what to do. I have only really known him for a few months. I know he loves me but if he found out about this, I don’t think I would be able to stop him from killing Mike.

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