The Forbidden Island ✔


Aku's POV

Envy. I envy him. There is nothing to hide. I'm jealous of this boy, Sam. I do everything in my power to not feel hurt by Jaci's ignorance towards me but, she just sometimes does things, which infuriates me. Like now. Not that Sam was calling her but, she intentionally went and sat beside him, to avoid me. I sighed and look away, not able to see them laughing at each other's joke and sitting so close, her breasts are literally pressing his sides, when he hugs her sideways.

Fuck! I want to rip her away from him but, I know, it will only make things worse than it already is. Isn't this what I wanted? To make her happy. To bring smile on her face. Then why does it hurts so much to see her happy. Waya placed a hand on my shoulder to bring my attention. "Uncle...Umn..I want to tell you something." he said shyly, scratching his head. I nod my head for him to continue and also thankful for the distraction from Jaci, for the time being.

"I..Um..I thinkNinaisexpacting."I furrowed my head in confusion. "come again." I asked. He took a deep breath as if about to confess his crime. "I said, I think...Nina is expacting. She didn't tell me but, I don't remember her going through her cycle this month and she is puking now and then." he said, worried. I gave him a big blown smile and pulled him into a hug, patting his back. Then I got up from my place, getting everyone's attention. "Nina?" I called my neice. She left her group of friends and walked towards me.

"What is it uncle?" she asked. I wanted to confirm the news with her first before making an announcement to my people. When I wishper asked her, she fiddled with her hands and smiled at a smirking Waya, then nodded. I pulled her to me and kissed her forehead happily. "My people, by the grace of moon god, Nina and Waya are expacting their first child!" The crowd erupted into happy chatters and everyone came rushing towards the newly blessed couple to congratulate, followed my Sam and my mate.

Sam looked happy but confused. Ofcource he didn't understand what are we celebrating but, Jaci looked excited and thrilled. Now, that's suspicious. I know, she was pretending to not understand our dialect but, she's definitely going to blow her act if she comes closer to Nina. As aspacted, in excitement, she forgot the cover-up and hugged Nina. "Congratulations! Finally. I want this to be a boy baby." she said, with a cute pout. I got instantly hard by looking at her lips. If she wants kids, I can give her tons. She just have to except me.

Nina thanked her and hugged her back. "If you so much want a baby, I'm sure Aku is ready to give you one, right brother." Baku has to go there, right? I turned towards Jaci and smirked when her face flushed like tomato. I wanted to reach her and stroke her blush but, I don't want to embarrass her any more. Just then Grandma and other women came out with food. Nina wishpered something to Jaci, which made her head snap towards me. She blushed some more, if that's even possible and averted her eyes.

I noticed that my mate was being harassed by many women, which made her more flushed. "What is it?" I asked, no body in particular. Grandmother came and stood beside me. She hold my hands and smiled at me. I did the same but, my smile flustered when I saw Sam and Jaci's hand intertwined with each other and they look...Happy. A sudden pain filled my heart. Did I make a mistake, allowing him to stay here. They look closer than ever. Idiot. I scolded myself.

"My people." grandma addressed everyone. "Today is a very blessed day. First, We heard that Sam is ready to become a part of our tribe, by taking bath in the moon cave and engraving his body with our moon mark. Then we found out that, Nina was expecting, which is the first blessing after the full moon. But, what more touching is..." she looked into my eyes. "Aku, be ready to reward your mate, because she has taken a step ahead and cooked first time for the entire tribe, especially you, to express her gratitude." her words filled my heart with pride, for my mate.

Did she actually do that to thank me? I was really moved by her kindness but, I was a little disappointed because, she didn't cook to woo me. That's impossible right? In your dreams. I thought to myself. Nevertheless, when our eyes met, I smiled and nodded at her, appreciating her effort. Her smile fell. Was she expacting something else? Oh yes, a gift. It's not a big deal. I'll arrange a gift for her. But, there is a little voice inside my head, nagging me if, that is what she seeks. What else can I give her. I gave her "friend" a place in my tribe. That's the max I can give her, to show her that I care for her.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that, I didn't realize, people were waiting on me to start, to follow with the dinner. I clear my throat and looked down at my food. It's aroma was mouth watering. And it looks delicious. I took the first bite of my food and moan in delight. The fish was so tender and all the spices blend with the rice, was exploring my taste bud. I just can't stop myself from devouring the spicy fish and rice with some deep fried roots. I looked up at her expacting eyes. She really wants to know my opinion on the taste. I smiled at that.

"Its heavily. I have never eaten something so delicious. Thank you." I said, smiling. "Im glad you like it." she said, blushing. For a second, I thought, she cooked only for me but, shaked the thought away. The other followed behind and by their expressions, it wasn't hard to assume that, they loved it. "I wish my wife could cook that tasty." Baku sighed, dramatically. "You lucky bastard." he teased, pushing me playfully. My heart swelled with pride, when I heard everyone praising my Jaci's cooking.

But, can I even call her that? Mine? when she doesn't even want me? Can I claim her as mine, when the only person her heart cares for is Sam? Call me hopeless but, looking at Jaci and Sam, so much in love, makes me desperate. I don't know how to show her, how much I love her? There was a little hope, before Sam came back in her life but now I think, I don't stand a chance. I'm nothing compared to him. He's young, her childhood friend, her lover, her companian. They understand each other. He's everything I'm not. Why would she want me?

My eyes searched the crowd and when it landed on Jaci, I closed it immediately, not able to see them together. It hurts like bitch. I got up from my place because, I have lost my appetite. Nobody noticed me except Jaci so, I got away. I needed to clear my mind. A bath sounds great. I walked towards the cave and got rid of my clothes before jumping into the water. Just a few moments in the water and I could feel a presence behind me. I turned around only to be surprised by no other than Jaci, standing there with a bowl in her hands.

She was looking everywhere but me. My lips curved a little, looking at how nervous she gets around me. Just to tease her a little more, I started walking out of the water towards her. She jerked her head towards me and immediately closed her eyes, not comfortable in seeing me naked. "What do you want Jaci?" I wishpered in her ears, standing toe to toe with her. She visibility gulped, making me smirk. "I..I...You forgot to taste the dessert I m..made for you." she shuttered, slowly opening her eyes.

I looked down and notice, she made palm cake, my favourite. I smiled and took one, popping it into my mouth. It just melted. "Ummn... Where did you learn to make such delicious sweets." I asked her licking my fingers. I waited for her response, which never came. Confused, I raised my eyes from the bowl to look at her. She was looking at my fingers, in a daze. I don't know what she was thinking but, a déjà Wu of she licking my fingers came into my mind. Slowly, I took my thumb and gently gazed her lower lips. She closed her eyes, opening her mouth a little.

I don't know what came onto me. Not able to think straight, I smashed my lips on her, satisfying the insatiable cravings I have for this woman. She didn't move nor I but, our lips move in sync. I didn't want to pull back yet nor want her to feel forced so, I reduced the pace of the kiss and started placing small pecks on her lips. She didn't protest like before. Does that mean, she wants it too. She wants...Me? There is only one person who can answer my question, and that's her.

I pulled back a little and watched her face. "What are you trying to do, Jaci?" I watched her physically flitch, like she came out of a trans. Then like suddenly realization hit her, she took a step back. My heart hurt because, for a second, I thought she wants me the same way I desire her but no, I guess, she is just physically attracted to me. Her heart was with Sam. I turned around not ready to show her my weakness. "Go Jaci. Sam must be worried." I said, hiding my hurt. It was a quiet for a while and then I heard her.

"I made it for you." she mummered. "What?" I turned around, confused. "The food. I made it for you. I wanted to thank you for saving my life. For allowing Sam to stay here and..." she paused. "And?" I waited anxiously for her confession. "...And coming into my life. Giving me hipe. Taking care of me, waiting for me, loving me and...Making me fall head over heels for you, you arrogant asshole." she glared at me. I chuckled, not able to find any word to express my happiness. "Happy?" she said irrated, placing the bowl on the floor and turning around to walk away.

Not so soon my mate. I took two strides at a time to reach her retreating figure. She yelped, when I picked her up from the ground and walked towards the water, carrying her over my shoulder. "Aku! The water is cold, no! Put me down, you caveman!" I laughed at her choice of words and failed attempts to get out of my grip. I walked into the water, with her in my arms. She gasp and clinged to my waist, to avoid the water but I took a dip in it, drenching her in and out.

"You moron! I already took a bath. Didn't you see it in the morning?!" she slapped my chest, trying to get away from the water. I pulled her back to me, hugging her from backside. "Stay for a while, I'll keep you warm." I wishpered seductively in her ears and started placing open mouth kisses on her nape. She rewarded me with a moan which reached straight to my sack, hardening my shaft.

To be continued...

You guys can assume, what's coming next..Wink wink.

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