The Forbidden Island ✔

Chapter The Beginning Of the End

Jaci's pov

"Did you understand,what I just said Jasi?" asked Aunt Martha,in sign language. Martha is mute. She is my mom's best friend and also my boyfriend, Sam's mom. I don't know,when it started but, I can communicate fluently with all dumb and deaf people, without any problem. “Aunt Martha,you know her better than me. Has she ever moved from what she says?” I said frustrated.

She shighed and patted my back.

"You want me to talk to her again?"

she asked smiling. "You go and give this to Sam. I'll go talk to her."she said,pushing me out of the door. I walked out of the door, looking for Sam. He works in the nearby hardware store. We have been friends,since for ever,but he always was a flirt. And when I graduated,he asked me out on a date. I was kind of expacting it. Sam's an average looking guy,with a very big heart,like ocean.

“Hey Jaci, looking for Sam?”asked the manager of the store,Gary. “Yes, Martha send food for him. Is he in?”Sam came out,from inside of the store. He might have heard my voice.

“Hey wifey”he said ruffling my hair.

“Sam?”I hit him in the chest.“stop calling me that in public.”I glared at him. “What,nobody is hear except Gary. And Gary doesn't mind. Do you Gary?” he said, putting his hand over my shoulder.

I shrugged my shoulder, while Gary walked away chuckling. “Here's your food. My work is done. I'm leaving.”I said,giving him the parcel. “Hey,hey hey,I was just kidding. Come on, tell me why are you upset.”he said pulling me toward the back door of the store,where only staffs are allowed.

“Mom”I said simply. He sighed and his face become serious. “I don't understand. Dad has gone for years now. But she doesn't want to give up on that house, because it reminds her of him.

“Did she know about the Cyclone warning?”he asked,taking my hands.

I nod my head. “Your mom is there,talking to mine.” I said,“Don't worry, everything's gonna be fine. Mom will definitely, convince her. You start packing your things. And only important stuffs. Ok?”he said kissing my hair and getting up taking my hands. “You go ahead, I'll help Gary, wrapping few things and see you later. Alright?”

I nod my head and started walking back home. When I reached home,Martha was gone. “Mom”I called.“over here”she said from my bedroom. I walked toward my room. “What are you doing?”I asked her. “Oh,the storm warning. I'm packing the essentials.”she said zipping my bag. “We are leaving with Martha and Sam?” I asked excitedly. She avoided my question and walked out of the room.

I followed behind her.She went towards the kitchen. “Mom, where is your bag?” I asked folding my hands.

“Baby, please don't force me. I already went through this with you, yesterday and today with Martha.I can't leave everything behind. I promised your father, I'll take care of this house.”she said preparing a sandwich.“Mom,you also promised to take care of me. Our area is in Red elert. We have to leave. If everything goes fine,we can come back. I'm sure dad won't mind.”

“What if there is nothing left for us to come back Jaci?”she said like a crazy woman. “Mom,do you hear yourself right now? Even if you die down here,you don't want to leave? Mom,do you really love him more than me? A dead person,more than someone still alive?” I asked pacing the room. “What is wrong with you? Dad never wanted you to give up on living. He wanted you to move on. So move on mom. This is not love. Its crazyness.”

I yelled at her and went to her room,to pack few of her things. If I have to force her out of the house, I'll do it. “Jesi what are you.....”she stopped mid sentence,when we heard sirun. I looked at her wide eyes. “Your bag.”she said. I left her room and rushed towards mine,picking up my bag on my back and came back,to pack her. “You leave that to me. Go and see if Marta and Sam are ready.”she said pushing me out of the room.

“Mom, promise me you are not staying back.”I asked her. She smiled at me and came closer “I promise, I'll always be with you.”she said kissing my forehead. “Go find him,and let me say my goodbye to you dad.”she said sadly. I nodded my head and went out to find Martha. But she was nowhere in sight. I thought of going back,but I saw Sam and ran towards him. He did the same,meeting me midway.

“Where's your mom?” He asked. She's saying her goodbyes to dad. She finally agreed to come with us. Where's Martha?”I asked. She is in one of the bus, that is rescuing us. I came for both of you.”he said pulling me toward my house. We just took four step,when a man in uniform,called Sam. “Martha, that's your mom,right?” he asked. We both exchanged looks. “Yes what happened?”he asked.

“She is having panic attack. Please come. Miss you can come too.” He said. Sam looked conflicted. “You go. I'll be right behind you.” I ushered him towards Martha.“But,...”I stopped him mid sentence,with a kiss. “Go”I said. He left with heavy heart. Then I turned around and run towards my house. “Mom” I called,but there was no answer. I went towards her room. She was not there. I search everywhere,but I couldn't find her.

“Mom,where are you?”I went back to my room and found her sitting on my bed,eyes closed and head resting on the head board. “Mom,what are you doing? We have to leave. Come on.”

She didn't move. I felt the ground beneath me moved away. “M..Mom?”I tried again, shaking her a little. She fell to her side like a rag doll. I closed my mouth with my hands,when realization hit me. She's gone. She left me. She left me alone,in this world.

I climbed the bed and cried hugging her. “Why mom why? You can't leave me,just like dad. Please mom, please come back.”I cried my heart out. I could hear whistle sound outside,but I didn't want to leave her. She's my mom. I can't leave her,just like that. Then I saw a paper in her hand. I pulled it out and it was a letter. I wiped my eyes and opened it. It's long. She might have written it today morning or yesterday,after our argument.



I know,you are too young to understand,the connection,I have with your father. He died. Its true,but he never left me. He is always with me,in my heart. We were soulmates Jesi. Our hearts were connected.

When, you'll find your's, you'll understand, what I'm going through. People think, I'm crazy. But I'm not. I can still feel your dad's presence in my life.

He told me,that today he'll come and take me away with him for ever. I want to wait for him sweety. I know,you might hate me for this,but trust me when I tell you this. One day, you'll find someone,who would make you believe every word, I'm saying right now to you. Have faith in yourself Baby. Mama and dada will always be with you.

Forgive me, because I couldn't be the mother,you always wanted. But I pray to god that,one day,you would find love in an unexpected way. He would make you forgot me. Forget the entire world. He would be your only world. Jaci,you are stronger than you think. Be strong for me,my baby. Have faith. It will show you the right path always. I love you always princess. Don't forget that.

Your mother



I could hear voices outside but,I felt numb,right now. She was not crazy. As written in the letter,she is gone for ever. I fold the letter and kept it inside my bag. I kissed her cheeks,one last time before laying her flat on the bed. She looks peaceful. I smiled at her. “I love you mom”I said hugging her,one last time and went out of the room. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a thick carry bag. I looked around the house to see if I want to take anything else with me.

I couldn't find anything important. I went inside mom's room and found, few photo frames in the stand. I couldn't take all of them,so I choose the smallest one. It's my dad and Mom's picture,just before I was born. I smiled and wrapped it nicely into five layers so that,it's not damaged by water. Then I took a deep breath and went out of the house.

“Miss,are you alone? Come with me. All of the rescue vehicles have left. It's just you me and my partner.”He said.

I nodded my head and walked behind him and his partner. We were just about to reach his vehicle when a large wave came rushing towards us from almost 100 feet height. “Run” said the man in uniform. We all ran and there was this big pole,near my house.We all took a deep breath and hold onto it tight.

“No matter what. Don't let it go miss.” he said looking into my eyes. “What's your name?”He asked,distracting me.

“Jaci” I said.As soon as the words left me,the wave hit us hard. I felt the current of it. I didn't want to let go but, the force was too much and something,hit me hard on the head too,and I welcomed the darkness, letting go of the pole and letting go of everything.

I hope,I meet you soon,Mom &Dad.

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