The Forbidden Island ✔


Hello readers!

I'm glad, I was able to finish this book finally. I would be adding some bonus chapters after the epilogue because, I felt like this should not be the end of Aku & Jaci. Also, What about Sam? So here we go... Enjoy!!

Aku's POV...

Life is so short. I never thought, I would she my mate ever again. I thought I lost her but, the fate had other plans. The spirits have blessed us with togetherness and prosperity. Health and security. And so, so much of love and respect from my people, that I can ever ask for. Jaci, the love of my life, I know she deserves to be mad at me because, I didn't trust her nor wait for her and was about to choose another woman over her, even if I promised to dedicate my life to her.

It's been 10 days since she came back. 10 days since, we found out Malia was behind all this. 10 days since I punished that evil woman by binding her limbs together and throwing her deep into the sea, alive. Trust me I didn't want to give her this easy death but, it was Jaci, who also deserved to decide her punishment. And she shocked all of us by summoning the giant sea monster, she calls "Blue" and ordered it to drag Malia into the sea.

We were all shocked to hear that, it was like a pet to her and also helped bringing her alive to this Island. My mate was actually a miracle. An extraordinary human being with spiritual powers. She also overwhelmed all of us when we saw her welcoming grandma's power. She is now our new seer. Our spiritual advisor. My people are literally worshipping her. She has this glow on her face, that wasn't there before. Could be because of the seer abilities or the pregnancy.

I'm dying to ask for her forgiveness and touch her womb, where my seed is growing but, she doesn't even want to look at me, let alone stay around me. I know She's been sleeping in my grandmother's cottage to punish me but, can I say I didn't deserve that? No. Oh heavens, it hurts a lot to see her but not able to engulf her in a hug. How long she's going to be mad at me, I have no idea but, as Sam says, I need to give her "space" to gather her thoughts. So, that is what I have been doing for last 10 days.

She laughs and chats with others but, her face becomes blank, when I'm around her. She cooks for me but, never sits beside me. I dare say, I get jealous when I see Waya and Nina together, enjoying in each other's arms, talking to their seedling. I have also found Jaci in deep thought, when she's alone. She would place her hand on her belly and caresses it, looking into space. It pains me not to be there with her but, what can I do when she's the one pushing me away.

“I understand, how you feel Misun.” said Baku, placing a hand on my shoulder. “But you have to understand that, she's pregnant and all women are kind of moody this time. And...” I turned towards him when he paused. “And?” I asked him to continue. He sighed audibly. “And brother, you kind of were about to betray her. If she was a few minutes late, you would have married another woman and claimed her, if she was an hour late. Have you thought about that?” I averted my eyes towards the ground, not able to meet his in shame.

“Also..” Sam added his thoughts. “You insulted her infront of your entire clan by saying she can get lost because you don't want her or trust her, while she came back for you and your people, while carrying your Offspring. How used she must be feeling right now.” They are right. I don't deserve her. How could I humiliate my mate infront of everyone and claim that she was a traitor, without even giving her a chance to explain herself. I fucked this up. I fucked up bad. “What do I do brother? I want her back. I can't take this anymore.” I said, dejectedly.

“Sorry brother, I don't think, I have any idea left with me but, if it was your sister, I would have fall on her feet and ask for her forgiveness. But, I can't advice you to do that because, You're the Chieftain and it won't look good for your reputation to bend on your knees infront of a woman for forgiveness, let alone your mate right?” I didn't turn their way or else I would have seen the evil and amused expressions on both of their faces.

“When I dishonoured her infront of everyone, it is only fare that I give her some respect by swallowing up my pride.” Now when I looked their way, they had a proud look on their faces. “Go for it man!” “May the spirits be with you, brother.” They said together. I took a deep breath and walked towards my mate with a determination. She was working with the women inside the cave. I cleared my throat to gaining everyone's attention but her. She was deliberately avoiding me. Oh heavens!

“Jaci can I talk to you?” I asked her expacting her to at least deny my request by yelling at me, so that I can hear her voice but, to my disappointment, she didn't even turn. The women gave me a sad look and started to walk out in order to give us some privacy but, I hold my hands up to stop them. They all exchanged confused looks. “Jaci? What I did to you was wrong. I know right now, you don't even one to see my face but, just hear me out, please?” I begged her. Haki and Nina were in the group too. They tried to open their mouth to plead for me but, I shook my head at them in denial.

I know every one understands my pain but, Jaci's pain is bigger than mine. And I'm responsible for bringing it on her so, it should be only me, who should ask for forgiveness. “I have given you the space and time you needed to think but, you have to understand Jaci that whatever I did or was about to do, were the right thing considering my clans well being.” her hand stopped from whatever she was doing along with my heartbeat. But she resumed doing her work again. Taking it as my hint, I continued.

“After you were gone, no matter what the reason was, I cried for you, for my loss. You and Grandma were my strength and when I lost you both at the same time, I was broken. I couldn't think straight. Based on what the elders said and what that bitch made me believe, I acted according to that. I know it was wrong of me to think about taking another wife, when you're alive but my the anger got the best of m...” she suddenly turned around to face me. God please help me. What ever I was about to say next, died just there.

“You wanted a wife by your side to run you clan, to give you an heir. I understand. Me and my lover left, according to the fabricated proof, I understand that too. What I don't understand is, how someone could be so blind in Rage that, he wouldn't want to hear his own claimed mate over the about to be claim one. You lost my respect, my trust and whatever love I had for you, when you turned your back at me and walked towards that woman. I regret trusting a weak man like you.” she said, shaking me to the core.

“The only thing I can give you is the child that sadly belongs to you... Chieftain. Other than that, you and me...We have nothing left. Were over.” she mummered the last part but I heard her loud and clear. They all did. A sudden panic and rage filled my heart. “Over? How could we be over when we just begun? You're my mate, Jaci. Untill I'm breathing, you're mine. How could you punish me like that? Just kill me Instead.” I said, with teary eyes. But she had a blank face. No reaction. No feelings. No remourse. She was serious.


Everyone scurried away when I yelled. I walked towards her and without thinking twice, pulled her flushed into me by her small waist. She didn't struggle but her eyes were filled with rage and Loath. I pulled her face closer to me by her nape with my other hand and made her look into my eyes. “What do you see Jaci? What do you see in my eyes? Do you not see, how I'm dying inside? Do you not see, how much I regret pushing you away? Do not see, how much we meant to be together?” I said, looking into her eyes too.

This time she tried to push me away but, I wasn't letting it go. “No! You can't get rid of me so easily. I love you Jaci, can't you feel that? The only reason I doubted you for a sec was because, I thought you left me. My dreams were scattered. I was a dead man. Please Jaci, why can't you see how much I need you? Give me another chance, my mate. I'll keep proving to you my entire life that, you are the only one for me. I never gave up on you nor turned my back at you Jaci. I was just..confused.” I begged.

“You are a seer Jaci. Can't you look into my soul and see it for yourself, the way I feel about you? What you mean to me?” I took one of her hand and placed it on my heart, like grandma used to do. “Close your eyes and try to look into my soul. If you still feel, I'm lying, I'll do as you say.” I said, challenging her. She was reluctant for a while but relaxed and closed her eyes. After sometimes, she opened them and gasped like she can feel my pain too. Her knees were giving up so, I caught her with both my hands and made both of us kneel down.

“Jaci?” I said, connecting both our foreheads together. “I missed you.” I wishpered and pecked her cheeks. “Don't push me away anymore? I can't stay away from you my mate. I'm nothing without you.” I said taking her face in my hands. She was a crying mess right now. She didn't speak but she let me wipe her tears. She didn't protest, when I bend down to kiss her. When my lips finally met her, I realised, I have been forgiven. I got her back.

I have earned my mate back in my life.

My moon, My wife.

“I love you Aku” she said, looking into my eyes. “That is the problem, Jaci.” she looked at me puzzled. “Because, I love you too.” she smiled at me, placing her head on my chest, hugging me tight. Heavens. She in my arms feels like heavens. I feel complete now. With my woman and my heir on the way, the proof of our love.

“Thank you Jaci”

Wait for the bonus chapters... Chao ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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