The Forbidden Freshman: A College Sports Romance (Nolan U Hockey Book 1)

The Forbidden Freshman: Chapter 9

I sip my much-needed coffee, resisting the urge to guzzle it. After a horrible night where sleep only grabbed me in short bursts, I’m feeling somewhat jaded today, which is probably not a great state to be in when dealing with Ethan Galloway.

Why does he have to be so freaking hot?

And strong?

The way he held me against him, those hazel eyes of his. I swear he wanted to kiss me for a second, but then he just popped me onto the floor. Some player. He didn’t even take advantage of the way I was clinging to him like a spider monkey.

Doubts knot my stomach as I think about this stupid initiation task and how I’m supposed to pull it off. I’m not like those other sorority girls. I don’t flirt with guys. I’ve never really had a serious boyfriend. I dated in high school, but they were always short-lived mishaps that ended without too much fuss.

Most of the guys I hung with in high school were my buddies… which is why I’m probably so useless at trying to attract any of them. They don’t see me as a girl they can score with because I’m just one of the guys.

But I can’t be that at Nolan U. I have to be girly like my sister. If I want an education, then I need to go against all of my natural instincts, which is why I’m sitting in this hockey rink waiting for Ethan to shower up and walk me to class.

Ugh. Getting walked to class. It’s like I’ve been transported back to the 1950s?

My stomach turns over again, and I abandon the last of my coffee, resting it between my feet and hunching over on myself.

I study the rink, picturing players whizzing across the ice. I’ve only ever watched games on TV, and even then, it wasn’t full games. I don’t even know the rules of hockey. My dad was a basketball man, and I used to watch with him. He also taught me the ins and outs of football, but hockey was never on my radar. Although it probably should be. I bet there are plenty of female hockey players who need someone to represent them.

Maybe I should come check out a game sometime.

If I’m trying to woo Ethan, then I’ll need to.

Closing my eyes with a sigh, I wonder how long this is going to take. What’s the expected timeframe to make a guy fall for you?

And what the hell do I have to do in order to make him fall for me?

Digging out my phone, I wonder how lame it would be to google how to woo a guy when the door swings open and Ethan is sauntering back in to collect me.

As he draws near, I’m hit by a delicious scent that makes my mouth pool with water. I don’t know what the heck he’s wearing, but it’s spicy and manly. My nose twitches as I subtly inhale the air around me and feel that ache bloom between my legs again.

Damn this man and his sexy smell and gorgeous face and hot body.

Seriously. This assignment is going to be the freaking death of me.

“You good to go?”

I nod, snatching my coffee cup and walking to the stairwell. I trot down, and before I reach the bottom step, he grabs me around the waist and swings me down to my feet with a little grin.

It takes me a second to steady myself as his scent wraps around me, making my head spin.

This is insane!

I don’t want to be affected this way.

Remember why you’re here. Remember your future. Remember what you want.

I’m practically screaming the words to myself as we walk side by side out of the hockey arena.

The sun is warm and delicious the second it hits my face, and I soak it in, letting it burn off the chill from the arena.

“So, you gonna tell me your name, Shorty?”

I spin to glance up at him, shading my eyes from the sun while he slides on a pair of sunglasses. How is it possible to make such a simple gesture look so freaking cool?

Seriously, I hate this guy.

Everything about him is just⁠—

He glances down at me, still waiting for my answer, and I force a smile, reminding myself to play it cool. He can’t know that I’m out to get him.

The thought sits ugly in my gut, and it’s an effort to not let it show as I try to sound bright and breezy. “I guess after buying you coffee, I should probably learn yours too.”

“It’s Ethan.” He sticks out his hand.

I stare at his long digits, his big palm, and finally slip my hand against his.

“I’m Mick. I mean Mikayla.” I give him a firm shake, the way my daddy taught me, then let go before I can think about how strong his hand is.

“Anyone ever call you Mickey?” There’s a playful twist to his smile, and if he wasn’t wearing shades, I’m pretty sure I’d be able to catch the twinkle in his eyes.

“Only if they want to die.” I throw a glare of warning in his direction.

He barks out a short laugh. “So, Mick.”

“That’s right. Not Shorty. It’s Mick or Mikayla.”

“Or mouse.”


“You know, because you’re so little.”

I try to make my glare even darker than the one before, and I’m ashamed to admit what an effort it is. Ethan’s fighting a laugh as he keeps teasing me.

“And because your first name is Mickey. Like Mickey Mouse.”

“Okay, I’m gonna have to kill you now.”

“Good luck with that, lil’ mouse.” His lips stretch into an exquisite smile, but that’s not enough to stop me forming a fist and throwing a punch his way.

I did say I’d have to kill him, right?

He grabs my fist, his large hand making it disappear within his grasp.

I grunt and try to pull it back. He gives it one little squeeze before dropping it and continuing to saunter along beside me.

He’s still fighting a grin, his lips twitching up and down, and I’m irritated with myself for finding it charming.

Shit. I am in so much trouble.

I’m supposed to be making this guy fall for me so I can break his heart. But in only two small interactions, I can tell this whole fiasco is going to do me in. I’m not saying I’ll be tumbling down Slope Swoon nursing a broken heart, but if Ethan keeps being so cool and likable, dumping on him this way is gonna sting.

Remember why you’re here. Remember your future. Remember what you want.

I clench my jaw, repeating the little mantra and reminding myself that I am not one of those girls who needs a man to be happy.

I can simply make the choice not to fall for Ethan Galloway. I will not let myself be wrecked by his playful smile and charm. I’m on a mission to take this player down, and I will. I’m strong enough to do this.

Stealing a sideways glance at him, I grit my teeth and try to act bored and nonplussed when he strikes up a conversation about what my first class of the day is, then goes on to tell me how he’s studying kinesiology.

Dammit. Even that’s cool.

Yep. This guy is going to ruin me.

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