The Forbidden Freshman: A College Sports Romance (Nolan U Hockey Book 1)

The Forbidden Freshman: Chapter 50

“So, question.” I circle my fingers over Mikayla’s back while she lies naked beside me. I love the feel of her tits squished against my chest, the weight of her arm across my stomach and her leg across my thighs.

Trailing my fingers down her back, I palm her ass and ask, “How did you not get a basketball scholarship?”

She groans and rubs the tip of her nose against my pec. “That was the original plan, but then Mom met Jarrod, and he brought out her inner hoity-toity.”

Ethan’s chest rumbles with laughter.

“Anyway, suddenly me being all tomboy didn’t fly anymore. She talked me out of playing basketball my senior year. I don’t even know how I let her do it, but somehow I ended up becoming something I wasn’t… all to please this new man in our lives. He talked a big game, you know? Promised us all this stuff. Bought expensive gifts. Mom was so freaking happy for a change that we all just went along with it, and it wasn’t until I got here and started rush week that it suddenly hit me—this isn’t who I am. I don’t want this. And then you pulled me into Hockey House… into your friend group, and I felt like I’d found home.”

“You are home.” I kiss her forehead, squeezing her against my side.

She looks up and softly reminds me, “This is temporary. I can’t live here forever… and unless I can score myself a financial miracle, I can’t even stay at Nolan U.”

My insides tense, rebelling against that idea. I don’t want her moving back to California. I need her here. With me.

“We’ll figure something out. We’ll find you the money somehow. Tomorrow we can start looking into financial aid, and you can maybe start job hunting. We’re gonna make this work. We have to.”

She doesn’t say anything, and I wish she would. I want her to agree with me. But she’s filling up with doubts again. I can feel it in the way she’s tensing, her soft sighs against my chest, that little sniff. I’m starting to read her, and I love the idea that she’ll be here with me. Hockey season starts next week, and life is pretty damn full-on. The fact that I’ll get to come home to her for a while is pretty fucking awesome. I can learn all her little tells, and she can learn mine. Yes, it’s fast, but it feels so damn right.

The thought of her leaving cannot be entertained.

As she drifts off to sleep against me, her light snores making me smile, I stare at the ceiling, determined to find a way to keep her at Nolan U.

I’m not losing the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

“Her mother did what?” Dad balks, his face mottled with angry confusion.

I stare at the screen and nod. “Yeah, I know. I couldn’t believe it.” Scrubbing a hand down my face, I pinch my chin and admit, “So, I said she could stay with me for now.”

“Good idea.” Dad nods. I’m relieved he’s on board.

I was pretty sure he would be. I asked Mikayla’s permission before sharing the latest with my father. I tell the guy almost everything, and this is one of the big ones. For a second, I thought he might say I was playing with fire, basically letting her move in when we’ve only just gotten together, but these are unique circumstances and… well, she’s my lil’ mouse. I can’t even explain why it feels so right. It just does.

“So, what’s she gonna do about next semester?”

I shrug. “I don’t know how to find her that money. I mean, there’s different paths we can take, but she’s pretty adamant she doesn’t want to get a loan. At least not for Nolan U. It’s too expensive.”

“Is there a grandparent or some rich uncle she could hit up?”

I purse my lips to the side, glancing over my shoulder. Mikayla’s in the shower. She said a quick hi to my dad, then gave us some privacy. I don’t want to take advantage of that privacy, but…

Leaning toward the screen, I softly say, “She has a dad. He left when she was younger, and she hates talking about it, but I was wondering if I should try to track him down.”

Dad frowns. “He left his kids? Who does that?”

“I don’t know, but maybe if we can find him… reach out and tell him what’s going on, he might be willing to offer some financial aid?”

“Did he pay child support after he left?”

“I’m not sure, but I doubt Mikayla will want me asking. She’s kind of closed-off about the topic.”

“Probably because she felt completely rejected by the one guy who was supposed to love and protect her no matter what.”

The thought rattles through me. Dad’s right. What kind of asshole leaves his family and doesn’t even bother to stay in touch?

But the idea of trying to find him just won’t leave me alone. I spent most of my night obsessing over it. Instinct is telling me to pursue this. And to pursue it quietly.

“You could always ask Asher’s family. Aren’t they loaded? They’re the ones who own the house you live in.”

“Yeah.” I force out a laugh. “I doubt they’d want me showing up on their door asking for money. I don’t really know them.”

“Asher could ask on your behalf.”

“Yeah.” I tip my head to the side, wincing slightly. “I just hate the idea of Mikayla being indebted to that family. I don’t know them that well, but Asher can be a total prick sometimes. He can be awesome one minute and a D-bag the next. I’m not sure I trust the family enough to give the money to Mikayla without a bunch of conditions attached to it.”

“Good point.” Dad nods, then lets out a heavy sigh. “I wish I had the funds, but you know how it is. I only managed to save enough for you. Sorry, kid.”

“You’ve given me so much.” I smile at him. “Seeing the way Mikayla got treated yesterday makes me all the more grateful for you. Thanks for being so cool, Dad.”

He blushes and gives me his aw, shucks smile. “You make it easy.”

We grin at each other, and then Mikayla walks back into the room. She’s wrapped in a towel and gives my dad a little wave.

“Sorry. I forgot to take my clothes into the bathroom with me. I’ll just grab some stuff and leave you guys to it.”

“No, that’s okay. We’re just wrapping up.” I swivel back to bulge my eyes at Dad, who’s quietly laughing at me. “Have fun, son.” He wiggles his eyebrows and hangs up.

I jump out of my chair, darting across the room and catching Mikayla against me before she can take off to the bathroom.

“Hey!” She squeals with laughter as I swing her around and throw her onto the bed.

She lands against the pillows, her towel coming loose and giving me an exquisite view of her right nipple.

Her teeth brush over her bottom lip as she flicks the rest of the towel aside. Her naked glory is spectacular enough to take my breath away, and then she sizzles my insides with a suggestive lip lick. “Want some sugar?” Sucking the tip of her finger, she trails it down her body, between her breasts, over her belly button… and I’m yanking off my sweats as she grazes her inner thigh.

Holy hell.

I pounce on the bed, making her laugh as I lunge at her with hungry kisses.

“I can’t believe I just did that,” she groans when I give her a chance to catch her breath.

“It was so fucking hot, baby.” I suck her neck, lightly scraping my teeth across her collarbone before drawing her left nipple into my mouth.

She moans, fisting the back of my hair.

“You like that?” I grin, pinching her other nipple.

“You know I do,” she pants, her head tipped back, exposing her luscious neck to me.

Taking her hand, I guide it back between her legs. “Touch yourself, baby. Let me see you do it.”

Her head pops up, and she gives me a doubtful frown. I wiggle my eyebrows with a grin. “It was so hot it nearly melted my insides.”

Biting her lip, she grins at me, then tentatively touches her clit. I suck in a breath, my cock turning into a steel rod. Gliding my hand up her inner thigh, I nudge her legs apart and settle between them. Kneeling on the floor, I nibble my way from her knee to the wet oasis begging me to touch it. She’s still circling her clit, moaning and starting to writhe as the orgasm builds within her. I watch for a moment, entranced by her sexy beauty, before I can’t take it anymore.

Parting her glistening folds, I plunge my tongue inside her, and she loses it. An exquisite cry bursts out of her as she arches her back. I hold her ass, keeping her up and licking her until she’s a puddle of limp limbs. She drops back to the bed, and I smile at her.

“That was beautiful.”

She blushes, shaking her head. “Or totally embarrassing.”

“Beautiful.” I give her a pointed look, then go to rise from the floor.

“Wait. What are you doing?”

Her sharp tone makes me pause. “I was gonna… snuggle?”

“Uh, no… you’re getting in here.” She points between her legs. “Don’t leave me hanging.”

I wince.

“What’s wrong?”

I see that flash of doubt on her face and rush out my explanation. “I don’t want to hurt you. We’ve been doing it a lot the last couple days, and you must be kind of tender down there.”

“I can handle it. Now get inside me right now,” she says emphatically, then throws in a sweet smile and a “Please.”

I fight my grin, resting my hands on her knees. “You promise you’ll tell me if it gets too much?”

“Yes! Now suit up.” She tips her head back. “Seriously, my pussy needs you!”

I laugh and quickly do as I’m told before dragging her to the edge of the bed and easing into her. I take it gently, slowly, forcing my eager cock to behave itself… until she starts moaning and begging, “Deeper. Please.” She hooks her legs around me, digging her heels into my ass and driving me forward.

Being the good boy I am, I once again do as I’m told, lifting her leg so I can plunge to the hilt.

“Yes,” she groans.

And I do it again, driving farther, pushing harder until we’re both panting messes.

Her inner walls are trembling, clenching. Stars scatter across my vision as I grip her hips and pump a little faster.

Slap—slap—slap. Our bodies make a song, the rhythm fast and heady.

“I’m close,” she rasps. “Come with me, baby. Please.”

Oh man, this begging is a heart stealer. I’m pretty sure she could get me to do anything if she asked me with her voice all strained and wispy like this.

Pulling her hips up, I change the angle for the last few thrusts.

“Holy shit,” she moans the words. “You feel so fucking good. Baby… ba—“ Her high pitched words are lost as the orgasm steals her breath.

Her inner walls clench me, setting off Rocket Ethan. I match her moaning ecstasy as I thrust deep one last time and we tumble over the edge together.

It’s fucking amazing.

She’s amazing.

We’re amazing.

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