The Forbidden Freshman: Chapter 24
Mikayla looks off-the-charts sexy tonight. When I walked in the door and saw her in that dress, my mouth went bone dry. All I could manage was a “Wow.” It kind of surprised me, actually, because I’ve been appreciating girls for a long time now, and it takes a lot to make me speechless. But there she went.
It makes me wonder if it’s specifically her or if my unsatisfied manhood is weighing in. But when I glance across at her in the passenger seat, my eyes skimming her curves, this tingling sensation in my chest warns me that it’s not all about my twitching dick.
And then she squirms in her seat, tugging on the hem of the dress again, and the tingles only get stronger.
Tingles? What the fuck is wrong with me?
I give my head a confused shake and focus back on the road, refusing to look at her again until we reach the house.
“Stay put,” I murmur when I park the truck.
“What?” She almost looks offended by my command and stubbornly opens the door before I get there. She’s swiveling around, ready to jump to the curb when I reach her.
“I told you to stay.”
“I’m not your puppy,” she grumbles.
“No, you’re my stubborn little mouse.” I grab her around the waist, lifting her out of my truck and setting her down. “I didn’t want you ripping that dress. It’s okay to let people help you.”
She narrows her eyes at me, then lets out a little sigh before mumbling, “Thank you.”
I grin. “You’re welcome.” Then I kiss her.
Which is weird, because right this second, we look like a cutesy couple, and I’ve avoided this sort of scenario for years. So why the hell does it feel so damn good right now?
“Let’s go.” I thread my fingers through hers, dragging her up to the house. Her steps are reluctant, and I can sense her trepidation growing. Before we reach the door, I spin around to check on her. “You nervous about something?”
She tugs on the side of her dress. “I don’t really do parties. I mean, like this.” She raises her chin at the house. “I’m way better suited to, you know… parties where you play charades or watch a game or play poker or something.”
She’s too adorable.
I kiss the tip of her scrunched-up nose. I can’t help it.
Grabbing her other hand, I hold her arms out wide and look down at her. “You’re a smokin’-hot college girl entering a party with one of the coolest guys on campus.”
She snorts.
“What? It’s true. You know it. I know it.”
She tips her head. “You just have confidence to spare, don’t you?”
“Yeah. Which is why I’m lending some to you.” I raise my eyebrows at her. “Now, repeat after me: I am sexy.”
She wrinkles her nose, shaking her head.
Leaning down, I level my eyes at her and gruffly command her to “Say it. We’re not leaving this spot until you do, and I can already tell people are looking at us and wondering what the hell we’re talking about, so just do it.”
With a heavy sigh, she mutters, “I am sexy.”
“Come on, Mick, with a little conviction, please. Look at yourself.”
Her gaze catches mine, and I don’t know exactly what I’m showing her right now, but it makes her blush. Then her lips twitch, and she says with a little more confidence, “I am sexy.”
My lips curl up in response. “I belong here.”
“I belong here.”
“I’m about to have the best night of my life.”
She hesitates. Something flashing across her expression—maybe a touch of fear or dread. I can’t work out where that’s coming from. But just as I start to frown, she rushes out the words. “I’m about to have the best night of my life. Now, let’s go.”
Tugging my hand, she drags me into the party, and yes, I’m feeling pretty damn cocky that I managed to swing this thing around.
As we walk through the door, every head in the room seems to turn toward us. I guess they’re not used to me arriving with someone, and yeah, it feels weird. But screw it. I like this girl, and—
Oh shit, I really do like her.
How did this happen?
And why am I not freaking out a little more about it?
I’m flirting with girlfriend territory here. I promised myself I’d never go down this path. Not that Mikayla’s my girlfriend. She’s just a girl I brought along to this party.
You called her your little mouse before.
I shut the thought off and rest my hand on her lower back, propelling her past the gawking partygoers and pretending like this is the most normal thing in the world.
“Hey.” I raise my chin and eyebrows at various people, fist-bumping a few of the football players I know, then spotting Ruby. She glances down at Mikayla, then back up to me with a little pout.
That’s right, luscious lady. There will be no visits to the bathroom tonight.
She grins and shakes her head, walking past us with a wink. Mikayla frowns, glancing at me, but I just shake my head and make a beeline for the hockey guys.
Mikayla seems to relax when she greets Casey and Liam. Asher gives her a smile that makes my skin crawl because I know he’s loving the fact that she looks freaking edible tonight. He can feel my pain and suffering, and I know I’m gonna get it later.
Shit. Why did I do this to myself?
Riley slides up a few seconds later. “Mick!” He raises his arms like seeing her has just made his day.
“Hey, Riley.” She high-fives him with a laugh.
“You guys want a drink?” He points around the table, an enthusiastic waiter who has obviously had a few already. Yep, the drink turns him into an animated kid. It’s pretty fucking funny.
Liam tracks our young teammate as he makes his way to the keg and starts grabbing Solo cups to fill, before turning to Mikayla.
“You don’t have to drink if you don’t want to.” Liam tips his cup at her. “I never do.”
“Really?” Her face bunches with surprise. “Why not?”
He shrugs. “Don’t like it.”
I clench my jaw the way I always do when Liam is confronted with that question. Maybe he doesn’t like it. But I know that’s not the reason he doesn’t drink. I’ve told him a million times that if he wants to, he should, but he’s convinced that if he lets loose with a bottle, he’s gonna turn into his old man, so he doesn’t touch a drop.
I guess it kind of works out well that we always have a DD in our group. Just as long as Liam feels like he’s not missing out.
“You’re underage. No one’s gonna judge you for following the rules and staying sharp at a party like this.” Liam’s lips curl into a closed-mouth grin.
I lean down to assure her, “But if you do want a drink, go for it. I’ll keep an eye on you.”
“Thanks.” She looks over her shoulder to smile at me, but then her expression drops. She swallows and mutters, “Back in a sec,” before brushing past me and going to chat with her Sig Be sisters.
“Still don’t get why she wants to be in that sorority. She doesn’t seem the type.” Liam frowns after her.
I find a place next to him, watching her shoulders tense as she reaches the girls and one of them starts talking like they’re about to walk into an exam and haven’t just entered a frat party.
I can’t see Mikayla’s face, and I wonder if she’s rolling her eyes. The little frowns on two of their faces tells me she must be saying or doing something derogatory.
“She’s lookin’ pretty fuckin’ hot tonight, bro. This must be killing you.” Casey laughs, then takes a swig of his beer. “I don’t get why you’re doing this to yourself.”
I groan and throw him a pained frown. “Neither do I. But she’s… cool. I like hanging out with her.”
“So, this is just a friendship thing?”
“Yeah.” I nod, trying to sell it to myself. “Yeah, we’re friends.”
“You’re looking at her like you want to tear that dress off and bone her right in the middle of the dance floor.”
I groan again, then throw him a dirty look. “Stop picturing her naked.”
“It’s in there now. Can’t help myself.” Casey grins. “And since you guys are just friends, you don’t mind if I—”
I cut him off with a growl that has him cracking up. Raising his hands as two white flags, he can barely get the words out. “Chill, bro. I’m messing with you. Friends, sure. Dude, I’ve never seen you like this over a chick before.”
Clenching my jaw, I share a quick look with Liam before shooting my eyes back to Mikayla. She flicks her hand up like she’s pissed, and I wonder if I should go over there and rescue her.
“Here you go.” Riley shoves a cup in my hand. I take a gulp, keeping my eyes on Mikayla, who now has her hands clenched into little fists at her sides.
Yep. A rescue is in order.
I’m about to head over there when she spins, her expression mottled with annoyance as she storms back toward us.
“You okay?” I touch the small of her back as soon as she’s within reach.
Darting a glance over her head, I glare at the group of girls, but they’re already disbanding. Except the tall brunette who gives me a sultry smirk.
I frown and turn my attention back to Mick.
Her head’s bobbing like one of those dolls you put on your dashboard. “Yeah, sure. I’m great. Is this yours?” She takes the cup out of my hand and downs the thing in one go, then wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and mutters, “I need a drink.”
Casey snorts and then starts laughing while Mikayla makes a beeline for the keg.
“That chick is something else.” He’s shaking his head, and Asher starts grinning too.
“She really is. Good luck with that, man.”
I growl at his teasing and swing my eyes back to Mick, who’s working her way through a second cup of beer pretty damn fast.
“Help me keep an eye on her,” I murmur to Liam.
“You bet.” He nods and I turn to the rest of the table, silently asking for the same thing.
They all nod, raising their glasses at me and promising to do the same.
I relax a little, knowing they’ve got her back, before turning to see her fill her cup for a second time.
Three beers in under five minutes for a pint-size body like hers. Yeah, she’s gonna be trashed before the hour’s out.
I weave through the crowd toward her, taking the cup from her hand and slowing her down a notch.
“How about a glass of water in between, yeah?”
“Gimme that beer,” she growls, snatching it back. “I’m not a kid you have to look after, Ethan. Just…” She shrugs me off her, this pained expression cresting over her face. “Just…” Shaking her head, she walks away from me, back to the hockey table before jerking still and veering away from the guys as well.
What the hell is up?
What did those sorority bitches say to her?
I nearly go and confront them but am too busy tailing Mikayla around as she downs another beer and then starts laughing with a couple of chicks on the dance floor. Resting my shoulder against the wall, I watch Mikayla’s wild movements as she shakes her ass. I would join her, but I suck at dancing, and unless it’s a slow shuffle with my hands resting on her hips and we’re stepping side to side, I look like a complete idiot on any dance floor.
I may be a confident guy, but I’ve got a rep to uphold, and I will go down in burning flames if anyone here sees me trying to dance.
So I play bodyguard, standing back while Mikayla gets a little wild. It’s kind of fun to watch. She’s cute normally, but when she’s got no inhibitions, she’s even more hilarious. Her spaghetti arms fling through the air as she jumps to the thick beat pulsing through the house.
Guys check her out but seem a little put off by her wild dance moves to approach, and I relax, sipping my beer and enjoying the show. Liam comes over to chat with me, and we watch together before he has to hit the head.
Then Wily Wilson appears.
“Bro!” My face splits with a grin as the big guy holds out his hand. I grab it and come in for a hug, slapping his shoulder. “Good to see you, man.”
I haven’t caught him on campus since school started.
Wily and I went to high school together. He’s a giant of a man. The kind of Mac truck you don’t want to mess with. That’s what makes him such a damn good offensive lineman.
He scored himself a football scholarship for Nolan U and is well on his way to the NFL if he keeps playing like he has been.
“Haven’t seen you around much.”
“Yeah.” He shakes his head. “Been working my ass off, man. Coach is riding us about keeping our grades up and not partying too hard.”
“Is this the new guy?”
“Yeah, and he don’t take shit. Coach Watkins was only about the game. He couldn’t care less what we did off the field. But Coach Jones…” He shakes his head. “He won’t shut up about getting an education and being men of honor. If we screw up, we get benched, and he’s hella serious.” He snickers. “I just want to play ball, you know? That’s why I’m here.”
“Yeah but graduating with a degree isn’t the worst thing either.”
Wily nods but doesn’t verbally agree with me.
I get it, I suppose. For guys like us, sports will always take priority, but I’ve learned so much since I’ve been here, and the classes I’m taking are really interesting. Dad always told me to study what appeals to me, and I took that on board. So far, I’ve only fallen into a couple of classes that were a drag. The rest, I’ve lapped up, and maybe that’s why my grades are pretty good.
“Might try to find myself a tutor. Not sure.” He shrugs, looking out over the dance floor and grinning. “Oh man, there are some hotties here tonight.”
I follow his gaze with a grin, then jerk.
Shit. Where’s Mikayla gone?
I scan the crowd again, hunting for her flailing arms, but she’s… Fuck! She’s gone.
“Gotta go, man.” I slap Wily on the shoulder and head into the sweaty pit, weaving through the gyrating bodies as I try to find the girl I promised I’d keep an eye on.
Dammit. I turned my head for two seconds.
Pushing through the throng of people, I work my way outside, hoping her drunk little self just went to grab some fresh air.