The Forbidden Freshman: Chapter 15
I’m dying.
I’ve been transported into a new type of hell where football is playing on TV but I’m not allowed to watch it, and my toes are squished into pointy heels, and the jeans I’m wearing are so tight I’m getting an understanding of what those corset-wearing women had to suffer back in the day.
What I wouldn’t give to be tucked up in my room studying economics or holed up in the library staying on top of my course reading. But no. I had to come out tonight because the Sig Be sisters were in the mood to party, and apparently, I’m not allowed to have my own opinions in that house… not until I’ve proven how committed I am.
I go to rub my eye, and Teah quickly snatches my wrist before I can. “You’ll smudge your makeup.”
“Right.” I force a smile and wrap my fingers around my root beer bottle instead. If I squeeze it hard enough, will the glass crack and shatter? Will the shards skirt across the table and bury themselves into Fiona’s perfectly pale skin?
At least Aimee’s not here, I suppose. She had to study for a test tomorrow, which feels monumentally unfair when I had to drag my ass out tonight. I wanted to study, too, dammit!
Gimme books to pore over. Gimme comfy pillows to lean against. Gimme boxer shorts, no bra, and a baggy T-shirt.
“Hello, ladies.” The deep voice makes my nipples stand to attention, and I whip a look over my shoulder, my body completely betraying me when I catch Ethan’s smile.
He smells good. He smells so frickin’ good, and now that tingling sensation is flooding my body, pooling between my legs, and—
Stop it! He doesn’t want you, remember?
“Hey, Ethan.” I don’t know how she’s doing it, but Fiona’s bright gaze seems to be a combination of fuck off and do me. There are hints of both icy coolness and lust in her smile, and it’s weirding me out.
I grab my drink and guzzle it, keeping my gaze diverted from the solid chest that’s lingering right by my head. His arm is on the back of my stool, his bicep grazing my shoulder blade before he leans down and murmurs, “Nice to see you, Mick.”
“Yep.” I nod and keep my eyes drilled on the bottles of liquor behind the bar.
“Was just wondering if you wanted to come and meet my friends. I’ll buy you a drink and —”
“I’m good.” I turn to him with a smile that is all plastic.
He works his jaw to the side, seeing straight through it. I can tell by the challenge in his gaze. “Just thought you might like to hang with some real men rather than watching those pansies on the screen up there.” He winks, and a laugh spurts out of me.
Dammit. How does he do that every freaking time?
It’s an effort to wrestle my smile back into hiding, and even more of an effort to refuse him two more times before he finally gives up.
“Well, if you change your mind…” Sliding his hands into his pockets, he pulls off sex god with the ease of Apollo and has my lady parts wailing in agony as he walks away, and I stupidly turn to check out his ass.
Holy hot cakes. Of course his ass is perfect!
I spin back with a huff and am immediately facing down five angry glares. I can’t decide if they’re jealous that I got invited over but none of them did, or if they’re pissed at me because I blew him off.
“What are you doing?” Bella’s voice pitches with urgency. “Why’d you just reject him like that? Are you completely stupid?”
Teah hisses. “Bells, harsh.”
“Well, I’m sorry, but I don’t get why she’s not taking this opportunity. He practically handed himself over on a platter, and she said no.”
“Well, I…” My mouth opens and shuts a couple times while I try to think of a plausible excuse.
The truth won’t fly. I’ve already tried to tell them this plan won’t work, but they’re hell-bent on making me see it through.
“She was just playing hard to get.” Louisa tips her head. “Right, Mikayla?”
“Uh… yeah. Obvi.” I force out a little laugh, trying to look as though I know what I’m doing.
“You don’t really have the time to do that.” Fiona’s eyebrow arches. “The initiation ceremony is just around the corner, and if you haven’t fulfilled this final task, then you’re not coming. And if you’re not part of the initiation, then you’re really not—”
“Yeah, I get it,” I cut her off before I have to hear one more time that I’m not really Sigma Beta Mu material.
I already freaking know I’m not!
But I do have the right to earn a degree and pursue my dream of becoming a sports agent, so I force my butt off that stool and hit the ground with a little smack.
“Now that I’ve moved the power to my side of the court, I will approach for a little dick teasing.”
The girls whoop while I try to strut away from the table, but my damn ankle rolls again, and I end up shuffling away from them and clunking to a stop next to Ethan’s friends.
“Hey, mouse.” He seems genuinely stoked to see me, which I don’t understand.
Didn’t he imply at our coffee on Monday that he wasn’t interested in dinner?
Why the hell is he inviting me over to meet his friends?
But then my friend-zone theory rises in the back of my brain again, and I’m forced to accept that I will only ever be one of the guys. Dressing me up doesn’t work. I’m still just me underneath all this garb, and Ethan knows it. Which is why he didn’t mind me meeting his buddies.
“Guys, this is Mick.”
I raise my hand in a little wave, casting my eyes around the table. The tank of a man on Ethan’s left gives me a soft, closed-mouth smile while the piece of artwork on his right eyes me up like I’m a lickable ice cream cone. His arm tats are impressive, and I skim my eyes over them before getting distracted by the tall one next to me.
“Hey, you’re the coffee girl from the rink the other day.” He grins, sticking out his hand. “I’m Asher. Nice to meet you.”
I give his hand a tentative shake and try to work out why his eyes are glinting with amusement.
“So, you into my boy here?” He tips his head at Ethan, and I don’t even have a chance to respond before Ethan speaks.
“No, of course not. We’re just buddies.”
I whip a look at Ethan, who grins at me while my stomach starts sinking down to my knees. Forcing a smile, I nod and try to ham it up. “Like I’d date this asshole, right? I got a little more class than that.”
The guys crack up laughing. Even Ethan’s grinning, shaking his head with an I’ll get you back later kind of smile.
I turn away from it, smashing my teeth together and trying not to bemoan the fact that one: my body wants him—like seriously, I’ve got a wet panties situation going on down here; I’m blaming his cologne—and two: my brain knows I must have him.
This buddy-like banter is not going to cut it for much longer.
I need the guy to fall for me, and I don’t know how the hell I’m supposed to do that.