The Fire Within

Chapter 4: The Mother Tree

They travelled slowly for another hour carefully walking the horses between the trees and around the rocks until finally the trees thinned and larger open patches of underbrush covered the ground between the trees. The canopy still covered the sky, but thinned to where stray beams of light would pour in. A short time later lights shone from the distance in spite of the darkness in front of them. As they headed towards them Aria and Erin emerged from the darkness beside Adrian and walked beside him. Aria was taller than Erin, though they wore the same leaf designed outfits, Her long braid flowed between her shoulder blades and her skin was pale with streaks of dried dirt marring her skin. Unlike Erin, she carried a spear and lead with authority, as they walked on they entered a large grove capped by the canopy of the trees, however each tree contained a house built around its branches and attached by vines and roots, making each house look like they had been grown in place.

“Oh wow!” Ted exclaimed looking around the open area.

“Smartest thing you have said in days.” Caitlin said behind him.

I See? Caitlin lifted the candle slightly out of her cloak and Laeha marveled at the sight.

“When we get to a place to rest, we will get you out of that candle.” Caitlin whispered under her breath. Laeha nodded, looking around.

“This way.” Aria said pointing with her spear towards a section that was darker than the rest. As they moved forward they could hear the whispers as the villagers caught sight of Adrian and waved. He was practically a celebrity here and Caitlin had to wonder how often had he come to this place. Aria brought them to a tall tree with several small structures attached to the branches. The buildings were dark and covered with moss. Erin led the horses away to be taken care of while Aria led them up a series of roots and branches that wrapped around the trunk of the tree until they reached the first of the buildings.

“There are two sleeping rooms and a common room. This is the first, the second is up much higher. The next is the common room.” Aria said opening the door and allowing the party to enter. She walked to the center of the room and and waved her hand over a small bowl of twigs and a flame took hold and began to light the room, exposing the bare wooden walls and a small mound of leaves arranged in a nest like shape.

“You take this room. Ted and I will take the top.” Adrian said to Caitlin as she looked around the room. When she stopped and looked at him inquisitively he continued. “Less likely he will try to go out the window from that height.”

Caitlin smiled and turned back to Aria who had been waiting by the opposite door. When they turned she led them to the common room where she again waved her hand over a small bowl which immediately lit and filled the room with light. She moved to the opposite door and was halfway through before Adrian’s words brought her around again.

“I think we can take it from here Aria.” He said stopping beside the fire.

“But? I haven’t shown you to your room yet.” She said sounding more hurt than anything.

“Ah come on Adrian.” Ted mocked hurt feelings. “We don’t get to see our room?”

“We will get up there when we are ready, but I think you are enjoying this to much.” Adrian said to Ted. Ted had to admit she was cute and the leaves covered fairly little as they moved up the tree. Adrian reached back and smacked Ted upside the head and his smirk faded.

“I can think what I want!” Ted yelled at him.

“No you can’t. Not here anyways.” Adrian said walking over to Aria. “Thank you. We will take it from here.”

“Is there nothing else I can do for you?” Aria asked her lip quivering with disappointment.

“I could use something less. Less.” Caitlin chimed in from behind them indicating her clothes. Aria looked over at her and looked confused.

“What is wrong with them?” Aria asked

“I need more than this if I am to be traveling around.” Caitlin explained a little embarrassed that the girl did not see an issue.

“Can you see there are any left over clothes that might fit her?” Adrian asked. Aria smiled and nodded. They watched her leave before Caitlin produced the candle and took it over to the small bowl of flames. She placed the head of the candle to the side of the bowl and Laeha slipped into the flames. As soon as her feet touched the bottom of the bowl the fire surrounding her died. She looked around confused and touched the twigs, her flames took hold and the darkness was pushed back once more. She looked around the bowl confused, then up at the party as they looked at her as well. She shrugged and shook her head. Adrian moved over to the window. From there he could see much of the other houses in the trees, none of their lights were off, nor did it appear as if they noticed.

“What was that?” Adrian asked

Magic. Not. Mine. Laeha said looking around a little worried.

“Is it gone?” Caitlin asked and Laeha shook her head again. “Is it aggressive?”

“No. It will not harm us.” Adrian said confidently.

“How do you know?” Ted chimed in sitting over in the corner.

“Because it never has before. We won’t be staying long. Just long enough to lose the guards then we are heading to Firestone.” He said looking over to Caitlin. “Just in case keep her close.”

Caitlin nodded.

Someone. Comes. Laeha said looking towards the door.

“Hide in the flames.” Caitlin whispered to Laeha and she sunk down until she was nothing but a flame dancing in the room. Adrian opened the door as Aria was about to knock.

“I found these? Will they work?” She said smiling.

“Caitlin why don’t you go try them on?” Adrian asked, but Caitlin was already moving. He watched them exit back down the stairs of roots before he closed the door.

“That was close.” Ted said from the corner.

“Yes it was. Laeha you can come out now.”

“You know my brother always told us we couldn’t run forever. Eventually you always get caught.” Ted said calmly from the corner

“And where did that get him?” Adrian said sarcastically.

“I don’t know yet. I haven’t seen a grave, so I choose to be believe he’s alive. Even if I die, I choose to believe that he will look after the people.”

“The people? What do you know of the people?” Adrian interrupted.

“More than you it appears. Tell me bounty hunter, have you found any gold in my packs?”

“No. You can’t bribe me.” Adrian said with a smile.

“I’m not bribing.” Ted said closing his eyes. “I’m just asking. I mean you have to have searched my bags. Did you find any gold?”

Laeha looked over at Adrian in curiosity and he rolled his eyes. “No. Yes I looked. No there wasn’t any on him. Doesn’t mean he didn’t do it.” He said looking at Laeha

“Oh I did it. I will admit it, but have you thought to ask where the gold went?” Ted asked a smile on his face his eyes closed.

“I figured one of the others carried the gold.” Adrian said dismissively.

“You really aren’t that bright are you? It’s my band of outlaws?” Ted asked smiling and Adrian nodded. “Then why would I let someone else carry the gold? And why would every community around us not want to turn us in? No. the gold is gone, already disbursed to the people that need it most..”

“You think that makes you a hero? You are still an outlaw! A criminal!” Adrian shouted at him.

“Maybe. But when I die at least I know I did something for the betterment of the people around me. Can you say the same?” Ted asked, not even looking up and Adrian fell silent.

A few minutes later the door opened again and men stepped back startled, they relaxed only slightly as Caitlin entered then shut the door behind her. She was wearing low necked white shirt with small frills at the hands and pair of men’s pants that were slightly too large for her. Around her waist a belt fastened holding the pants up, with a dagger strapped to the right side. Her face was displayed her concern.

“What’s wrong?” Ted asked from the corner and Adrian turned around from the window.

“I’m sure it’s nothing, but” She paused. “That other girl? Erin? Came to the door and called Aria away. She looked very nervous and she and Aria left in a hurry.”

Adrian looked out the window of the common room. He didn’t see anyone, but then if they didn’t want to be seen they wouldn’t. In the distance what made for the main street was empty and it didn’t feel right to him.

“Cut me loose.” Ted said, getting to his feet and holding his hands out in front of him.

“I don’t think we have come to that.” Adrian said stepping back from the window.

“You are a blind fool. Cut me loose and give me a sword.” Ted said shaking his fists. “I’d rather die fighting than tied up in the corner.”

“It won’t come to that.”

“Do you know that? Are you sure?” Caitlin asked pulling her dagger from her belt.

“What are you doing?” Adrian asked, stepping towards her. She walked over and put the blade to the ropes binding Ted’s hands.

“Caitlin, don’t.” Adrian said moving towards her, but before she could cut the restraints a knock at the door brought them all to a stop facing the door. Ted took advantage of the situation and sliced his bounds and backed away. He wasn’t in a position to make a run for it, he wouldn’t make it out of the building anyways. He stepped back and waited. Caitlin looked down at the blade then at Ted then Adrian. He stood beside the bowl of fire that housed Laeha.


Adrian nodded, taking his hand off of his sword hilt and trying to look like he was relaxed. Beside him Laeha sunk down into the flames, she was confused as to what was going on and it made her uncomfortable.

Caitlin held the dagger behind her back and pulled the door open slowly. On the other side stood an unhappy looking Aria, spear in her hand. Caitlin pulled the door open, but she did not enter.

“You have been summoned by the Mother, I have been sent to escort you.” Aria said. She was uncomfortable with the orders, but she would carry them out anyways. Caitlin shifted from behind the door unsure of what to do.

“Please don’t make this difficult Adrian.” Came a voice from behind them and they all turned to the door leading to the other sleeping quarters. In the doorway Selvia stood, sword in hand. Adrian looked down at Laeha, then back at Selvia. “Her too.”

Aria stepped into the room slowly, behind her two other women followed swords drawn. Caitlin stepped back and sheathed her dagger. Adrian looked at Selvia confused. How had she known about Laeha? When did she know? He would have to ask when he had the chance, but for now there was nothing he could do. “Selvia?”

“Please step back.” Selvia said, she didn’t move until he stepped away from the bowl. He took two steps back his hands out infront of him appearing as unthreatening as possible. In the bowl Laeha grew more and more concerned, she began pulling the fire around her and growing in size. “Stop!”

Laeha paused for a second, confused that someone was addressing her, then began rolling the fireball in her hand. Selvia sheathed her sword and produced a glass housed lantern. Laeha saw a cage and grew irritated. She lifted her arm as grew in size, the bowl was about to tip over when eight thick roots shot from the roof encircling her. She looked around confused as they began to enclose her. She threw the fireball and it scorched a root, but did not light on fire. In response the roots doubled in thickness and began to close her in. She threw her hands out and a stream of fire flew from her fingers. The roots began to constrict until Laeha fell to her knees in the bowl.

“Laeha!” Adrian and Caitlin exclaimed, but as they moved towards the roots, Aria and the guards moved to cut them off. Selvia held up a hand warningly, then turned back to the roots.

“I have her Mother.” She said to no one in particular and the vines stopped. She approached a knot in the tree. “Are you ok?”


“Will you come with us?”


“Then you will remain here until we return.”


“When the branches open, please step into the lantern.”


And so she did. The roots pulled back leaving a small exit of to which Selvia held up the lantern and Laeha jumped inside. The wick lit inside and she breathed a sigh. Selvia closed the door on the front and stepped away. The roots retreated into the ceiling until the building looked like nothing had happened.

“What just happened?” Caitlin asked standing between the guards.

“Mother.” Adrian said watching the branches.

“She wishes to speak with you. All of you.” Selvia said offering the lantern to Adrian. He took it thankfully and looked down at Laeha. She looked exhausted, but she was alive.

“Are you ok?” Adrian asked and Laeha nodded. “You could have asked.”

“I did.” Selvia said then headed for the door. “Follow me.”

She led them back down the vines, through the sleep quarters and down to the forest floor. The buildings were all dark as they walked down the main path, Selvia lead them with Adrian close behind, Caitlin and Ted in the middle with the guards on their sides and Aria in the rear.

“Where is everyone?” Caitlin asked looking around.

“With Mother.” Adrian and Selvia said together, they looked at each other then away again. As they walked on ahead of them a large tree began to become visible in the distance, around it lights hung from its branches and villagers sat and stood on either side of the tree in two loose circles. In the front circle. much of which were men, not much older than herself, they knelt and wore a garb similar to a robe. The outside ring held much of the population, the elder in the front and younger in the back. Children lined the floor in front of the elders.

“Why are the men in front?” Caitlin asked, leaning forward to Adrian.

“Because they are dying. The elixir is less effective over time on the men. That’s why there aren’t as many.” He replied, followed by a loud

“Shhh.” from Selvia as they approached the crowd. The elves gave way and allowed them to pass. The guards fell away as they entered the circle closest to the tree. Selvia held up a hand and turned to them. From there she went alone to the tree leaving the four of them unattended. ‘Not like they could go anywhere anyways’ Ted thought to himself as he looked for an escape, but high in the trees he saw shadows lurking in the trees and he knew he would not get far. At the tree Selvia knelt and put her hand on the bark. Caitlin looked closer and to her astonishment the piece of bark resembled that of a hand and an arm. She traced it past Selvia as the arm turned into the shape of a woman attached to the tree. The fingers moved under Selvia’s hand and she looked up as the hand detached itself from the tree. Selvia accepted the hand and helped her pull away. The thick dark bark like skin shifted and changed colors from brown to green to a tan as it pulled away until a woman stood before them, long brown hair flowed in a magic breeze that she alone felt. Ted let out a low long whistle at the visage of beauty before him. Caitlin reached over and smacked his hip giving him a stern look.

“Everyone remain calm.” Adrian said in front of them.

“That’s one good looking mother.” Ted whispered back drawing another smack from Caitlin.

Adrian smiled in spite of himself. “That’s not the Mother.”

When she was fully away from the tree Selvia released her hand, took one step back and knelt. The dryad looked around as the circle of villagers knelt with her. When she looked at Adrian, he lowered his head and took a knee as well. Caitlin followed suit with Ted absentmindedly catching on that he should as well. The dryad cocked her head to the side and approached. She addressed the party as a whole, “I am Amena, voice of the Mother. She has need of you, but she is concerned. Why have you brought a fire elemental into her forest she asks? She wishes to know.”

“Adrian? You know you never have to kneel .” She said extending a hand to help him up. He accepted the help and stood before her.

“I wasn’t sure if I was still welcomed.” He said with a sad smile.

“You? Always. Your friend? We will see.” She said giving him a quick smile then extending her hands. “May I?”

Adrian lifted the lantern and looked inside to Laeha sitting on the long, almost bench like wick. “Be careful, Be calm.” He said then handed the lantern to Amena. She turned and walked back to the tree. She knelt and placed the lantern on the earth. She whispered something then took a step back. Laeha watched her as she moved, then looked out the open doorway of her prison. She jumped to a pile of dried leaves next to a root. The leaves immediately caught flame and took shape. Laeha knelt beside the tree her head low, she reached out with one hand and paused. Then touched the tree. From their vantage point. She never moved and the fire did not catch on the bark.

Why are you here?

Adrian. Brought. Me.

Problems speaking?


Here. Better?

Yes, what did you do?

You are surrounded by magic, restricting you. How did you come to be a prisoner in your own skin belonging to this party?

I am not a prisoner. They rescued me from a tavern two nights back. Adrian is taking the other man, Ted to a place called Firestone for a. Bounty? Yes bounty.

Are you a child of Fira?

I do not know. My memories are gone. They have named me Laeha. Can you remove the magic?

No. The canopy parted to reveal the mountain beyond with a small steady puff of smoke rising from the summit. Laeha looked and listened to the Mother. At the top of Mount Darvin you will find my eternal companion Fira. She and I together protect this forest and the mountain within. Every tree and those who reside here are protected.

I did not mean to intrude.

I know. You must seek her beyond, if you wish to regain your memories and power. But then you must leave our kingdom. For as much as my partner and I cooperate, I can not allow a being of destruction inside my forest.

I understand. Laeha said. She wasn’t sure she really did, but she thought if the rolls were reversed she wouldn’t want someone who could accidentally destroy her around either.

I have allowed another friend of yours to proceed through the forest. He awaits you at the edge of town and will take you up the mountain.

Laeha was confused she did not have another friend, but she figured it was best not to ask. I understand.

Laeha took her hand away from the tree and looked up. Then turned and disappeared into the lantern again. When she was seated again, Amena closed the door and lifted the lantern again. When she returned to the party she handed it to Caitlin, then turned to Adrian. “Your turn if you please.”

Adrian nodded and followed her to the tree. Once more he took a knee and bowed his head, much like Laeha before him, but when he touch the tree it was like talking with an old friend. All of the elves went silent and lowered their heads and Amena lay back against the tree and disappeared into the tree like she was never there.

“Hello Mother.”

Hello Adrian.

“I have missed your warm embrace.”

You did not have to leave.

“Yes I did. I could not be here without feeling the pain of loss.”

She is still missed.

“Yes she is.”

I have need of you and I am afraid you will not like it, but I must ask. As you have seen the elixir is becoming less effective. It has hit the males the most significantly with less than half surviving twenty years.

I don’t think I can do anything to help that.” Adrian said lowering his head.

I need your genes to strengthen theirs.

“I’m afraid I would just muddy the waters.”

Your friend. Is quite vigorous, perhaps.

“Oh I’m sure he is, but I know he would muddy the waters. I am taking him to Firestone to await execution for theft and murder.”

Then it must be you. You can choose from the entire village, anyone you wish.

“With respects to Dian. I must decline.”

Then we die. She addressed the elves. I need a volunteer to mate with this man. Immediately every woman between sixteen and sixty raised their hands. Adrian had to admit he was flattered but it didn’t change his decision.

Dian had been his wife. He had meet her coming up on ten years ago this following spring. He had been injured and stumbled into the forest. The Darvin had found him and pulled him back from the brink of death. Dian had cared for him, sitting with him each day until he was able to walk, then accompanying him as he explored the town regaining his strength. He had remained until he was healthy enough to leave, but he couldn’t stay away. He returned not more than a month later and stayed. He gave himself over to her, they had an unofficial ceremony in the customs of her people beneath the Mother tree, where she blessed their union. Her sister, Selvia, recited the joining words. It was her voice that brought him away from his thoughts again.

“With respects to Dian. It will be me.” Selvia said, her voice breaking the silence. Every hand lowered except hers. She stepped forward, her hand held high.

Very well.

A tear fell from his eye and he sighed heavily. “Very well.”

He let his hand fall to the ground. He was not happy about the circumstance, but it had been three years. She put a hand on his shoulder, it felt right, but he wasn’t sure he was ready. He stood and turned to her. “I need a minute.” He whispered.

She took his hand in hers. “Whatever I can do for you.”

He smiled and turned towards the party.

“I won’t be back this evening. Can you keep an eye on him for me?” He asked Caitlin.

“Who is Dian?” She asked curiously.

“My wife.” He said absently

“Oh?” She said surprised.

“She died, three years ago.” He said, holding back his emotion.

“Oh.” Her voice dropped, she was sad for him. A knocking on the lantern made her bring it up to eye level. Inside Laeha stood with one hand on the glass.

I am to meet a friend at the edge of town. Then I must go up the mountain.

“You can talk in sentences?” Caitlin exclaimed astonished.

Yes, she has released part of me. I must fix the other part up the mountain. Laeha said.

“I can come with.” Caitlin started.

I don’t think you are supposed to.

“Just me and you then darling.” Ted smiled from beside them. Caitlin rolled her eyes. She didn’t want to be alone with him, but it’s not like she couldn’t handle him. Aria walked up behind them.

“I am to escort you back.” She interrupted. Adrian nodded and turned back to Selvia. She stood where she had before, but extended her hand as he approached. He accepted it in his and allowed himself to be led away.

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