The "Fire Hawk MC"

Chapter 34: A Prospect reports to Diamond

A prospect sat in the dark five feet away from the new prospect. I got a good look at him. I also heard him talking to someone about kidnapping two of our women tonight.

I watched him walk away and then I followed him into the club."

"I walked over and sat down at Dragon's table. I told him what I heard. He said thanks, I will tell Tommy and Vengence."

"10 Minutes after the prospect walked away. I stood up and walked to the VIP table and leaned between Vengence and Tommy."

"I have some information we need to talk about now."

Once in the office, I told him what the prospect had overheard. Get the most trusted brothers and give them a gun.

"Tell them to be watching out for anything out of the ordinary."

Tell them no woman is to be taken from this clubhouse."

"And Dragon tells Sara to keep Rain close to her and Wolf."

"On it."

We noticed things moving fast in the club something must be about to happen. We women continued to watch for signs to hit the floor."

"Soon gas was thrown through the windows. We covered our faces and moved back to get behind the bar."

"We grabbed knives and I found a gun and grabbed it."

"Then we heard men running into the club. "Where the fuck are those women the man yelled."

"Soon the back door front door, and windows were opened to let the gas out. And all 30 men turned to see loaded guns being pointed at the face."

"Hit the floor please a member said. "I don't want to shoot you."

"After they were all tied up. Tommy started to question them."

"They didn't have enough men to come looking for them."

"We had half the club members tied up."

"We took them to the shed and threw them inside locking the door behind us."

"We will deal with them in a day or two. Depends on how we feel."

I was tired. I walked into the club and over to our table and sat down."

"You look tired Dragon. I told him holding his hand."

"I am tired Sally. I just want to go to bed and sleep until I wake up on my own."

"I don't want to wake up for breakfast I want to sleep until noon. But my inner clock won't let me do that."

"Well then I said looking at the clock. It is 9:00. Let's go to bed early."

"We did just that and we seemed to fall asleep once we were in bed. And we didn't wake up until afternoon."

"It felt good sleeping in and I turned my head and smiled at Dragon."

"We need to do that more often."

"Yes, I agree with you. I feel refreshed. We dressed and walked to the kitchen and made a plate of food putting it in the microwave. Then carried the plates and our coffee to the table."

"After eating we cleaned up after ourself and walked into the bar."

"As we sat down Vengence said. We need to take care of business today. Make them remember to stay away from our club house."

"I agree Dragon told him."

"What is the plan? I will tell you later but we are going to put a big scare into those boys."

"I am with you Vengence."

"Good. Let's go take care of business. as we got to the door he reached up and took down a whip. He handed it to me. Give them all a small taste of this. when we get inside."

"Got you."

I watched as Rain walked over to the table.

"Mom, Dad I have something to tell you, Even Cherokee doesn't know yet."

"You are going to have a baby. I told her."

"Yes, I am."

"I wanted to tell you first."

"We are excited for both of you. Now go and tell your husband."

"We watched Rain walking away and then Cherokee was swinging her in circles."

"I would say that is happy news."

"Yes, it is."

I leaned back against Diamond. I am 35 years old sometimes I want another baby."

"But I am not doing anything to stop it. I want another girl. She will be just as wild as her sister."

"I am sure that Dragon would love it."

"Another one to spoil."

"I looked back over at Dragon and noticed how relaxed he was."

"Just enjoying his daughter and the members present in the clubhouse showing their support of their club."

Letting other MCs know every night we are all here until after 2 AM and when we leave guards are walking the compound."

"And it anything happens they will push the button which will ring at mine and my VP's house. We will get up and call the members."

"We each have a sheet with names on it and we will call those names on our list."

"Then head to the clubhouse."

"It has been three weeks since we scared the shit out of that fake MC. They all left town and have not shown themselves back here in three years. "Now we are at war with a new club and we need to put the big scare in them."

"They were warned about messing with my club and not the younger members want to attack their clubhouse."

"I told Raven to get his group together and meet in the meeting room at 05 pm."

"They are going on their first mission."

"I told them to look for cameras on the house and in trees before they do anything. Then I showed them the fly and how you move it around."

"I will let Eagle do that he is the best video game player here."

"You can see all around you on the camera you will be holding."

After they were trained with the fly they were ready to go."

"Go do your surveillance and come back here as it starts to get light out."

"I sat waiting then went to bed I set my alarm for 5:00 Am. got a shower dressed and went to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee and then fried some bacon and eggs and made toast."

"After eating I refilled my coffee and walked into the bar and sat down."

I leaned back in my chair and drank my coffee as I heard the bikes write into the compound. I looked up as they walked toward me and sat down. I grabbed pads and handed each one of them one. All of you right what you saw and did. I want them in your own words. Besides each of you might have seen the same thing but caught something the others did not."

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